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Everything posted by blaque

  1. funny, just the other day i was talking with a buddy about how ive never seen a live possum. Anytime ive seen one it was roadkill. Now i know what they look like all alive and stuff lol
  2. Fact is, i dont know all the facts.Fact is im neither the parents nor the property owner with the pond. Fact is, im not going to try and play judge and jury on an internet discussion forum
  3. i believe its wha-mbulance
  4. this lake is one of my "backyard" lakes. Ive neglected to fish it other than on the ice in the last few years. It is a nice little piece of water. Did you fish the south basin at all?
  5. Love this report.....brings back lots of memories of when my dad got us our first boat as kids.
  6. Thats great news...havent been there for a while
  7. Awesome, i love all reports with pictures..........but really love the ones with fish that i cant obtain down here in my neck of the woods
  8. more i look at it, the more i think its a legit image......but its being used jokingly. LIke i said....u can just take one of the five wires and hook the next rig to it on down the line
  9. Tony Bennetts little brother?
  10. I assumed its a photoshop job as well....(although the rig would be closer to 1/4 lb)....still thought it was funny though. I find the actual alabama rig ridiculous.......so this was hilarious. And actually if you look, each rig has 5 wires for 5 baits........and the first 3 he uses 4 baits and ties the next rig to the 5th wire until the last one where he uses 5 baits. Its a well thought out photoshop if it is lol
  11. And you thought crappie rigs were prone to tangles? hehe
  12. This was caught on a South shore Lake Ont. tributary. 18 Mile to be exact
  13. took a second........but got it lol
  14. Yep, i dont listen to a word these baffoons spew anymore. Leaves alot more time for fishing.
  15. blaque


    Agreed....great game though
  16. Good eye BB .......and my buddy doesnt do walleye, hes one of those B.A.S.S. nuts lol. But ill be flatlining in front of smokes and hamburg beach before ya know it.
  17. My buddy got his boat out before mine, so we took it out for its maiden voyage this past saturday. Didnt know whether to target the monster perch or smallies, so we gave the bass a shot. Not much goin on till late in the game when we found some smaller fish to play with. Took some pics of a few of em'
  18. I Googled it....apparently it's intergalactic planetary planetary intergalactic? Not buyin it lol
  19. Yep.....it's crazy alright. A good dude gone too soon.
  20. Sorry.....I should have been more precise. Didnt mean it in a nasty way. I'm not against digging in to the whole brain trauma in sports and the link to suicide. Just sayin that nobody does or could know the reasons why he took his life.
  21. Futile debate. The only Individuals that could even HOPE to diagnose the happenings of all this are his close friends and family and personal doctors. All the rest is just guessing
  22. Thanks again drifter.....looks good
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