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Everything posted by blaque

  1. made my own aluminum bracket last year in 1/4" and all tolled it cost me about 80-90 bucks in alum. So its not that outrageous to think its gone up that much, steel has def. spiked......Id assume alum. follows the same trend. I got it from Metal supermarkets as well by the way. ROCK solid bracket and turned out quite nice if i do say so myself
  2. Ill say hes Ballllin, New Truck, New Lund, didnt you just build a garage too........LOL or more like bawlin (tears) when the payments hit full tilt LOL (j/k)
  3. Your gonna Love it tony! I bought one in 04' and had it for 3 years, and just traded in for an 07 this past year. I figured with ZERO issues with the first one, "if it aint broke, dont fix it" The supercrew is GREAT for road trips if your bringing a crowd! and fishing weekends....well I usually only travel with two, so the packing room in the back , plus the bed , plus the boat.......i couldnt run out of room if i tried! lol Been 4 years between the two trucks ive owned and ive literally only brought mine in once for a leaky third brake light gasket. (knocking on my wood desk as i type lol) Not to start a ford/chevy/dodge thing......but i think Ford has taken over with this one. The Lariat interior is georgeous.......wait'll steelhead season though and your buds start throwin their dirty waders around LOL
  4. yup, to the north of erie and its southshore as well is showing some pretty serious pods of thunderstorms on the doppler. This has been a pretty consistant pattern round here as of late.
  5. Not often a celebrity passes and it hits home like this one does. I love sitting down at the end of a hard day and lending an ear to anyone that can crack a smile out of me. Let alone have me rolling! Its the best medicine as they say. We can still listen to his timeless "ART" though his DVD's and CD's, etc......but it sucks that he wont be commenting on the things to come. Mitch hedberg was probably the next best thing coming down the pipe, had his life and career cut much shorter than george. ........ a different type of humor however, we'll never know what he was capable of unfortunately.
  6. Its a bad day for those who Love to laugh, .....and thats pretty much comprised of the entire human population. There wasnt a comedian alive that could deliver the way he did, and a comedic ICON has been lost today. His observations were edgy, and invoked downright tear inducing laughter at times , but coming from anyone else ,they just wouldnt have been the same. He split my sides, until at some point, many times after his shows, ..... you actually wound down and had to take pause and think about what he said. There is no and will be no substitute. We'll never see anything like George Carlin, not even close, EVER again. This may not be fishing related, but it deserves mention no matter what type of discussion forum. Not many come along and have such an effect on their profession like he did. To George Carlin, the intelligent mans comic!!
  7. lol
  8. Googled it and its close, lol, but its actually a custom built machine that just happens to look similar
  9. Yup, just southwest of the peace bridge.
  10. I know what ya meant......was just messin .........but i do want to make it clear that the citizens as a whole agree with your thought.
  11. The US Government is trying to free Iraq, of it's OIL There, fixed Still looking for that price break though
  12. Here is the H20C with the gold card (eastern great lakes) and a screen shot, see if you can guess which lake and what area? lets make this a little fun , although theres some dead give aways in the map lol
  13. Also have the Lowrance H20C, love it love it love it. Its been a great addition to my toys especially because it was a gift. I probably wouldnt have one if it werent free lol. I did have to purchase the map (same as ccmt, navionics gold, except for the coverage area as i am in the Buffalo area) Looking for screenshots from mine for you but cant find em
  14. Ive got a cousin like you, he usually ends up giving me that extra half hour to an hour to check and double check everything while waiting for him the morning of a trip lol. So there is an underlying advantage to his ways. He always shows up with a round of timmies and an apology for everyone waiting HEHE Do you by any chance go out drinking the night before and sleep the whole ride to the cabin as well LOL
  15. Its human nature to go overboard when going away from home for a week or so. I tend to pack things back in the truck every time that i say, man, didnt need that, didnt need that.....uhm, why did we bring this???, Ya just dont want to get caught on the once a year trip without absilutely everything and then ya end up overdoing it, ive become a guru for packing light the last few years. Vehicle maintanance is a must, ........boat and car, food (I ALWAYS bring too much and end up throwing away things) , clothing and gear. Start there and the rest is fluff and you could probbaly do without it.
  16. i think this is a great post........even though we may never get a studied answer to the question from this thread. I certainly dont have the answer thats for sure. I do know ive always been taught to snip and let the hook "rust out' if a fish has taken it deep, or at least deep enough that a pair of hemostats and hook removal is going to kill the fish for sure. . Ya either play that hand, or just harvest teh fish as it is a hopeless thought sometimes to think the fish will survive. And just make sure that the fish doesnt go to waste if you know it wont make it. I dunno, im not a doctor or veterinarian so its hard to know what the right call is sometimes. Its gotta take a heckuva long time for a hook to degrade...........i would think a rusty hook in the flesh would probably not do well for the fish either. EIther way, im all for what is best for the fish if im not keeping that day.........whcich i rarely am.
  17. I have both and didnt see much advantage if any to the fishn chip yes im in the U.S).......i was told its only advantageous to way off shore situations......i dunno, im confused about the whole Fishn chip thing. But i compared the gold plus and the free chip and didnt notice any more detail ........its free for a reason if you ask me.
  18. checklist never starts with..........Key in the ignition? check.........handheld GPS?check.........Tackle Bag? Check. It ALWAYS starts with "Did you bring the Pee Cup"? The boats around us always seem closer to me than they do to her
  19. these would all be interesting if they were real......but im not buyin it.
  20. Anyone remember Babe Winkelman? Grew up watching him and his famous polarized sunglasses lol! Roland Martin, Never again after his shameless "Rocket Fishing Rod" endorsements, might be a good tool to get a kid interested in getting on the water, but what kid do you know isnt gonna just fire the rod all day instead of wait for a fish to bite. Always glued to the TV when Lindner is on. The guy is a master when it comes to tracking Wuallice!
  21. Id be this guy right here, he looks so Happy to be alive lol
  22. Yeah that is strange, im out in a boat just smaller than that........and have very rarely seen anything come close to getting water into my boat. Not sayin it didnt happen, obviously it happened, but just wonder what the heck could have done that.? A big boat not trimmed out right (front end up high and pushing a ton of water) chugging thru the water.......may be the culprit as they throw a larger wake. But still, , terrible none the less, im sure noone intended for anyone to get hurt. Just a heartwrenching thought though... all of it, terrible. Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved
  23. Id say around 6ish But nevermind the fish, how incredibly tall is the guy who took the picture and likes to stand in mud lol
  24. nets a cameras are always a big no no
  25. Seriously though, keeping it local, My hometown heros were the "french connection". Gilbert Perreault, Richard Martin and Rene Robert.
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