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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Lol......well I'm dealin with a 4 point kick in the nuts right now
  2. Not as sick as I feel right now.
  3. Alright.....so I'm the one not enthused anymore
  4. Come on guys......the leafs may not be on the ice. But they are in this race too. Where's the enthusiasm lol
  5. Great hockey game goin so far for the 8th spot.
  6. Just watched it........It had a WWF feel to it.....I almost expected Randy Macho Man Savage and Rowdy Roddy Piper to walk onto the set and declare a cage match with Burke. OOOOOOOH YEAAAAAA!!! it turned me right off to listening to what his actual point was. I have a hard time listening to tantrums!
  7. Just being reported on NHL network
  8. Ya there was much to the story. Including him going to the owners to have Muckler dismissed as they didnt see eye to eye on much. Muckler having bigger influence within the league.......was said to have put him on the blacklist. Who knows?
  9. Well ya could.....but the stray cows in the middle of the road could have an impact on that decision
  10. Tell that to Dominik Hasek!! That juicy rumor has been said to be the reason he was fired from Buffalo and blackballed ever since
  11. We miss Mr. Nolan behind the bench down here in B-Lo
  12. Just to be official.......heres an actual number lmao I-90 getting on at the Galleria Mall, to the PA Border...........$3.15 I do it several times a year (unfortunately its for work and not for fish)
  13. Ideally I'd like my Sabres, and the leafs back in the top 5 in the conference. Oh and bring back the nordiques and put all three back into a competitive mode and I'd be one happy hockey fan
  14. I'm not a leafs fan "persay".......but I do root for them to be better as I believe they make the league more fun to watch when they are in the mix
  15. Nuff said.
  16. lol.........always
  17. Wouldnt have to go too far west to find the crack however......You should visit a little section called the Fruit Belt when your down next time Bill lmao. Billy Bob can probably attest
  18. Ill be down there tonite for the Boston/Buffalo game.....I dont expect to see anything being sold on the streets other than hockey tickets
  19. So canadians can come down and x-mas shop?
  20. BTW, you guys wanna talk about hard knocks......Im a sabres fan lol. Dismall results this season
  21. Going to the Boston/Buffalo game this friday........FREEBEE lol. Buddies got seasons and wifey cant make it. Hope it s a brew haha
  22. Just a miserable piece of news......Thoughts go out to everyone involved
  23. Bang On.....like i said, i fish jigs a majority of the time and this is where the thought came from
  24. Ya that makes sense.....and could be one of the drawbacks if you have to adjust with alot of shot and end up drowning the float
  25. You got the idea
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