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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Funny you mention that, we (myself and the family) were watching the leafs/habs game saturday down here in the states.......and Don Cherry did a little segment on "vimy". We alll looked at each other like "does anyone know what hes talking about"? "whats vimy"? . I can forward this info to everyone from that night and let them know now what he was referring to.
  2. Started my fishing career with a few way back in the day, served the purpose well enough. Back in those days i just liked the logo and the deep red color LOL! I would also suggest the lightning rod however.......seems to be a little better rod and still a great bargooon for the buck. I use it jiggin walleye and like it
  3. Probably the most ironic thing that will happen all week lol. But i was sitting here salting a hard boiled egg for lunch here at my desk as i logged on to OFC and pickled eggs was the first topic on the list. Spooky lol. Anyway, i cant contribute to the recipes unfortunately. I have never, and probably will never eat a pickled egg lol.
  4. I know guys, im being a little facetious, a little. I just dont think they are the powerhouse, freight train team that alot of people are calling on to go all the way. Like North said,.......once the series start , its a fresh slate, new season.....just like last year when no-one chose buffalo to make it to the semifinals. They were playng amazing in the playoffs. Like nothing could go wrong (which in the end it did) but Im not getting that "feel" at all goin in this year. The effort, the chances, the bounces , everything that goes with stompin your way thru teams to get to the finals....just isnt there right now if ya ask me. Maybe overrated is a harsh term. Lets just say i dont think they are playnig to their ability right now. And they better step up their dismal power play and questionable penalty kill if they want to go anywhere. Let alone a work ethic. I didnt mean to sound ingrateful at how we are doing over all this year lol. I know were pretty lucky to have a team like them to watch, I also know they have tailed off a bit and it is concerning to think of wasting such a wonderful season by not having their heads together for the playoffs. Im a pesimist Im the first guy to throw in the towel when they go down 3-1, The "forget it, its over" guy lol, till they come back to tie it up, and then im back up in my seat all fired up again. lol. I rarely miss a game (tv, or live if i can) and actually dont think i missed watching a game all year this year. Im also pretty firm that if the Sabres dont win it all, Id like to see one of the teams up north take the cup back to canada. See, even some of us "Yanks" know where the heart of hockey really lies.
  5. Id rather be at the bottom comin up with a shot to make the playoffs than be overhyped and expected to make it to the finals and possibly win it all like my Sabres are. Yes, im a Sabres diehard......and telling you I think they are the most overrated team in the league. Not sayin they arent the best team ive seen in years......but they are very overrated. To think they are going to win the stanley cup, i dunno......i dont think they have it. They have their nights.......they were incredible in the beginning of the season. But take away their time and space with the puck, (like many teams have started doing) and pressure them, i.e......man on man coverage on them when their on the man advantage.....stack up the nuetral zone........etc.............they just poke the puck around and become clueless. Ive seen more games that they should be fired up for and just smackin people alll over the ice , and they come out with this......We deserve to win cuz were the sabres attitude. Drives me nuts some nights. This may be their only shot for a long time with the way the league is these days......and to see them hit the ice with some of the efforts theyve put out the second half of the season.....namely this past weekend. Its ridiculous. Hopefully they are just pacing themselves and will really pour it on at playoff time. I know i dont have much to whine about.......but this weekend and the way the leafs handles them.......was troublesome to say the least. Those were playoff atmosphere games....and they didnt rise very well. At least for more than 8 minutes lol. Love the Sabres and Leafs relationship. Its what the game is all about.
  6. Never know which one of my sabres teams is gonna show up boys lol. Cant wait till they drop the puck though. I see a split comin.
  7. I used to work with a guy who bought a lodge up near Elliot Lake. Frontier Lodge actuallly. Think its on Rawhide lake? Anyway, trying to get him on the phone is like pulling teeth because he is out tending to some repair, or cooking for the guests, or portaging to a camp to retrieve an outboard motor one of the clients let go to the bottom of the lake. Or setting up sponsors and prizes for in Ice fishing tourny, ......or cleaning someones fish. or yada yada........its a non stop job. A buddy of mine went to see him for a long weekend at the camp, and saw him for 5 minutes the whole weekend. lol. I knowy our not exactly referring to a lodge owner position.........but im sure the stories are all the same once it becomes a living.
  8. Yeah, heard alot of good things about Lakair..........maybe next trip. Good luck to you as well. Promiseland is located on south bay. South east corner of the lake. Whens ice out lol
  9. Accidents happen. I always say, if its done on purpose, then post judgement........but i know Ive been in a few accidental situations that i didnt see coming. Im sure she loves her dogs to death as most owners do. She wouldnt have him/her out on the boat on the lake enjoying the day if she didnt. Gaurantee ya the lesson was learned. Theres definitely "idiot" pet owners out there........this is not one of those cases.
  10. This is intrigueing, never seen one of these, but youve made my plans for the rest of my day at work lol
  11. Good stuff , but you wouldnt catch me on ice that close to moving water lol
  12. I just cure them with a little river water, a quick rinse is all, set them out on wax paper when i get home, spread out of course........and just let them air dry in the fridge for a few hours. I bought a vacuum pack food sealer for like 45 bucks and it works great and the bags you use are freezer bags. I just , as all have said, bag up a days worth and vacuum seal and take out before bagging the night before. Doesnt take long for roe to thaw out. Ive had brown eggs for two years and there as good as the day i put them in the freezer.
