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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Its all rigged......Of course Crosby.....ah hem, i mean Pittsburg is gonna win the cup. Syd is the marketing puppet for a league that is having trouble finding new viewers to support itself. What better way to bring attention to the league and attract outside fans than to overpromote some new superhuman phenomenon player to bring the sport to the forefront and give it the attention it needs. Who else would bettman want to win the cup........hes gonna put Crosbys face on every TV screen, magazine and cereal box across north america and beyond to fish for a new audience. Case and point......the ice bowl, whos in it but Pittsburg and Crosby......with the world watching, it just so happens to go to an exciting sudden death overtime game, then to a nail biter shootout, and who happens to win it with his goal in the shootout with all these prospective fans looking on.? Come on now........who do you think is going to be hoisting the cup over his head in a few weeks? Its worse than professional wrestling really.
  2. Getting hooked does put out some awesome shows......I enjoy them a ton. Mostly because i fish alot of the same waters they are fishing. Alot of it applies directly to what i may very well be fishing the upcoming weekend. And they're both great. Yeah they are enthusiastic......but i think its pretty genuine. I know Id be fired up if i was in that position.
  3. Such a grey area....... Theres a percentage of kids that are just straight up punks because their parents are straight up punks. They learn from them.The parents are to blame 100% They may be just missing in their lives all together. Parents are to blame 100% (unless theyve passed away) Theres a percentage that have a mom and dad that may not be punks , may be decent people, but just dont do their job as a parent which ends up leaving the child to choose others to do that job for them. Theres a percentage of parents that have to work to support the family, just no other option which again , leaves the child looking for direction elsewhere. And then theres the loving caring nurturing couple that try everything, invest their lives in raising a child right.......but sometimes a kid is just gonna be who he or she is gonna be. I was raised by two amazing people, they gave me their lives, every day.........always their, i cannnot remember one day in my life that i can look back on and say.......man i wish my mom and dad were there for me. THey did everything right........raised me, my brother and my sister. My older brother was rebelling, getting into trouble, drinking , drugs, by the age of probably 15-16 and i watched my parents try everything to fix teh situation. EVERYTHING....i even remember him trying to pick a fist fight with my father a time or two......just put my dad into tears. and he still has problems to this day.......hes grown up alot, and i Love the guy as my whole family does and always have. But my sister is well rounded, settled, caring, a model citizen, i like to think of myself as the same. All 3 of us raised by the same two amazing people. Point being it is just in some people to be who they are gonna be.........sometimes there isnt much ya can do. No blame to the people that raise them.......and sometimes it is 100% ownership on two idiots that should have kept their zippers up.
  4. $2336 a year is indeed chump change in proportion to the revenue/profits. And your equation is a little exaggeratory anyways......assuming may be a better word. I doubt 40 dogs and/or infants come thru any one timmies in a day, let alone every single day that year lol. Sorry, im saying this lightheartedly, not arguementatively. Welcome aboard by the way. It is funny that you walked in the door to hear a debate about whether an infant should get a free timbit or not in the drive thru at timmies I agree though that ya cant boycott a corporation because an individual that represents you makes a mistake. Timmies as a corporation should have an investigation on the individual that made this decision to fire someone however and make a public announcement so we all know the intricacies of the situation. Or not, it really doesnt bother me that much ......just bored at work hehe
  5. Hey Solo, theres a circle tool in paint (i joke)
  6. the "assumptions" continue..... lol. Sounds like a guy posting an honest report and doing something with the fishes best interest in mind......yet is still being accused of wrong doing? I think Ranger has answered all questions in a very cordial manner, which he didnt have to do considering the way they were posed.
  7. what a team that SHOULD be is more like it. lol It will be a long time before Buffalo sees the likes of those type of players again. Unless some of our young hopefulls morph into those types of players. I think we'll be more competitive this upcoming season, but Miller and Vanek better get their heads screwed on straight. Which i could see happening for Miller with his contract needing renewal very soon.
