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Everything posted by blaque

  1. another
  2. Bet this guy has no problems casting around docks
  3. look whos talkin Denis........is that a dumptruck in your avatar!! OMG!
  4. Yeah, ive never seen that come up as a concern in 20-30ft......maybe 50 plus. I dunno........if you do run into that being a problem........i think what most guys do is "fizz" the fish. Never had to do it myself though.
  5. Ha ha......your sarcasm is so subtle GCD! lol We were actually using steamed zebra mussels hardy harr
  6. LOL, swim trunks........ya never know when your gonna feel like takin a dip!
  7. Just one of the slobs weve been getting out on the U.S. side of Erie. Drop shot goby imitations.... as many know.... are the norm out here and they just keep coming thru. Found alot of these guys schooled up in the mid 20's. , its a blast seeing how fast they can come from 25 foot of water and jump for the skies lol. Like i said, they were schooled up in pods........and you could go thru hot spots where it was one after the other, and then dead for another 100 yards , then hit another school and hit double headers. These guys are getting so big out there they are starting to resemble carp LOL
  8. I wouldnt say that..........these guys ARE family members. And this to me is as important as losing any other family member!!! Good choice to post this on here, any effort might bring him back. Glad to see you tryin so hard. I feel for ya man! I know i go out of my way to chase down animals that look like there lost, and check to see if they are tagged so i can return them home. If hes not tagged, like you said, theres a chance that someone will take him in and if they are good enough to take him in, they will probably be the type of person that will post and try and find the owners.........so keep checking the local papers in the FOUND section.
  9. coffee exiting nose, now that thar is clever
  10. i didnt make it up to nippissing this May, i stayed in New York and went to Oneida for this very reason....2 hour drive vs. 8 or 9 , etc etc.....
  11. if hes paying to use a facility........i agree with you...however, i would expect a chuckle and an eye rollin if he does.
  12. THats hilarious you said that tony, i was about to post the exact same thing!!!!! Until i scrolled down to see your post
  13. The cell phone, the demise of the youth of today......or at least part of it. My Alexis has had hers removed from her collection of gadgets........and wont here the flip of a cell phone for a long time. Im sure back when i was 12 or 13 the adults were saying..........."stupid Atari 2600, its the downfall of society"..........one day well probably look back on this and say, cell phones, remember those things..........what an inconvenient piece of equipment, as we will probably just be communicating thru telepathy after having a chip installed in our temples at birth. Thats when you know revelation is coming lol
  14. tough call, i guess they are doing their jobs, ....agreed, but who the heck came up with $430 dollars!!!!!!!!!!! This day and age thats enough to break the bank and really mess someone up financially! I think the fine is justified, as hard as it is to swallow........but the amount is way more than necassary in my opinion.
  15. Yeah, gander isnt too far a ride from Fantasy island......just take the 190 to the 290 and its on your left hand side. Probably 10-15 minutes away. Dicks is a bit further of a ride for the galleria location (they have the most stuff ) but there are other locations closer. But less selection as i said. Those are the big box stores.......theres some local places obviously but at the moment, the only ones i can think of are a bit of a drive
  16. Prepare yourself!!!! Thats all i will say. Im raising a 12 year old girl now and cant believe some of the things shes come to me with already and the crap she has to deal with with the boys at school. Its going to throw you for a loop by the time your little one is twelve. I dream of getting these "easy" days back!!! Seriously, Great moments captured here, i love the one with your little girl putting the size 12 glove on a size 1 hand LOL
  17. my "sticker" located next to the throttle says. "Maximum 9 persons, OR 1250 lbs" so i would think its an either or , Kinda like a car warranty, 3 years or 30,000 miles.......whichever comes first, in which case you should find out the max weight allowed for the hull and be more concerned with that. The number of people allowed i would think is just saying, theres a safe seat for this many people. DUnno if your allowed to adjust that legally, this is a tough call, like someone else said........youd probably get boned if an insurance claim ever arose
  18. ive had this problem a few times also with vanish, it is a shelf life thing if you ask me.........i cant explain it any other way......Ive had it solid and strong and ive had it break tying knots over and over again even after lubing the knot. It has shyed me away from buying it again. Ill mimic the seaguar flouro recommendation, seems to have much superior strength against knot heat and abrasions. Also tried out "Gamma" flouro during steelhead season and it seemed just as reliable. There all up there in price though. But hey , not havin to re tie , especially on those 10 degree days on the stream, is worth every penny.
  19. georgeous country and fabulous pictures to represent that!!! I was expecting the architecture of athens, which is a bit overdone, so this angle of greece was very surprising, and neat to see that side of it.
  20. Not all of us "rednecks" bring explosives when vacationing on your canadian lakes, fact most of us just bring our respect for the great outdoors and oh yeah, our money.
