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Everything posted by Markystang

  1. nautifish- Your pics choked me up for a second... I had to get rid of my two birds last year. I had a male Nanday Conure and a female BlueCrown Conure since they were babies. Unfortunately I had to get rid of them as they really weren't good with my kids. I'd had the birds for probably 5-6 years before the kids were born, so they were quite used to my wife and myself. Then the kids came along, and kids are curious... After the kids got bit a few times, I decided it was better to find a new home for the birds than for them to live in isolation out of reach of the kids. So now we just have the two dogs and a few African Cichlids. We have a male German Shephard/Yellow Lab cross, and a female German Shephard/Doberman cross. The fish come and go to quickly to take stock of what all I have...
  2. That's one weird looking fish...
  3. I saw parts of it in between getting the kids to bed... ...missed Joe Walsh though...
  4. Thanks all!! Alright, a bit about me...I'm 29, married, 2 kids and live in Waterloo. I've lived here most of my life. I've only been big into fishing for the past few years. I used to fish once in a while, but I enjoy it much more now. I mostly bass fish right now. I can always seem to find good bass fishing. I enjoy other species, and have been known to eat a fresh lake trout or two, but bassin' is my favourite. btw, I've got a couple pics of a 4lb smallie I caught last summer, but I can't get them to post...
  5. I've had some decent bass fishing in the Grand in Kitchener a few times.
  6. Hello all! My name is Mark, and I just found this website a day or so ago. I look forward to hanging out here and talking fish. -Mark
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