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Everything posted by blaque

  1. i aint buyin it
  2. I agree GCD, i went to chicago last spring and it was the first time I'd been on a plane since i was twelve (yes ive only flown twice in my life....so wut lol) But i said the same thing to myself. I was like, man this is nothing like i see in the movies. Wheres all the leg room and nice ladies asking if i want anything. But most of all, i couldnt believe the ratty condition of the big white cylinder i was stepping into. They look ALOT shinier and well maintained way up in the air dont they.
  3. you are creative ....very talented, very cool stuff
  4. i was thinking the same thing lol
  5. ive seen carp prettier than that thing lol
  6. Sounds like his sales tactic worked lol, hes got you wondering
  7. Try explaining that to the clowns at Simms that wack a $190 dollar pricetag on these Dogs lol
  8. Isnt predictable a good quality......??......it used to be, The topic of this thread is hockey..... no?
  9. One of the brighter additions to our squad (Sabres). I agree holdfast.....i like what ive seen out of rivet since hes joined our team. More than anything, i like that he'll throw knuckles lol. This team needs someone thats gonna get pissed off on occasion and ive seen that son of a gun get LIVID LOL. Its too bad the rest of the team didnt feed off of him. FOOOOOOORE!!!!!
  11. Lets put it this way, I have about 5 or 6 forums in my favorites, This is the only Canadian based forum of those 5 or 6, I Live in the U.S. (ny) Im here 90% of the time and checking my local forums 10% of the time This place is so addicting that ive foresaken my own country lol
  12. So how do you explain THIS
  13. Wow, thanks for the information guys..........much appreciated, Ill be looking into it by the end of the week.
  14. Ive got a back up, but its a little whippy for my taste. Ive come to realy like the IM8. And Ive got enough rods and reels for my other styles of fishing between boat and ice and stream, that its not in the budget to have another.
  15. I hear ya Irish, ive used it already with the tip off it, its not stoppin me from getting out, but it brings a tear to my eye every time i look up and see that snapped tip lol
  16. Woe is me, i dont know how ive lasted this long fishing long, hard to pack float rods at 11'-6", 13'-6", and 14'-0". But ive finally snapped one. My Raven 14ft. IM-8, 3 pc. is now a 13'-6"er I think its two years old, cant remember exactly when the purchase took place, i will check my receipt when i can...........but what are anyones suggestion........GO to the retailer and try and exchange it, or get a hold of Raven direct? How long if this is a replacable situation will this take, whats there policy etc........any input or suggestions. ??? Ive got a whippy St. Croix i can falll back on in the meantime.........
  17. I eat my catch once a year........literally, thats it. I do a spring trip once a year (walleye) and its the one week i will keep a bunch of fish for my belly. (if things go well that is lol) I duno, i enjoy it, but i just dont do it, too much work i guess. lol
  18. You guys are killin me, Id run into you guys on this side of the lake one of these days if i was ever able to get out during the week lol. Would be nice to meet a couple steelhead folk from the board. Then you could show me once and for all how you guys fish that slack water so productively. A PM and 2 days notice would suffice lol
  19. Miller is back in tonight for the first time in a long time. Im not getting excited though as Buffalo has been on a rollercoaster all year, faced with must win games the last few weeks and havent responded at all. Getting the 1st string goalie back might have been a good thing midseason when theres time left to get him back in game shape, but with 9 (?) games left, putitng him in and hoping hes gonna pick it right up and save the season, i dont think so, and with this team, theres no breath holding going on.
  20. FishnWire, In summary........you should not be surprised by the reaction this has set off...........youve come to a forum full of guys and gals who are passionate about what it is they do, and even more pronounced, is their passion to conserve it. Yet someone comes here and is still digging to throw part of this group under the bus and find negativity in what it is they work so hard at having a positive influence on. Its their life, and their love, my life, my love.......no-one you are addressing here on this forum is here to hurt the fishery, and would lose a part of themselves if it was ever taken from them. However that may be. Somehow, this was dug out and im not even sure how your mind directed you to it, but you shoveled THIS out of ALL the positive and productive content that is here on this board ? and i mean you Dug Deeeeep!. I appreciate your intent, as we all do im sure, conservation is the key to help our sport thrive for years to come. But youve done a couple things here, not the least of which is what is commonly known as.....preaching to the choir, but i think you also kinda called out some members on the forum, that just shouldn't, in a million years, be the target of a non-conservationalist rant.
  21. This ones easy, the main reason guys feel the need to keep fish in the livewell to take pics of them in one shot, (whether its two fisted or an array of fish on the cleaning board) is because people who have nothing better to do than Nitpick will probably accuse a member with several single fish pics of taking several pics of the same fish. (tongue inserted firmly into cheek)
  22. Seriously? I guess that is kinda funny
  23. Not to mention its only about 10 years old......and quite a little architectural mark. They could have built a box with windows but , i dunno, the comment just doesnt make sense on the airport. The city.......you may have an arguement, still a jerky thing to say whether its true or not And just so Im not hi-jacking the thread.........Stunning Pictures Fish'nAuto, anyplace you go from there is really gonna look like a Dump
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