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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Wasnt it U-S-And-A lol
  2. yeah, i know, but it doesnt help get that blood flowing
  3. I didnt know when i saw your invite that you were coming into the states. Maybe you mentioned it, i didnt catch it, but had i known.........i would have definitely met up and threw some floats with ya. Lemme know next time your down to visit, Im already here lol.........gears always in the vehicle.
  4. Not much i can add here, Lew and Yourself have summed up my thoughts PERFECTLY. I dont hunt, dont oppose it too much as long as the animal is respected. (not sure how much respect can be shown by filling it with lead, lol, but i do understand the theory behind the necessity of the hunt) I prefer to go out and observe the animals, takin them down is just not for me. I never understood while watching a bear hunt for instance on sunday morning on the tube.........why they always sit there whispering, trying to get a good shot on film, and the whole while saying, look at her, isnt she just a beautiful creature.....look at her, so majestic and regal, just an amazing thing to witness......then BAM! Never understand it. Different strokes for differnet folks i guess.
  5. Its gonna be fun for sure......my Sabres however had a dismal preseason.
  6. THose are awesoome photos, you have a natural outdoorsgirl on your hands. Sure sign in the third pic, a squirming fish in her hands, she could have done two things, either totally freaked and started bawling,......or taken it in stride and laughed her butt off......from the looks of it, she loved it. Thats a good sign youve got a fishing partner for life lol Side note: the boat in the backround of the second last pic isnt so family friendly LOL
  7. I heard all the stateside fish are going to be runnin the north shores of Erie this year. Strange occurance for sure
  8. i hear you loud and clear drifter.....it may just come to that someday,...... (moving to a spectacular area out west, not going Postal) LOL Seriously though, I admire you for realizing your dreams and following your heart. Its not something enough of us do and tend to look back in regret. Im sure it wasnt an easy thing just pickin up and plantin down somewhere new and different, i bet it was alot of work, God bless ya man.
  9. Not much i can add to the replies here..........you guys know what you have experienced and in your case drifter, will continue to experience. You already know how unbelievably lucky you are.........the biggest inspiration is the two guys that transitioned from western new york, im from western new york.! I could be those guys someday!! LOL. Maybe, somehow?, someway?........Was funny to scroll down and see a buffalo bills logo appear! I DUNNO MAN, i just dont know how i would make a change like that in my life at 38, where do you get the nads to just do something like that?! Id settle for just going out for a week once a year, but i dont even see that happening with where the economy is headed. Its just tough to sit in front of a computer at work and watch people do this...........but so cool at the sametime. COngratulations to you guys, sincerely, for being DO'ERS!!
  10. lol, no that is a default image that Autodesk has attributed to images with reflection. Think its just a parking lot with a guy standing in it. lol Looks like hes holding a pumpkin or mooning us lol
  11. Here is the gist of it, and yes, i have too much time on my hands at work I use #4 owner jighooks, nickel plated beads in various sizes and weights, and simple pins......like sewing pins, You just put the pin thru the beadhole, hold the pin with your thumb and forefinger on the shank of the hook, and wrap it onto the hook. (the pink coil is supposed to be thread lol)
  12. I use the ever popular: nickel plated bead, pin, and 90 degree jig hook. Put the pin thru the bead, wrap that to a #4 owner jig hook and tie on your favorite recipe.
  13. Ill give it an honest effort when i have more time, but i cant listen to this pen shaker for too long. Why does he always have a pen in his hand, and never writing anything lol. Michael Moore should be burning the midnight oil making a documentary on this all as we speak. That should be more entertaining lol
  14. Same here, popped up telling me i need to load up anti-virus 2009 ! grrrr! Said it found malicious items.
  15. Same here, popped up telling me i need to load up anti-virus 2009 ! grrrr! Said it found malicious items.
  16. Not much attention to this thread lol, but Ill Bite chickenhawk hehe. The only guy on here from Buffalo lol. Actually me and one other i guy i think. Yeah, their record definitely shines so far. But us Buffalo fans are not getting overly optimistic just yet. They've beat a few soft teams, and have another one coming in Arizona next week. So not the toughest schedule so far. Dont get me wrong, they've looked very strong at times, but at others.......have looked like a monkey humpin a football. Nonetheless they've found ways to win when they almost shouldnt have, pulled out some last minute comebacks and some second half comebacks..........which shows alot of character. Its all very poisitive, but still think we need a real test, or a few real tests back to back to really find out what they are made of. 4-0 feels good though no matter how ya slice it!
  17. NEVER.........i say NEVER LOL. I dont know how you deal with that man lol
  18. I can whistle most songs im familiar with from start to end, solos .....everything, however, i cannot necassarily play them on guitar. I got the listenin thing down........just cant always translate it into my fingers and on the fretboard. Im just a hobbyist though, a 20 year hobbyist mind you, but a hobbyist none the less...... i never took lessons learned scales etc etc. So tabliture is a quick and easy way to learn, for me anyway. Solos definitely are cumbersome to pick up with tabs though.
  19. by the way, this is where ive gotten all my tabs. Some are right on, some are so-so, but its a great site. Theres usually like 4 versions of the same song and usually the number of people and star rating of each tab deliniate the best version.
  20. Wow, ive never heard highway to hell sound so "lawrence welky" Lawrence Welky: Of or sounding like Lawrence Welk lol
  21. Anytime ya get a 14 year old girl (these days) to say Id love to go fishing with dad..........Ya got somethin special! (although the day off of school might have something to do with that lol) J/K. You definitely must have a great relationship for her to still be trompin around the streams with you. I just cant seem to get my 13year old niece (ive raised her like a daughter) into the fishing thing,......, she loves camping and going out on the boat,etc.......but likes the boat ride more than the fishing. And its not lack of fish, shes caught some trophy smallies this year, and is very proud when she does, gets excited and all.....but loses interest EVEN AFTER catching Big Ole Bass lol. Ah well, the most important thing is letting them be what they want to be i guess and try not to force it. 13!!.......MY GOSH!! Never thought id say that!!!!
  22. Thanks for that Holdfast.......that was an AMAZING video, now THAT..........is a stage show worth paying for. Thats what ya call giving your fans their moneys worth!!!
  23. Yu furrgot 2 right "NF" inn yur thred tidal
  24. i hope the camera man was using the zoom and not actually that close to a speeding truck coming at him and turning in the slop lol. That is fun, ive got my second F-150 and its pretty new (and black) so thats about as far as i go with it as well, its not hardcore, but its fun none the less. (steelhead season is coming, and to get back on the reservation down here in new york.......i have to drive thru some pretty bushy trails, i can hear the branches screetching down the side of my truck already like nails on a chalkboard) They rub out pretty easy though with some 3M products
  25. Lay the tape along the fishs' side as opposed to the flat ground, the bow in the tape from that gut will get you that extra inch your lookin for lol
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