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Everything posted by Markystang

  1. BINGO!!
  2. The "Joe Canadian" ones always made me feel warm and fuzzy and real patriotic. Great commercials, but the beer gives me the squirts, lol!
  3. Thanks for the great report!
  4. I'm glad she's home and feeling better! I'm still praying it's nothing serious and it gets sorted out asap!
  5. I fished Jacks Lake for 3 straight days and caught jack...lol...but that was in June.
  6. Nice! So that's how it's done!
  7. You've got it, friend. I'm praying hard for you and your family tonight. Keep us updated if you can.
  8. I believe there are thousands of anglers(not hardcore) who don't know the difference between a Largemouth and a Smallmouth. They can tell the difference between a pike and a trout, or a sunfish and a "pickerel", but a bass is a bass to most "occasional" fisherman. I would guess this contributes to why MNR classes them together.
  9. Probably similar to Fireline Crystal I would guess.... More translucent than clear.
  10. I don't really understand why someone wouldn't want to back or tape it.... Is it really that much of a nuisance? Is there some other downside? With braid the line lasts longer so it's not like it needs to be re-spooled and re-taped several times a year. Really, is it that big of a deal to put 1 lap of electrical tape or a couple rounds of mono around your spool before you put line on it? To me it's not. And the peace of mind of knowing my line is not going to slip when setting the hook or fighting a fish is worth it. Just my $0.02.....
  11. I'm glad you've found something that works for works for you! Still, most braid manufacturers recommend tape or backing due to slippage, and my own experience confirms this. So I'm sticking with what works for me.
  12. Have a look at an Okuma Induron too. I'm quite happy with mine.
  13. The slip problem with braid is not when spooling it, but when fishing it. Because braid doesn't stretch, it can't "bite" into the spool and won't grip it. The whole mass of line will slip on the spool when trying to pull in a fish. I've seen it happen several times. The first time it happened to me, I thought my drag was giving me trouble. The solution? Either (1:) back it with a bit of mono, joined to the braid with a uni to uni or whatever, or (2:) apply a round of electrical or masking tape to the spool first so the braid has something to grip on. In my experience, either works. But I usually use the tape as it's much simpler than a knot for me.
  14. Fishseekers are awesome. Nice thing about them is they don't put a huge load on your rod. You can troll them with spinning gear no problemo. Use spoons or crankbaits. Just bear in mind that a diving bait will run deeper than the depth of your Fishseeker.
  15. Thanks Karl! Merry Christmas to you too, and my 2009 bring many PB's!
  16. Indeed! Merry Christmas from my home to all OFNers!
  17. The one I have is called "Allure" or something...I have yet to use it though.
  18. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...Facts of Fishing is the best show on WFN...(even if I've never caught anything on any of my lipless cranks...lol...I'll have to give them another try I guess.)
  19. I've got no problem with Al's little sermon. It takes up maybe 30 seconds at the end of the show. Big deal. Great show though. Those boys are definitely doing something right on the water.
  20. That about sums it up, eh? My brother told me about a conversation he had with his mother-in-law earlier this week... Turns out as she was leaving BestBuy, the greeter said the her "Happy non-denominational holiday!" She said to him "What!?!" He explained that management was not allowing them to say Merry Christmas to people anymore. She told him "That's stupid", and wished him a Merry Christmas anyway.
  21. To the original poster: Here's my limited experience. I have 2 of the Perch pattern, a large one and a small one, both in the shiny finish. The large one pulls to the side quite hard and definitely appears to need some tuning. The smaller one has actually caught me a 3lb Laker while trolling this summer, on a day when no one else in the boat caught anything. I've only used it one or two times other than that though, with out success, although nothing else worked those days either... I should mention that I attached the lures to my line with a snap-swivel, which the instructions say not to do. Perhaps this has something to do with the large one not running straight? The small one runs perfectly on the exact same setup though... I'm not really into tying lures directly on, it makes it a nuisance to change lures. I do plan on using them both more next season though, and I'll definitely tune the large one before I try it again. To some of you other guys: Get a life. The guy asked a simple question. CLEARLY not spamming. Some people don't want to have to sift through a bunch of crap to get to the actual answers to the original question. Personally, I don't give a rats a$$ if you think his post is spam, or if you think this entire thread is an advertisement. This thread is 3 pages long, and over half of it is total crap. Nothing to do with the original question. Not even entertaining... Again, I intend no offense to anyone. It's just a pet peeve of mine that I see quite often while browsing this site. I think you guys are probably scaring off a lot of first time posters who want to ask valid questions but fear the consequences.
  22. I looked into Vonage, but found them to be a bit pricey. Check out www.revolutionip.com for good VOIP. I've had their $15.95 Unlimited Local plan for about a year and a half now and it's been absolutely flawless. My monthly bill is $21 and change taxes in, which includes the rental of the router. Long distance is only 2-3 cents a minute anywhere in North America. And I have a whole butt-load of features included for that price. I couldn't be happier with it. Refer a friend and get a free month. BTW, about not having a phone when power/internet goes down....just use your cell.
  23. Hey folks! In this day and age of poor customer service all over the place, I thought I'd take a moment and publicly give props to a company that has just done me some awesome customer service. Over the Thanksgiving weekend while out fishing, I somehow managed to break the door that holds the spinnerbait box in my Plano 7771 box. I've had the box for over a year now, and it gets used regularly. I love the box, and hated the thought of having to replace the whole box or monkey something up on it just for the sake of one little door. I decided I'd contact the manufacturer to see if I could purchase just the door. I went on the website and fired off an email explaining what had happened and asking if there was a chance they'd sell me just the lid. I was expecting to get no reply or at best something along the lines of "sorry, we only sell complete boxes, etc...." I was very pleasantly surprised to get a reply back the next day telling me they were shipping me a new part free of charge. They didn't even charge me shipping! I know it's a small part, and probably doesn't cost them a lot to make it, but if I'd had to buy a whole new box.... Anyways, buy Plano. They've demonstrated to me that they do care about their customers.....
  24. I use a Plano 7771 box(love it!), along with a bag with 4 370 containers and 1 360 container. Then I also carry a binder for my soft plastics. I also have a small 2 tray box for in the canoe. Believe it or not, this is not enough storage for me as I have an extra 370 and 360 full that won't fit in the bag...lol...I've got problems...please don't tell my wife....
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