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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. I'm waiting to hear back on a day of muskie fishing. It was promised a couple of months ago for the opening weekend. If it doesn't happen I'm in. Can you hold a spot for a day or so and I'll let you know as soon as I know. Thanks.
  2. Good friends and a good day on the water. Thanks for the report.
  3. Solo is your guy for flyin info. I've gone with Cochrane Air the last 3 years and this will be my 4th. Cabins are rustic and could use some fixing up. Fishing has been OK, some decent pike and fair numbers of walleye. Here's last year report from Mikwam - Report We've also done Floodwood and will be going back there this year again. - Report part 1 and Part 2 Hope this helps.
  4. A fun day for sure. Nice report.
  5. LMAO!!! :clapping: Musky opener or salmon fishing......decisions, decisions.
  6. I had that problem when I did the snowmobile (tilt) trailer last summer. Added a ground wire from the tongue to the main frame and all was good. Drove me nuts thought trying to figure it out. <BR><BR>As for the lights, I'm happy with the LED's I put on the boat trailer. I did go with the traditional bulbs on the sled trailer last year because they were on sale. No problems with them either. I also packed everything with electric grease, soldiered all the connections, painted with liquid electical tape, heat shrink tubing, all wiring is incased in the plastic wire loom to protect the wiring. Maybe over kill but I hate dealing with wiring issues in the middle of winter at -20 and it puts my mind at ease while driving down the road.
  7. Great story! And a couple or great fish too! Nice to spend some quality time with the old man as well.
  8. Thanks Dave, I actually borrowed signature from a board member, GaryV. He had it as his signature for a while and I thought it added a little perspective on life. Sometimes we all can use a little reminder.
  9. A great day on the water for sure. I don't think Chronzy will be having as many shore lunchs or pops given his health issues from last year. Nice to see him out on the water.
  10. Thanks for the replies everyone. Bernie - It's a trip we all look soooo forward to, thanks for putting up with us 's and we'll see you soon. Joe - Thanks for paying me to hold that goat. Helped out with the 80L of boat gas I burned LOL! Good tip BTW. Gerritt - I have two as well! Chris - Hope the neck is feeling better and great to have spent some time with you. Joey - I think you have taken a few of my pics for your wallpaper over the years. Glad you like you them. Kickingfrog - That drum will be waiting for you.
  11. Well another weekend at Bernie's has come and gone, but what a great weekend it was. It started on Friday morning with Joe meeting me at my place and Gerritt picking up Spiel on the other side of town. The drive up for everyone was surprisingly good. Nice to getaway before the masses departed the big smoke. By early afternoon we were unloaded, unpacked and more then ready for the weekend to begin. It was time Joe! After the introductions, catching up with each other, and a dinner fit for a king (thanks HH), it was time to head out for the evening bite. Our first fishing journey of the weekend was pretty uneventful. A few of perch and that was it. I don't think that any of us were too disappointed because to us the fishing really is secondary when it comes to the trip. Although a good evening of fishing never hurt anyone. A few drinks and euchre ended off the first day. Day one sunset. The next morning HH and I headed out early to see what we could find. Joe's second cast gives him an under the slot keeper. We were both happy with the result and shortly after that Joe gets another fish on. It's a big one! I grab the net and together we successfully land her. I measure her up and it's 25 and ¾"! A real beauty. (Incase you were wondering, Joe's hair was done by Mercury.) HH is po'd as he thinks it is a slot fish and has to go back. I asked him are you sure and he says yes and releases the fish. I dig out my rules and regs and give Joe the bad news, 40-60cm slot. Or 15.7-23.6 inches on the high side, which means you could have kept it. Silence fills the boat……..HH was hoping to bring a few fish home for a family feed, did he curse himself? Joe adds a nice perch to his total and I manage a cigar and a couple of perch but that was it for our morning efforts. The others (Spiel, Gerritt and Bernie) managed a few perch and that was all. Back in for some lunch and downtime. The evening fish wasn't as productive either. We were beginning to wonder if this lake had any fish left in it or not. We can leave that discussion for another time but found it strange that we were not marking the numbers that we had in the past. After dinner we got into some cards and a couple of pops. Lots of laughs and good times were had by all. Sunday morning Joe and I had decided to get up even earlier and hit the water for 5am. Could have been a bit slower to get up as it was yet again slow. Beauty of a sunrise though. We managed a few perch and I caught a sheepshead and that was it for the early morning. Me and my watergoat. (Hair again done by Mercury.) We came back in and went for a visit to see Bernie's Mom and Dad, nice to sit down and visit with them for a bit. Bernie's Mom reminded us that she had made us one of our favorites, her now famous coleslaw. Well it's famous with us and we can't get enough of it. Thanks Verna. Bernie's Dad made a suggestion as to where to try and we decided to give it ago. We headed down the lake on a journey to the suggested spot. It wasn't long before I started to put on a clinic for Joe. Well I enjoyed his so much the day before; I figured I should return the favour. 2 quick fish in the boat, one in the slot, one under, followed by other under the slot and a couple of nice keeper size perch. A few perch between Joe and the others and that would be it before things seem to shut down. Back in for some lunch and downtime. A couple shots of the gang while out there. Gerritt Spiel Joe keeping the bugs off his head. Joe and myself. (Should of listened to Joe - black is far more slimming then the white or did I really need all that beef?) You maybe wondering what we did with our downtime so I'll tell ya. We had a couple of other guests with us this year, Roxy and Brooke. Roxy is Bernie's pooch and Brooke is Spiel's pooch. The dogs got along well and love to play, explore and chase a stick. Great way to kill a couple of hours just watching having a good time. Roxy with her new favourite stick. Brooke wandering around looking for her own stick. The 2 of them playing around. (Yes, these reeds should be under water.) Roxy taking a rest. And of course what would some downtime be without an afternoon nap. The evening bite would give me another under the slot and we got a couple of small perch between us. We gave it our best but the fish were pretty much nonexistent for the weekend. Some of you may remember the boat that Bernie was restoring. Well Gerritt had the chance to take it out for a fish, sweet looking ride and she moved along very well. Awesome sunset that night. We headed back in for some of Bernie's venison stew, a few pops, and cards to end off the day. Now I've only had venison a couple of times in the past and Bernie's stew was just simply awesome. By far the best venison that I've ever had. The gang ready for venison stew and Verna's coleslaw. Our final morning and everyone was moving just a little slower than normal. Ended up spending the time chilling and mentally preparing ourselves for the trip home. Finally we got motivated and loaded up and called it a another great weekend at Bernie's. My boat at the dock this year. (Thanks for the putting up the boards Bernie, kept the boat from going under the dock.) My boat at the dock last fall. (Taken with cellphone) Gives you an idea of the water levels from last year to now. A couple more low water shots The final group shot. Fishnsled, Headhunter, Spiel and Brooke, Bernie and Roxy, and Gerritt. Till the next time gentlemen!
