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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. Man I wanted to go out so bad on sunday for perchie but have the boat ready for BOQ nice haul, funny to think we will sit hour's on end in the bitter cold for just a few of them.
  2. Ok, I have to go wipe my eye's now.. to many tears Great report!
  3. That's some great pic's Thanks for sharing
  4. Me and Bassmaster will be at the http://pec.on.ca/pictonharbourinn/ We were booked at the vu, but wanted to be closer to picton.
  5. HST, can't stop it why try. First they said its coming nothing can stop it, the wrote the rules so you can't change it even after a couple years. The ran up 22 billion in debt -- got too pay that off. Ok that being said what can you do.. Stop wasting money!! on pay rasies for goverment employee's that make too much SUNSHINE LIST ring a bell. Stop stupid projects, Wasted a billion on a software program with nothing to show for it. Start firing people at the top make not the workers s at the bottom Do more with less. There is no need to fire anyone worker, just stop hiring more When the debt is paid off do you really think they will give it back to the people the took it from. NO they will just find some other way to pibble it away then take more. I understand taxes are needed to run a country BUT since when does my taxes need to fund a stupid ass STUFF Vote, Vote, Vote, TAX REVOLT is coming
  6. Best of luck and a speedy recovery.
  7. Yeap we are working it out. If you get a walker, make sure to put mirrors facing up on the bottom. Good for the heart I hear
  8. Hey All: I might have room in my cottage, if Bassmaster Mike OK's it. Sorry the boat is full PM me if your intrested. Thanks LEXX
  9. Holly Molly Batman those are amazing.. Thats a huge talent@!!
  10. Great going, LSC can blow up very quick Congrats on the muskie slime
  11. WOW great going, Almost beats Erie well almost.. Thanks for the pics I can't wait 2 weeks to go.
  12. What more can a person say to pictures like that. Humbled
  13. I liked the 19th better than the 26th. We actually tried for bass this year got nothing, year before on the 19th we looked for pike but we caught a few bass accidently? go figure Now is it too early to ask for nice weather?
  14. Nice catch, What was the water temps?
  15. I have a Mr buddy and love it., Its like a gun its safe if you use it right.
  16. Guess the real issue is if your huffing it or going in style. Clam's are nice for the kids cause they can ride on it as you huff it.
  17. I'm like you Jim, cheap but love my fishing. Cabins sound a little expensive for yourself a local hotel might be a lot cheaper. Sleeping in the car\truck is ok, yea been there done that but nothing better than a hot shower after a cold day fishing. Then a cold beer and a game
  18. Thats not true.. 21 million to 7 million.. Clearly they really bumped up the 7 million to look nice..
  19. Not to bad a cost, as long as its safe, that area hummmm.. double locked
  20. Great job all, BIO and CO group hug...
  21. Yummy white meat.. wait till you see it at the sushi bento box near you.. extra charge
  22. With enough money anything is possible
  23. Nice going there
  24. If its cold enough anything will freeze sounds like a battery issue..
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