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Everything posted by Markystang

  1. Thanks to you Dad for what he did for our country and to you for your post.
  2. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...__SearchResults
  3. I haven't had long, but so far I'm happy with my Berkley Tactix muskie rod. It's fairly cheap too.
  4. I always take garbage out with me, whether it's mine or not. Even if it's not worth 10cents. It upsets me when I see styrofoam worm containers, old line, bottles, Timmie's cups etc. thrown on the ground where I like to fish. It gives all anglers a bad name. I always make sure I clean up at least some of it on my way out.
  5. I've got the Lindy glove for handling live fish. It's great. For filleting, I got a pair of the Offshore Angler gloves from BPS. They look like a cotton glove with a rubber coated palm and fingers. They really seem to do the trick for me. I can grip the slimy fish and knive with ease. And they were pretty cheap too. $4 or $5 for the pair if I remember correctly.
  6. I don't fish the area ever, but I came through that way abou t 2 weeks ago. From what I saw out the truck window, many of the lakes were still ice covered all but right at the shore.
  7. I watch it every Wednesday night at 7pm on WFN! Dave's the man.
  8. I'd be game, depending on how my schedule fits.
  9. I'm running a 7"MH baitcaster(BPS Bionic Blade), Abu C4 with 50lb PowerPro. I think it's perfect for pike.
  10. $600! Damn! Thanks guys! Now I don't feel so bad for dropping $300 on a bunch of stuff I really don't need....
  11. Personally, I use Fireline Crystal on my spinning rods and PowerPro on my baitcasters. I'll use a bit of mono or flouro leader in clearwater/finesse situations. I use masking tape or electrical tape or some mono to back the braid and have never had slip problems. 2 of my friends who have not backed their braid have had bad slippage, costing them fish on the hookset.
  12. Iam!
  13. I agree with Burtess. When the insurance company cuts you a cheque, it is YOUR money to do with as you please. Fix the 40, buy a new one or spend it all on bubble gum. It's YOUR money.
  14. I have an IDX-250a (the smaller one) and love it. I use it mostly for Pike, and for Bass occasionally. The quality of this real is great as far as I'm concerned. Especially for the price. It's noticeably smoother than my Abu C4, has brass gears, and just feels like a quality piece. It might be a bit small for a Muskie set up, but the 400 size should be perfect.
  15. I've heard pretty much the same joke, but the guy was golfing instead of fishing. I like this one better....
  16. Get an Aquaclear. In my experience they've been the most reliable.
  17. My old man swears by his Frog Toggs. If they keep rain out on the motorcycle, they should work fine fishing.
  18. Dang it! I won't be home from my holidays yet!
  19. Nice coat! I gotta get myself one of them since my red Bud coat is obsolete now...
  20. Believe it or not, a lot of times they do. The call it a "deductible". But your point is well taken and I agree with you totally. Life-time warranty should be exactly that. A 100% free repair or replacement for as long as you own it.
  21. I had a soft tackle bag for a couple years, and just switched back to a hard box for the same reasons you mentioned. I bought a Plano 7771. It's the cats meow, man! I do sort of miss the shoulder strap, but the pros drastrically out-weigh the cons for me. Everything has a place and is easy to to get to. No more rummageing through a bag for a pair of pliers or a glove or a spool of line. Open the box and it's right there. That said, I do still keep a "boat bag" with a few plastic tackle trays for all the extra lures that won't fit in just one box.... It boils down to personal preference. Find out what works best for you.
  22. How does backlash blow up a reel? I was under the impression that the biggest stress a fish puts on a reel is the drag...
  23. I hear ya man. I hate when I go down to my favourite fishing hole and there's cans/bottles, chip bags and old monofilament line all over the place. I usually take at least the old line out with me. I'd hate to see an animal or fish get wrapped up in it.
  24. I hear ya loud and clear HH, I'm going through the same thing right now too.
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