  13. Yes, even those who dont support our leaders or their decisions, must support those who have to back up those decisions. Whether you agree or not. Think about having a family of children and them not appreciating you or being thankful for what you've given them thru the years, That'd send steam thru your ears wouldnt it?!?
  14. Bump? Nuthin?
  15. Promiseland camp, Lake Nippissing, one week, end of May. Walleye are on the bill. Hopefully anyway. I havent been there in years and Im curious if anyone has any tips for techniques on the lake that time of year. Wont be keeping a ton of fish ( im aware of the slot ) but will probably do a fishfry a night or two. Im used to slow trolling harnesses with bottom bouncers, or vertical jigging deerhair jigs tipped with bait, casting suspending stickbaits in the evening for shallow feeders etc. Just wondering if anyone lends itself more to that particular lake at that time of year. Shes a big chunk of water! Im sure Frank at the camp will hook me up with some tips, but i gotta shop before hand so i have what i need. Any suggestions. Thanks either way Rob
  16. Heres a couple from our trip to Quebec a while ago. Thought it was a log floating till i noticed it moving and we got closer to her lol. Was quite a swim for the bugger.....i was worried he wouldnt make it as ive never seen a bear swim, but in the shots, you can see he hit the ground running lol
  17. Cant wait to get out this weekend down here. There should be some spotty oppurtunities this weekend if i cant get out tomorrow
  18. Yup Lew, from the states.......walleye are the name of the game that week. Thanks for the heads up though bud
  19. Cool, thanks for the Info guys. I got a satellite image of the property and located cabin 2 on the site, it looks quite a distance from the water and docks but thats what ys get for waiting till March to book a week in May lol
  20. Are the cabins close to the water Ken? I cant get a plan view of the camp and dont know the layout at all. If it helps, Ill be in cabin #2? lol Also, im not extremely worried about the shallow water as long as its soft bottom? Ill just bring her in to dock with the electric troller. Thanks for the info. bud Sandy Bay looks very similiar
  21. Hey folks, Im trying to narrow down a trip to Nippissing the end of May. I have a line on a place at Promiseland Camp and was curious if anyones stayed there. Ive never been obviously. Is it too busy for a guy who just wants to fish and relax. Is it may be a bunch of families and kids or is it somewhat quiet. I know its not just a cabin in the woods (which Id prefer) Just dont want to go anywhere too "resort" like . Anyway, any general opinion.
  22. I dunno, i gotta disagree with some of you. I mean it was a cheap shot, cant blame the recipient of a cheap shot in my opinion. Kaberle probably saw him and said, theres no way this guy is gonna hit me, it'd be too late of a hit, so he let his guard down, and the fault was Cam hitting him way after the play. I think Kaberle had good reason to relax after the pass. Its like a quarter back in the NFL, he throws the pass and relaxes a split second after knowing that the league protects him from being lambasted into the stands a tick or two after the ball is thrown. Or a guy on teh sidelines that steps out, ya cant deck him after he runs out of bounds lol........I dunno, nobody seems to want to discuss this here so ill let it rest lol. Gets me goin though
  23. As you know, your entitled to your opinion Headhunter lol. Glad they took it out on them on the scoreboard. (again , that would normally be hard for me to say as a sabres guy) But in this case, i couldnt be happier to see a win for the blue and white.
  24. Didnt see the game, but what happened.....i saw the replay and watched Janssen just stroll back to his bench, dont even think anyone cruised by to say anything to him. Saw Tucker come off his Bike in the training room and out on the bench to put his 2 cents in but that was it? Was good to see White in the mix with some concern for Kaberle , and the Devils slappin their sticks on the ice when he was wheeled off. Man if i was Janssens teamates or coach , Id put him thru a wall in the Lockerroom for something so stupid. No room anymore for those in the league who dont even think twice about ending someones career. Enuffs Enuff. And this is coming from a Rival Sabres Fan. The Rivalry between us and the leafs is all good fun, when ya see a guy on the ice like Kaberle Friday, and it turns your stomach, thats no longer fun, thats just classless, and out of control, and in my eyes, criminal. And i really question letting guys like Janssen back on the ice again after displaying such intention to take someone out. Sorry , But im steamed........ and by the way, this was WAY more intentional and WAY more of a Cheap shot than Druries Hit. This wasnt even questionable. I question Torontos reaction, and why is there not an off topic thread on here already about this. ? I expected to read something about it here. I know the last one about Drury didnt make it far before it was deleted, but surely this issue can be talked about ?
  25. I do not hunt , never shot an animal......but i do have a few gung ho hunter friends. I understand the whole population control thing. I Think. Sort of. Theres two issues i have with this instance in particular however.........the consumption of the animal is something i think is necassary after taking it from the wild.........and Im sorry, but i dont think a cat is very tasty sounding lol. Not to mention a cat that age and size. But true, he may have harvested the animal for consumption. Secondly and even more so, however, ...... from the pictures, .....and really the last one......I dunno, i just think its borderline classless and tacky the way he's posing for the shot where hes holding the cat. Again, were all just here to gab and spout our opinions, which is harmless i think. And thats my opinion. And no I dont have any fish mounted on my wall by the way lol. As far as the population control thing,.......why is it, and im not trying to be a smartie here lol, but why is it i can go into the most remote areas of B.C or anywhere really, and theres thriving wildlife everywhere, where there are no hunts going on whatsoever. No animals eating themselves to starvation, and again, this is something I just dont get and im sure theres a reason, seriously just asking the question. Hope it doesnt come off as offensive.
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