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Everything posted by blaque

  1. I cant answer this question, and my tackle bags would support that statement.
  2. How dangerous can they be, drifter you fish with these guys sniffin you up and down all the time dont you? lol. I dunno, a black bear, wouldnt scare me too much, as long as i dont try to "pet him and feed him" lol.....or i didnt startle him in the bush....it'd be them brown grizzlies that would have me wettin my pants.
  3. lol, he may have swam at night and avoided customs all together. I think one of three things happened. Either it made the trek up, and i mean TREK.......from the southern tier.......OR someone has intervened here. Either hit it down toward the Pa. line and thought it would be funny to plant it in an extremely urban area to stir things up. OR some idiot thought it would be fun to have a bear cub as a pet and let it go when it was getting to grown to handle. The one right near the city was a 1-1/2 year old cub. I dunno, maybe im thinking crazy, but neither of those thoughts are crazier than a bear migrating up from the Pa/Ny border into Buffalo. lol
  4. And i see yours, i had no idea it was that extreme. Yikes
  5. Didnt you know that if you've never strapped on a pair of skates, you cant possibly know a THING about the game? Oooooor if you disagree with stoty......same result, better brush up
  6. Down here in the Buffalo area, we had a black bear hit on the 190 last week. Literally just outside the city. And another a fair bit south of the city. Bears hit in and around buffalo ny
  7. I dunno, like i say, maybe i dont have an accurate depiction of them...........from what i thought i knew.........they seem to lead a pretty simple, "Home on the Prairie" type existance. But my experience with them is VERY limited. That being said........i feel more sorry for the kids with cell phones attached to their fingers, there i-pod buds attached to their ears, thier myspace accounts........you tube portfolios......and false sense of what they think life is going to be based on seeing all of there idols on MTV driving bentleys and Bugatis. Not to mention every single female role model thats comes off the disney chanel is showing every little girl that she has to cross over to half naked pictures on the internet as soon as 13 hits to be a success.............dah, dont even get me started. lol
  8. From what i know of their lifestyle...............i have the UTMOST respect for them. They are not a wasteful sort and i highly doubt they would waste a resource. HIGHLY DOUBT. I think they should be rewarded and looked at as an example of what to live like and how to raise kids the right way. Even if that reward is as little as leavin them be. They are a different type of humanity. I see both ends here, but my gut says they arent a threat to conservation.........and are in a realm of their very own.
  9. wait until they all want multimillion dollar contracts because theyve attained the finals two years in a row (and possibly a cup if they come back to win this series) and feel they deserve more money, each and every one of them.........wait till that happens and the team is dismantled because they cant stay under the cap and pay everyone what they want at the same time. lol
  10. I duno, i havent watched every minute of both games, but it seems to have been pretty Bland. I think Orpik hit Hossa once in game one, and the commentators acted like he ripped his head off, when in reality.........he bumped him off his skates to the ice. Which should happen every time a guy touches the puck LOL! You'da thought it was Cambell hitting umberger lol. Ok, maybe they didnt go that nuts But i think holdfasts point is geared more toward a let it all hang out, rock em sock em, give blood play hockey type request. And i agree. If i want to watch an All Star game, Ill watch the All Star game lol
  11. Thats how we used to do it back in the day when i would eat fish more often. Gut, cut of heads, pack the void with butter and lemon and whatever else you like to taste, wrap up in tinfoil and throw them on the bar-b-q. Open foil and flake away the filet from the bones...........eat as you go. And by the way, those are some georgeous, georgeous fish. And your photo skills bring out that beauty even more-so. Its like high-def. trout pics
  12. I didnt see the beginning of the game, but i saw some footage later of what im guessing your referring to. Something like Don Cherry in a Pink suit arriving to shore in a small boat accompanied by two females?
  13. Ahhh, a voice of reason in an otherwise grossly exaggerated conversation
  14. Yes, they passed two out of two tests....2-0, looks good on paper, but with an average grade of 66%? I used to get the paddle for a 66%, even though i "passed". If your happy getting a passing grade by the skin of your teeth, so be it. And I didnt make up the 4 periods out of 6 ratio.......remember? Domination may occur in the next few games, but not to date. To me domination is complete and utter control at all times......or at least 90-95% (this is all in good fun btw)
  15. These decision makers actually sat at a conference table somewhere, at some point, and MADE this call and are still out there today making a living doing the same thing.
  16. 66% win percentage so far (based on your assessment) is not domination lol If you get a 66% on a physics examination.........i highly doubt the professor would say that you "Dominated" the exam
  17. indifference is bliss
  18. Wings........hate em, always have...... always will. Unless they are fried up with lots O' Hot Sauce Unfortunately, i think Pittsburg is sunk..........i think they've won a period or two, so maybe they can build off that. But it sure looks dismal.
  19. What are y'alls thoughts on this addition to CBC's broadcast during these NHL playoffs. Sorry, but i just watch this stuff and cant help but long for yesteryear when less was more Hockey on white ice, white boards, no sponsorships labeled all over the boards and the ice No multimillion dollar contracts.............and NO I-DESK!!! I get the corporate side of it and all, Marketing yada yada, but I had to get this I-desk thing off my chest, its gone too far, they might as well broadcast it sipping a frappacino from inside a Starbucks. I just watch this stuff and shake my head lol I apologize as its late friday and im locked in the office
  20. starting to see this more frequently on this forum. The blanket statements about U.S. Americans is getting old
  21. its working fine for me now, but i havent had many issues in the morning hours........its been mid to late afternoon that seem to be the rough times. DUnno Edit: ironically enough, this just took like 3 minutes to go thru lol
  22. Thanks........this will probably be my last "creek sneakin" outing as the boat will finally be ready hopefully this weekend. So long to the streams till fall.
  23. Well aint that a long story short lol Cool fish
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