  8. Gotcha, with all the tension on here lately i thought maybe i was being called out lol
  9. Campbell Still in the playoff race, Drury still hangin in there but in the race none the less.......Breire second in goals in the playoffs (last i knew) and pretty much heading for round 3, Biron standing on his head as THE goalie in his series. Ahhhhh, those were the days in Buffalo. I wish them all well though......as most in Buffalo do, I used to hate players when they would leave and succeed.......kind of human nature. cry babies like Satan or Mogilny.....but not these guys, and definitely not Biron.
  10. Im confused ? Who is the elitist? Me?
  11. blaque


    Man these Hockey threads get "testy" lol
  12. Obviously done by the hands of someone who doesnt care about catching these fish in the years to come. What a waste........the top fish? uh, what type of method was this guy using to fillet these fish?! my guess is this idiot couldnt figure out how to fillet them once he got into it and got ticked and left them after realizing he didnt know Jack about cleaning a fish.
  13. My Condolences to the friends and family of this man. I dont know him, but anytime i hear this kinda news.......its saddening. Especially one of our fellow fisherman.
  14. Ive taken part in the marshmallow technique years ago as well. Bottom bouncing them in Ontario Tribs......i think i tried it once or twice but did do well on them. I saw fish move to the mallo and strike it..........i also caught a few at the end of the drift with my bait just sitting there and felt the WRAP WRAP Smack of a hit.......most were little jacks. So i have proof that they will strike the mallow. Having said that i can see both sides of this arguement. There are guys that are fishing this legally and ethically with no ill intent, and there are guys rigging this up with the sole purpose of lining a fish or hooking a fish any way necassary.......i dont think this can be specifically attributed or blamed on the marshmallow however. Bottom line in my eyes.......if your hooking the fish because of a voluntary "take" on the fishes behalf.........then carry on, if you notice that you are bringin in a large percentage of your fish with the hook on teh outside of the mouth, then change up your presentation........marshmallow or not. If you continue knowingly lining fish, then your not in the game for the right reasons. Might as well grab a net, scoop em up, put your hook in their mouth and let the drag scream. Thats just my opinion, may be right, may be wrong, but its mine lol.
  15. saw the same show......man do they waste alot of money on that program. It is entertaining for the most part though.
  16. Was talking about this the other day with a buddy......im in my 30's now, but remember the days that Solo Paddler mentioned quite vividly. The most exciting times were our week long spring trip with Dad, grandad, and the uncles. Getting out of school on friday and sometimes taking friday off of school, getting all my stuff ready, the sleepless night before...... "waking up" at 4am, getting out to the already packed car with the boat hitched up, dad sippin his coffee in the fog on teh front porch waiting for grandad and the uncles to arrive....one by one they would pull up, and it was like a party in teh driveway already before the sun was even up. Me and my brother and my cousin naggin the older guys to just get in teh car already and lets go lol. Of course i would have a pillow and snooze for the begninnin of the road trip thru the boring local roads.........but id awake soon to daylight and unfamiliar surroundings. We were usualy way up north, so waking up to someone jabbing you in the side screaming, MOOOOSE MOOOOSE!!! Was like many said, christmas morning. Man i get teary eyed just thinkin back on those younger days. All the older guys around ya just knew everything in your eyes........when you arrived at camp it was like a new home and it felt like you were going to be there all summer even if was only a week long trip. (those week long trips seem to go by like hours now) But man, just opening the door to your cabin and pickin your bed, takin a walk down to the lake while the guys did all the work, launching the boat , gettin lunch goin. Just a blast. Loved the smell of the outboard firing up in the morning, the pound of the waves on the tinny and holding onto the minnow bucket to make sure it didnt tip........the other guys cruising next to you in the other boats on the way to the hotspot, nobody on teh lake but you and your group. And finally getting to "the rock" (our honey hole) and shutting off the motor........dead silence except for nature, I could go on for hours with the memories, but point being........ya just dont get that anymore the way you did as a kid.........i mean i get fired up still these days, and i love all that goes with it .....even just getting up for a day of steelheading............but there just isnt that feeling ya used to get as a child. Once in a while ill capture it for a second when looking back on it, or sitting out on the boat and reminiscing, walking out on the cabin porch first thing in the morning...... like literally get that "feeling" from a smell or something that triggers you right back there, but it lasts for a second and its gone. But man i wish i could just harness it and hold onto it. If i could go back i wouldnt change a thing............i just wish i could go back
  17. The fish is a CHUNK!! The guy holding it...........his elbows are to his side. The head on it is monstrous as is the tail section. Awesome fish no matter how close the camera was.
