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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Wacked a bunch of walleyes with my first go at self tied spinners a while back. I cheated with some stinger hooks here lol, but i also snelled doubles on a ton of them I believe I used 12 lb flouro on these. (if not then it was 10)
  2. reports like this are alot of work man.............thanks for puttin that all together. Looked like a blast.
  3. 12 TIMES
  4. Its O.k. Lunker, i understand LOL And hey, You guys are only 5 points behind us.......should make for some exciting match ups in the coming weeks. Too bad Ray and Domi retired................didnt matter how close the points race was, it was a rivalry within a rivalry when those two were skating lol
  5. THanks, now if we can just start putting some wins together..........
  6. I love that "Duuuuuuude, would you just hurry up and take the pic before my fingers crack off" look you have on that big brown lol
  7. thanks guys, sorry it wasnt the leafs lol
  8. Thought id share some of my morning i had this past saturday with Lindy Ruff and a couple of the Sabres. My nephew (and myself lol) were pretty lucky guys this past weekend. The coach for his travel team knows a few people in the sabres organization........and somehow he got Lindy Ruff to coach one of their practices. It was an awesome treat, meeting lindy and a couple other sabres along the way. I even got to sit in a couple of the sabres lockers as we were allowed into the locker rooms as well as sit on the players bench on the ice to watch the practice. Lindy and assitant coach Patrick did drills with the team for an hour and then played against the entire kids team. Lindy, patrick, the goaltender coach, along with my nephews coach played 4 on 20 lol......adults vs. the entire kids team all on the ice at once lol. Lindy and his squad of 4 won lol. This was a day i will remember for the rest of my life as im sure my nephew will as well. Im a die hard sabres fan now for over 30 years........and little jake, hes been one since he could watch them on the tube lol. Anyway, take a look at a few of my giddy moments.......... nephew in pominvilles locker Ruffs pep talk before practice film watching station a few of the lockers a few more Me in the leading goal scorers locker (moment of a lifetime, and this is the pic i get!!!!!!!) view from the bench Paul Gaustad came out on the bench to watch Same I love this one, lilndy decided to show the boys how the one on one drill was gonna go, and picked my nephew to show them what he wanted them to do. My Nephew one on one with the coach of the Buffalo Sabres........Priceless!!! Drawing out the playbook The bench ANother player/coach perspective lol NEED WATER, Lindy is pushin us hard lol Coach Ruff and his squad against the kids Team photo, Lindy Ruff looking down on my nephew The sabres tunnel, and yes i pretended i was stepping out on the ice for game seven of the stanley cup finals LOL ANother blurry one, these 3 guys walked past me as i was comin off the bench to the hallway........Drew Stafford, Jaroslov Spacek, and Toni Lydman Patrick Kaleta with my nephew for the end of the day. Ill never experience something like this again, i thanked my nephews coaches/and Lindy Ruff immensely for a VERY memorable day. I still cant believe my picture in vaneks locker came out blurry!!!!!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrr ANyway, i know it aint fishing, and i know it aint the team of choice lol, but thought id share it as i know hockey is probbaly the second favorite topic here next to fishing lol.
  9. Couple from my side of the pond looking out from the small boat harbor That is the bird island pier that you would normally be able to take a pleasant stroll out on....yeah its under water
  10. Same here
  11. I can say it, i just dont know what it means?
  12. Banner indeed........looks like alot of froggish water yur fishing there Solo? Im never very confident in that stuff..........how do you fish those areas with such success. Especially out by the mouths.........wouldnt your presentation just be sitting still and bobbing in the ripples? Something with some stink and milking capabilities in your presentation do the trick usually?
  13. Maybe you got a little too close
  14. It also gets them paddling out of the way pretty quick as they think you are the authorities lol
  15. lets see what happens on lunch break, the numbers should go thru the roof lol
  16. I am indeed at work........i wouldnt get thru a day at the office without comin on and reading something about a fish being caught. lol
  17. Well, at least somebodies thinkin this morning, that never crossed my mind bean.........but you are totally right. I do the same (clear out my cache many times a day) and dont realize i am on as a guest every morning till i find something to respond to or go to start a new thread and realize i am not signed in. Good point.
  18. I notice on many occasions the "guests" vs. the members online is almost a 2 to 1 ratio. This morning there were 135 people browsing the forum.......89 were guests, and 46 were members. COME ON IN GUYS, sign up, . By the time you got done surfing here this morning , you could have been signed in and taking part in the conversations....
  19. Engineers Holiday Specifications Sorry didnt work
  20. He joined us last spring lol, check the original post. I was wondeirng why someone posted "have a nice summer". Someone was feeling silly and bumped the thread for some reason lol
  21. I was also out this past weekend in that area......the "urban stream" has been producing really well for me though this year.
  22. There is actually a guy i saw on some program that tried to fly under a bridge before landing with another guy flying just over the bridge, the one guy, hit the bridge and died instantly. The one that lived, is in the process of trying to design a landing ramp and is going to try and land without a parachute and land on this ramp like a water slide and slide to a stop. THe guy said he was suicidal and tried to commit suicide a few times (not by flying).......until he found the sport of .....well, whatever this is called. And it made him feel alive, and worth living again, and if he died doing it, well........he wouldnt care because this is what prevented him from killing himself anyway.
  23. had me worried for a second there chicken, at first glance, i thought you said.......ah nevermind
  24. Exactumundo, and with the young ones with ya, thats critical to keeping your sanity lol
  25. Nice mixed bag O'Fish. Pin. vs. Spin....i still bring my spinning gear with me every once in a while on smaller flows just to feel the steel on a drag system once in a while. I still enjoy going back to it now and again. And yes, the sickness is spreading with a quickness in my area as well. Stomach flu AND now alot of coughin and sore throats making the rounds. Your gonna get it sometime during the season, might as well get it over with lol. Get better
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