  21. I witnessed a canoe flip this past weekend. THankfully this one ended up OK. I was fishing a canal and looked up from fishing as the boat went sideways and a father and his two sons went over. The two boys were wearing life jackets and were fine, dad was not. Real intelligent. He had a flotaing seat cushion that he grabbed flaoting by him and was also fine. THe boat somehow floated just submerged under the water........they swam the canoe to shore as i asked repeatedly if he needed another swimmer to help them get in. Took my shoes off and emptied my pockets, The kids said they were OK, and the dad never said a word.......didnt even acknowledge me. think he was embarrassed or to proud to ask for help. Coulda been worse seeing as how this was a deep canal, and lots of BIG boats travel thru it, which makes me wonder why he didnt have a life jacket on even more. I made sure he got to shore and asked if he needed help getting the canoe dumped, he basically looked at me almost angry and i just walked away. Guy seemed ticked as i can understand, but when someones tryin to help......a response would be nice. Could have been ugly
  22. little late as i see your opting for the Wood route, but these are the best pics i could find of the alum. bracket i made last year.........I didnt have a flat platform to mount to, the bow has a curve to it so it made it a little tricky getting the motor "level" so the shaft is plumb in the water. Especially doing it dry docked on a trailer knowing that it sits totally differnt in the water. I layed it out in AutoCAD though and it came out "dead nuts" lol I also put a plate on the underside of the bow so as to sandwhich the fiberglass and disperse the load so there wasnt concentrated point loads at the bolts. Also used rubber washers between any alum. and fiberglass to act as a shock absorber so i dont stress the fiberglass. Ive beat the snot out of this bracket out on Erie in some pretty rough waters and have no stress cracks or loose bolts (lock washers used as well) after a year of hard fishing. Always "over engineer" lol
  23. more interesting info on the Chautauqua die-off. http://fli.hws.edu/pdf/carp06.pdf
  24. A local lake here in western NY (chautauqua) had a huge carp die off in 05' , read on 20,000 dead carp: something fishy Few things grab your nose's attention on a hot summer afternoon down by the creek quicker than the putrid odor of a dead carp. But imagine 20,000 dead carp. That is what the good folks on western New York's famous Chautauqua Lake are contending with right now - in the height of summer vacation season with the big Fourth of July holiday weekend looming. "There is some odor, but they're trying to keep ahead of the game," explained Russ Biss, natural resources supervisor for the Allegany, N.Y., office of the state department of environmental conservation. "The Chautauqua Lake Association has been very active out there, picking up fish." The rafts of dead carp are being buried in trenches next to the local landfill. "They're the big fish - 10, 15, 20 pounds up to 30 inches long," said Biss. "They're probably stressed from spawning." Add in the sustained heat wave of air temperatures in the 90s, plus an outbreak of koi herpes virus in the lake's carp stock, and there you have it: Piles of dead fish. No significant carp dieoffs have been noted in Lake Erie so far this year, said Jeff Tyson, supervisor of the Sandusky-based Lake Erie Fisheries Research Station of the Ohio Division of Wildlife. But he added that noteworthy numbers died a couple of summers ago. An exact cause could not be determined at the time. Tyson noted that significant dieoffs of freshwater drum, or sheepshead, have occurred this summer, but those deaths likely are linked to post-spawn stress. Stress seems to cause a sizable drum dieoff about every third summer, the biologist said. Koi, an Asian species commonly called "goldfish," are an aquacultural color variation of common carp. They vary in color from reddish-orange to orange and white with colored patches. They are popular in residential fish ponds and other ornamental ponds. New York's Biss said that Chautauqua Lake, 17 miles long and covering some 13,000 acres, had a smaller oubreak with dying carp last summer. But a few thousand dead fish then have blossomed to an estimated 20,000 so far this summer. Again most of the outbreak is in the lake's relatively shallow southern basin, where it empties into the Chadakoin River. Water temperatures there this week are in the mid 70s. Fish recovery crews also have found some dead muskellunge in the lake, but Biss said their deaths are unreleated to the koi herpes outbreak. He noted that some muskies die every summer from spawning stress. The supervisor said that the koi virus obviously has been introduced to the lake system, but he stopped short of accusing someone of dumping unwanted, infected koi into the lake. It is possible, he explained, that the virus was water-borne, entering the lake in runoff from a pond where infected koi were stocked. In any case, biologists so far have been unable to trace the actual path of the outbreak. But the veterinary college at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., confirmed the identity of the outbreak from samples of dead fish. So far, Biss said, the damage control being done by the lake association, in terms of scooping up and carting away the dead carp, has limited the impact on tourism and vacationing. But some inquiries are coming in nonetheless. "We were expecting tourism concerns to occur but it doesn't look like that is happening," said Andrew Nixon, a spokesman for the Chautauqua County Visitors Bureau. He said that some beaches may have some odor problems while crews continue to catch up with the dead fish, but health authorities have assured the public that the lake waters are safe for swimming, boating and other water activities, Nixon added. "This is a new experience for us," said Biss, noting that the hot weather, possibly a contributing factor, is expected to continue through mid week.
  25. Just watch those guys that only carry debit/credit cards, somehow they never have cash on them and always make it inconvenient to split anything because of it. Either that or all they have is a $50 LOL. I usually take my niece and nephew out, its hard to squeeze any gas money out of a 9 and a 12 year old
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