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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Great news Jamie!! Good luck and looking forward to seeing the final product.
  2. Could have been worst, change all the fluids and hopefully you'll be OK. Some nice fish and love the Heron shots. Mike may have some good suggestions as to your next vehicle.....
  3. Bernie - Thanks again for your great hospitality. Simply an EPIC weekend!!! Didn't get a chance to say goodbye so I'll save that till the next time we meet. BTW - I think that might be Febreze on the lens.... Joe and Gerritt, a pleasure as always. Too bad I didn't get to meet Bill's Mom but maybe the next time. Terry, nice to have met you and I'm sure we'll see you again. Just a fantastic weekend was had by all. Stellar weather, good friends and the fishing was very good as well. No PB's for anyone this trip but some nice fish were caught. This was one of 2 silvery blue walleye that I caught, more detailed shot of the colour further down. According to Bernie's Dad they all use to be this colour until they lake need to be stocked and the yellows were introduced. This was my biggest of the trip 64cm. Out for the evening bite. Bernie and his motley crew. Joe thought winter was coming and felt the need for his survival jacket. Here another "blue" You can see the blueish tint to the scales here. A beautiful Nippissing sunset. The last fish of our trip Joe managed this beauty, apparently we weren't suppose to catch him were we did.... Thanks for the great times, the laughs and the memories guys! Till the next time.
  4. Hey Bernie, I can't send to multiple people as well, mods? Forecast looks great. Looking forward to some good times and lots of laughs, maybe a fish or two as well . Still in limbo as to my departure, pm coming with the details.
  5. I'd imagine it feels pretty damn good. Congrats Tony!!
  6. Sometimes I find you just have to keep flippin' until the coin finally lands the right way. Certainly landed the right way for you, nice fish!
  7. Great report Ron, awesome pics as well.
  8. Great find Bernie! A sanding and lemon drop work day sounds great but do you really want that to happen Bernie?? JOE!! You are suppose to gently sand the entire area, not just the one spot that the sander went through..... It's entirely up to you Bernie. Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks.
  9. I won't tell you what I had for dinner......ooooooh alright, BBQ sausage, BBQ chicken and yes BBQ steak. Potatoe salad and coleslaw as well. It won't be long and you'll be back to you're old self minus the snoring. All the best for a speedy recovery Mike.
  10. Great report Joey. Love the pics. And here I thought the video of Paul's new ride would be him zipping up and down the lake in that fancy Lund. I never would have thought he could have improved upon that but some how he did.
  11. EPIC I'd say! I've only seen one bigger in my life at 7.25 pounds it was released as well. Very nicely done MTBF! The catching, videos, pics and releasing will make for some great memories.
  12. Very nice G! A picture does say a thousands words now doesn't it.
  13. My condolences to you Albert and your family. I'm sure that you will find peace as you continue to do what he has taught you over the years.
  14. November 15th for the Kawartha's Brian. Would love to join the gang that weekend but I'll be spending it chasing muskies in the Kawartha's. Have a great time everyone.
  15. Good times Cliff but I think I'd take the fishing trip that Carole had over the jam session.
  16. That was one AWESOME report Carole. What a great bedtime story, nighty night.
  17. Sorry to hear more bad news from you Wayne, it certainly has been quite the summer for you. Your Mom looks like she was having the time of her life that day, living life to the fullest. Memories to last for ever. My deepest condolences to you and your family.
  18. I'll keep my eyes open for you Kevin. It certainly sucks though, especially with your trip planned. Hope it still works out for you.
  19. My invite for dinner must have been lost in the mail..... Great day on the water!
  20. Now if work didn't take away one of my weeks vacation this year I'd be all over this. At least we were all able to keep getting our pay cheques and no layoffs. Always take a week in September but that won't be happening this year. Very kind of you to put this up on the board Mike. Perhaps another time.
  21. Fish Farmer - Never had a problem with the electronics before, could go all season and never have to charge the battery. If memory serves me correctly I was reading 14.1 volts on the electronics before, but the memory ain't what it use to be. lol! (And yes magneto not alternator, like I said the memory ain't like it use to be!) Fisherman - Then battery is new this spring and is a maintenance free one. I'll check the levels tonight and give it a charge to see what it's doing. Maybe a bad battery, if so it will be under warrenty. Thanks for the tips guys.
  22. I was out on Saturday and noticed that my voltage reading was low. With the outboard running at trolling speed, 1 fishfinder, 1 GPS, and the livewell, I had a reading of 11.1-11.3 volts. Turn off the GPS, livewell, and it would go up to 11.6-11.7. Running wide open I would get a reading of 12.6 volts with the gps and fishfinder on. My gauge on the dash was reading low as well. So with the GPS, fishfinder, and in-dash gauge reading low I suspect that my alternator is going. Is this and easy fix or should I take it in? Any ballpark prices on what this will cost? It's a 2002 Mercury 115. Thanks! PS - After hooking a fish (report to come) I turned off the outboard and it didn't want to start, turned off the electronics and barely got it to go. It's a brand new battery this year as well.
  23. Have a great day out there tomorrow folks! Lots of water and sunscreen will be needed by looking at the forecast. Looking forward to hearing the results.
  24. Very nice. Always great to see the people on the board helping each other out. Good stuff Dave and enjoy the new motor Mike!
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