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Everything posted by blaque

  1. gorgeous backyard. very cozy and shaded. I dont envy the upkeep thats going to be needed to keep it in that shape though lol. Hopefully youve got a bit of a green thumb.
  2. Positive Tommy......Positive comments , remember.........happy thread
  3. My sentiments exactly.........i spend more time fishing these days on sundays during the season. And its not even the bland football team thats on the field nowadays here in Buffalo that is to blame, but more the feel of the game. Its just flat to me anymore. And yeah i believe Kelly owned or at least co-owned Network. It was one of the banks that used to be downtown turned into a club........you could enter it thru the main place mall or outside on i believe N. division street. Its funny, I used to live there on weekends but its location is a bit fuzzy if you get my drift LOL
  4. Tis a shame the fine line that is drawn between being a dynasty vs. a footnote aint it Mr. Bob..... Well a footnote to some anyway. Not I though, superbowl rings or not....that team brought about an amazing AMAZING era to this town. I was at the game when the crowd rushed the field and the goal posts came down. It was surreal (disclaimer, i do not condone it) but i was forced to go on the field being in the first couple rows of the endzone. My other option was to get crushed by 80,000 plus lol. It'll never happen again, we may win again someday. But never will i have the feeling back of those years with that team. They were a family to this city. DO you remember a nightclub called "Network" downtown Billybob? We used to hang out there every weekend and see them all come thru walking to the V.I.P. room talking to fans along the way. Just a really unorthodox group of guys in comparison to todays athletes that felt so tight knit and in tune with the city and it gives me chills to sit here (as i just did) and look back on it all via Youtube. I couldnt even imagine winning with any other team, and having it feel the same. Go watch some youtube from those years Billy bob and get all them chills back!!!! I hang my head for NO-ONE during those superbowl losses, and feel blessed to have lived through that era of Buffalo history
  5. Ya i was thinking the same gerritt. Almost wondering if these two stole a coast guard boat and were on the run
  6. dont think ive ever seen a happy snapper
  7. Less is more
  8. I stop counting on days i hit more than 10 fish
  9. Get them battery packs chargin on the electric filet knife..........Holy Mackadoooooo
  10. Got my 11 year old nephew as my fishing partner........we do some sort of fishing every weekend. Just the other day we were having our own little tournament and i happened to go 1 up on him.........he all the sudden had to go to the bathroom and his stomach didnt feel well. I said lets wait 10 more minutes and we'll go, he got the next two fish and low and behold he felt much better.
  11. Just another thing to mow around and weedwack, GRIND IT lol I hacked down a MAJOR weeping willow in the backyard years ago and took a pool and deck down as well.........ive never looked back since, only forwards as i cut my backyard with no obstacles. Its a wonderful thing
  12. oh i dunno, id make a valient effort for sure lol I could see taking the reel off completely, drilling thru the top of the reel seat piece and into the main lower arm (trying to do it thru both pieces so it lines up well) as deep as you can go and try and thread it. I know its cast, whatever the material is. But find a tap and die set and try and tap into it and finish it with a LONG, maybe 10-24 machine screw with a countersink head so it will go back on the rod without the screw head interfering. Worth a shot if you have the tools. I know id try it just to see if i could do it. I actually had a reel break last year that left me a little more at the top than you have and i wrapped it in fiberglass cloth and resined it up and its not the prettiest thing, but functional
  13. We can all look back at things we may have done differently and decisions we've made that afterwards made us scratch our head. I dont think that calling out stupidity at the time of someones death is necassarily called for. I feel for the victim and the ones sitting somewhere grieving for their child/dad/brother
  14. I just bought a Line-6 Pod Studio UX-2 not too long ago and so far i love it. I dont play thru an amp and modelers anymore. It connects via USB and i play right thru the computer. It comes with some recording software as well but i just downloaded Audacity and use the UX-2 as a plug in to record. Im trying to find the time i need to really produce some overall recordings but all ive had time to come up with are some guitar tracks. VERY fun so far
  15. I think thats a good approach. I dont listen to a thing i hear or see in advertising these days anyway.......of course its going to be the best of whatever it is being advertised when the company selling it has all the say lol. Using real testimonials makes much more sense these days. If they keep them real that is. For sake of authenticity they should throw a few people who have constructive criticism and maybe an issue or two into the advertising frey.
  16. Transit road goes under the 90? So does William? I cant figure where this happened either. Broadway goes over the 90
  17. lol, i had to go back like numerous times to spot the frog
  18. Say hello to Harry Dunne and Lloyd Christmas for me
  19. Then who started all this milk in the refrigerator and "best if sold by" on the milk carton
  20. Im no beer ace, which is a good thing...........you can give me a coors light, a bud light, a sam adams, a brador, a molson canadian, a heinekin, a XXX, and it all tastes the same to me. As long as its cold as ice and goin down after a hot day of fishin.........its all the same "swill". You can throw me any beer out of the cooler you like and I wont even look at the label. American, canadian.....dont matter...Just keep it iced. After all, if ya forget about it in the trunk it all tastes like possum piss anyway
  21. Wow that one brings back childhood memories. I must have watched that HBO special (himself) like 100 times. Well it was probably more like my mom and dad watched it 100 times , but i always found myself sitting in with them to watch. I think that comedy special sprung the Cosby Show not long after (may be wrong) Good clean stand up..........not that i dont enjoy a dirty comic lol.......but not much out there these days that id feel comfortable sitting down with my niece and nephew watching.
  22. Tops never stops...........saving you more
  23. I can already see it taking away from some of my boat time lol. Its a quick and easy commute as well from my place to get to many good pods of fish. My special little quest is to bring a monster goldie to the banks (orange carp) . THis past sunday i spotted a hog sunbathing just under the surface.........that'd be a neat catch
  24. ive heard that one lol
  25. Yeah, we tried a few alternatives to the corn with no hook ups. Its funny how things kinda go full circle. We used to sneak these same creeks with poles in hand when we were kids, always in awe of the monster carp cruising by us..... but at that age,i had alot less patience and understanding of how to go about hookin up with them and always resorted to just crayfish hunting or swimming lol. And here i am years later, same creek, same carp cruising around.........and finding myself in the same old spots. Brought back "those days" for sure. I showed the pics to my nephew, i dont think ill be getting any work done around the house this holiday weekend lol. I hope to hook him up with another one of his firsts.
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