  12. It's only if you drink the blue Kool-Aid Roy, it's hard to find right now anyways. There was an increase in the Red Kool-Aid for a while and that was horrible. People were buying Canadien jersey's!!
  13. And I'm gettin' real shot down And I'm feelin' meanNo more Mister Nice Guy No more Mister Clean No more Mister Nice Guy They say he's sick, he's obscene LOL!!
  14. I would imagine it's the back ups getting to the bridge that are the killer but I come in from the east so I don't know for sure.
  15. I'd just stay where you are TJ, that's what I'd do. I know that the Gardiner is under construction and down to 2 lanes each way at the Jameson bridge. Might be easier to go the DVP, at least there is no construction on it. EDIT - The Allen Rd route is a bit more direct. (as Raf said.) I'd turn left at Eglinton and right onto Bathurst down to the Lakeshore.
  16. I've use the ones from Canadian Tire, Bass Pro and Walmart. The fit is never perfect, at least for my boat, but good enough for my purposes. I don't leave the boat in the water longer then a weekend, don't tow with it too often, and it's main purpose was for protection while in my driveway. I get about 3 years out of them and that is it. My present one I bought at Walmart. It seems to be a better fabric then the others I've had in the past. Cheaper alternative then a custom one but I don't think you can beat a custom cover. My next one will be a custom cover. You may want to look at these guys as well. Good Luck. http://boatcovers.iboats.com/
  17. Very nice Lew. Must be a real treat from the city life where the sounds of the traffic can drown out the sounds of the birds. Nice to have it the other way around.
  18. fishnsled

    Dock shots

    Great shots Dan.
  19. Cool pics but where is the rest of the fish in pic 3? lol! She looks like a beauty.
  20. Thanks for the replies. I don't think so Nipfisher. I run them a bit lower then the rating just for that reason but good point though. Lew - the other time I used the cables was to boost myself as well. Older battery a couple of years ago and the cold temps got to it in between uses. Terry - It was Sunday. Weather was great and yes there must have been 300+ boats out there. How come you didn't see me?? Good to hear you got a meal. No lakers for us but the guy beside us got one about 10 pounds. Simon - Believe me. I had second thoughts about the boost for a spilt second once I saw the jetski. I figured I better do the right thing and lend a hand, glad I did. I took the tires in this morning and there is still some warrenty left on them. Should have the new ones on the trailer tonight if I can get to pick them up before they close. I'll be all set for the weekend. With the long weekend coming up be safe, check the trailer lights, tires, bearings, tie down straps saftey chains, etc. before you hit the highway. I was lucky and I'll admit that.
  21. Well it's been awhile since I've had anything to report but this weekend changed that. Lake Simcoe was the destination, whities and lakers were the target. After the not so great (lousy) winter season I had, I was hoping for things to change. My buddy Ken met me at my place and we were on the road just after 5am. Got launched and headed out to the masses to see if luck would be on our side. It didn't take long and we were into some fish. A couple fish on and lost, a couple of bumps and yes a few in the boat. A great day to be on the water. Here's Ken with one that he took home. And me with my 2. Back at the launch I was approached to see if I could give a guy a boost. Here's the tip - I always carry a set of booster cables in the boat. Only had to use them twice in the 8 years I've had them but glad they were there when needed. So I ask where the boat is and it's actually a jet ski. As much as I'm not a fan of them, especially when I'm trying to fish, I give the guy a boost and he is happily on his way. I load up and am on my way home. I get home, clean the fish, put the boat away and notice this. I guess some good karma came back at me faster then I would have imagined. Lend a hand to some one who needs it and got home safely without a tire blow out. Now these tires are only a just over a three years old (according to the date on them [1707] 2 and a half years of trailering) I took them off tonight to get them replaced tomorrow. Didn't show any signs of cracking but one tire was wearing a bit funny (thin on the outter edge and good tread on the inside) when I checked them a couple of weeks ago. Upon removal it looks like both treads were about to separate and come off. The inside of the tread was now cracked and looking like it was ready to blow. Never seen this before, I'm guessing a bad set of tires. Oh well, new ones to come and will be ready for the trip north this weekend.
  22. Nice looking trailer. Too bad about the mishaps but as with others, I had a good laugh. Thanks for sharing.
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