  18. I dunno, any other day i would say ya gotta call that trip..............it was only chintzy that he called it because of the numerous infractions leading up to that call that were let go. Then the guys have this sense of "hey, this is the flow the refs are allowing" and then out of nowhere, they decide to bring the whistle back out of their pocket......ya just cant do that. Its like telling a kid no cookies before dinner, then one day you make an exception and allow a cookie......from that day forward they want a cookie for dinner all the time and are confused as to why you are back to saying NO!
  19. Man the irony........as a kid, i used to fish alot of the bass ponds around my place the exact same way.........exclusively. Same lures, flaoting perch rapalas, orange and gold, chartreuse and silver, sometimes the smelt pattern, but thats all id have tied on.........with a small box of backups in my back pocket. Rode the bike to my buds all summer vacation, and off we went to the ponds. Some were 45 minute bike rides in the sweltering summer heat, a flat tire on the railroad tracks back to the pond made for a long walk home pushing a bike with a hop in the tire and sopping wet sneakers!! We actually made a floating platform out of barrels and 2x4's and plywood at one of the ponds that we'd float out on the pond with, most areas were shallow enough that wed just use a large tree branch to maneuver the raft, like fishing the saltwater flats lol. Man those were the days. Those ponds seemed like huge lakes and we felt so independant having our own "boat". So grown up (or so we thought) and pretending like we were on the pro B.A.S.S. ciruit catching 14" largemouths on top water all day lol. This was all 20 years ago plus and most of these ponds are choked with weeds or dried up completely, our favorite one with our "boat" docked on it has since been covered by a pontiac dealership.
  20. I dont even know if i would call the police force stupid..........it was First round, like i said, Ida never expected a riot out of a first round win. Ill bet those fans are stupid more than once though lol ..........Stupid is as Stupid does.
  21. how in the h#!! do you go out and riot after winning an opening series in the stanley cup playoffs. Round One...........A minimum of three more teams to meet, and 12 more games to play at the very least, possibly 21.....and your rioting in the streets?? Thats embarassing man, flat out ........straight up.... embarassing.........Im embarassed for you Montreal. (those involved in the celebration gone wrong) That'd be like the players going into the locker room last night and cracking out the champaigne and coming back out on the ice for a lap for the fans. A bit premature. I feel bad for those with the brain capacity or lack thereof, to celebrate a first round win in the stanley cup playoffs like they are in the midst of overthrowing a government. These people lacked attention as children and still cant get it on their own, so they use accomplishments of someone else as an excuse to draw attention to themselves..........because they cant achieve squat on their own to get into the limelight. Their idea of an accomplishment in life is finishing the 30 pack in the parking lot before the game.......and thats not sarcasm
  22. Youll have to let us know how things worked out bud. July will be here and gone before you know it!
  23. blaque


    That was my thought, the back end doesnt even bottom out with a Bayliner in the bed of the truck. Not bad. Also, lets not rule out that some other idiot ran the red light and left the poor guy going fishing having to swerve to avoid t-boning the idiot. Consequently running into the pole. It aint easy stopping that much weight behind ya either.....who knows what happened. Im surprised the pole didnt move an inch after being ramrodded by a full size pickup and a 20 somethin foot boat. PS......if he wasnt drinkin yet, he had plans to by the amount of coolers in teh bed of the truck lol
  24. Rick Jeanerette and Jim Lorenz were our LONG TIME pair calling the games. Lorenz retired last year as he was ready to settle his feet and didnt like the travel anymore ........and we somehow brought Harry Neal on board to replace him. Im as confused as you are as to how we pryed him away from Canada. As a sidenote, i like the unique sound of Harry Neal, unmistakable voice that is just plain "Hockey" to me when i hear it, but im not thrilled with him in Buffalo. We had Buffalo guys here forever, true hardcore long term Buffalo guys.......a comfort zone if you will with them, and Harry , as good a guy as he is, just doesnt seem like the right fit. Not knockin him at all, But its hard to get used to letting a new guy into the circle.
  25. this was locked? didnt even know it..........
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