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Everything posted by blaque

  1. wow that is quite a tally of fishies. you knew the calculations were going to be performed on fish per minute LOL. Nice math by the way johnny b hehe. I havent even scene pics yet, but this sounds like an ideal week of fishing, except for the snow of course.
  2. I have to agree that us NHL fanatics, we just think that everyone else is a fanatic lol......but like someone said, when i reallly sit around and look at say.......the group of guys at work,..... its really only a couple guys that literally cant wait to get home and watch the game or are online looking at the stats from the game the night before. I never really thought of it, but that is kinda true.......we all just think becuase we love it and couldnt do without it, that everyone feels the same. Unless of course your team is going to the finals, then of course the whole city is buzzin , but otherwise.......it isnt as popular as I think it is I guess lol. Which for the life of me i cANNOT understand. My uncle turned on the NBA finals game last night when i was over, ive never watched a more bland display of competition.............it was just so lacking of anything that a stanley cup final round brings. I was literally watching this basketball game in awe of how anyone can pay for a ticket for this. Ive tried this with baseball in the past as welll and i just cant grasp it.
  3. Its been forever, but once while wading a local lakeshore, we caught them on floating rapalas...........jerk it topwater, and let it sit, and you would see the sticknose poke out of the water, grab the rapala, and go back under....really delicately actually. I had never seen or heard of a gar pike when we got into these fish, so the first fish i had no idea what this stick was that seemed to be grabbing at my lure lol.....and i almost walked on water when i brought this thing to my feet wading in the water
  4. And by the by, i could NOT be more thrilled for a stanley cup winner than i am right now. (unless it was my home team of course) Am i a meanie because i enjoyed watching the red helmets hung low as the pens skated around their home rink with the cup held high? Yeah maybe..........but the guilt wore off quick when detroit booed the cup winners. Its expected, but it made hating the wings that much easier lol
  5. Yeah that I-desk observation was my thread a while back.............goood thing the hockey made up for this intermission flop
  6. Wowzers, good thing i dont lay down money on my hunches lol
  7. I wont predict the winner, but i am predicting a lopsided game whichever way it goes
  8. I dont care who ya are, that thar's funny
  9. You may be able to get permission, but the rub there.......is that the land owner will usually say, well, if i let you fish down there, then people will just assume its fishable because they saw people there.
  10. Ive tried this defense in the past when fishing a pond last summer that wasnt "posted"........the guy said to me ......"Do you own a house?" I said yes, he said "you obviously have property that house is built on"......i said, uh, yeah obviously. He said "do you have posted signs on your front and backyard" ? Just an FYI, just a comment on this defense, as it didnt work well when i used it lol
  11. Im getting sick of pit scoring and osgood looking at everyone and shaking his head like it wasnt fair.....lol, the first goal last night, he just sat there shaking his head as if to say.........that was a Bull goal? And i think stalls goal in game four where he drove the net , same thing............seems as if hes saying, hey that wasnt my fault, or that was a Bull goal. Puck went in, you didnt stop it? Take a drink of water and stop the puck next time, stop shakin your head lol Man would i love to see the Pens take this one away from detroit. IN DETROIT!!! Im not feeling lucky, but its down to one game, and ya never know
  12. Uh, thats way too deep for me this early in the morning
  13. i thought about making that observation earlier but decided against it lol
  14. Thats kind of the point of my post..........i guess im old school (even though im only in my 30's lol) NO MERCY?........lets chuck these old farts in the water with a broken fishing rod? The guy was merely being miserable with him, he wasnt going beyond being a jerk lol. Which i recognize.......he was being a "jerk". I find that the better way to deal with that is let it roll off ya like water on a ducks back, try and defuse the guys temper with a little kindness, see how he reacts, if he doesnt change his tune, move on. At least ya tried. As far as the guy flying up on my bumper going 100, its a differnet story when he could be putting myself or the kids in danger.........thats a different situation than a grumpy guy on the end of the dock being miserable or an old lady yelling at some kids. "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us".............no, im not an overly religious guy....... But i def. buy into that ideology. Ive never been one to feel the need to go snap a senior citizens fishingrod and attempt to drown him
  15. well if your getting delirious off of steaming the fillets, then i definitely suggest going back to frying.
  16. Ironic thread as i just found a bunch of crappies over the weekend and it had been the first time ive caught one of these guys in YEARS. My comment is, they seemed to have a stronger fish odor than say a smallie, or what have you. Before i released them all, i would smell themn to make sure i wasnt goofy, and they Stink lol
  17. LOL, Now let the Sabres make another run, and ill be much more enthused in this discussion
  18. dah, let the poor old guy do his thing, hes earned the right to be a grumpy old guy Im sure. Something obviously brought him to be the way he is........i know a lady near my house that yells at the kids to get off her sidewalk when they go by her house.....obviously they dont have to get off her sidewalk......lol, but shes just barkin at them to bark, she knows they dont have to get off the sidewalk either Im sure lol. The kids make fun of her, and i quickly telll them to leave her be, something obviously has happened in her past to make her feel so bitter and slighted.......and we arent to judge. And ya know what kids........you could find yourself in her predicamant someday, and wont find it so funny. Instead of laughing at her, offer to shovel her dirveway for free, or take her garbage out.........or say Hi to her, in this womans case,....... i know she had lost her husband years back and has been alone and I never see anyone over to visit her. Thats probably what her issue stems from. Shes old, alone, and her only interaction with youth, is some kids messing with her as they ride by her house. I dunno, point is, this guy has a chip on his shoulder for a reason, and it may even be valid. May not be.......but im willing to let this stuff sliiiiiiiiiide most of the time. Try to be nice........in this guys case, i found it funny how he started barking at you from the dock, but ended up helping you with your boat lol.........a sign that he is filled with piss and vinegar, but is really just looking for some company lol. He sounds like a funny guy and would be really entertaining to share a pop or two with. Heck , he probably had a gun strapped around his shoulder at some point defending your right to launch a boat........im sure he meant no harm and sounded like he just has a misguided way of striking up a conversation and maybe a little companionship. Feel good post of the day??? lol
  19. Ive had two F-150's. An 04 for 3 years, and an 07 currently and ive never experienced this issue, knock on wood. Having said that............besides this wobble problem, i would really get those brakes serviced especially before you go on your road trip. More beer money, but alot cheaper than what could happen if you step on the pedal and cant stop. I went over on my brakes once........and that was a long time ago.............when i found out how much more a brake job was when the pads were gone and the studs of the pads were digging into the rotors. Now i ask a mechanic to take a look at them every time its taken in for service. Ive had this truck about 2 years and just took it in for an oil change and had the brakes looked at , with about 36,000 miles on it, he siad they were about 60% gone......... Preventive maintenance on your vehicle is probably one of the biggest money savers going!!
  20. People who arent really die hard Pens fans, but just dont really feel like watching detroit hoist the cup again are a little quiet today....... There, Fixed
  21. Im gonna sit tight on this one..........i hope the momentum shift can carry back into detroit. Oh and Letang...........ease up on the goal celebration, LOL............ya almost removed crosby from the line-up LOL. Seriously though, a high five will suffice next time.
  22. Chatty fellers aint we LOL If im ever lucky enough to make an OFC get together, ill be sure to bring an extra eardrum
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