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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2024 in all areas

  1. Hi. First time poster here. 🤣 2023 was an awesome of year of fishing and travel. Began the winter working at the most southern community on Baffin Island, Nunavut in a familiar little town to me called Kimmirut. Some ice fishing back home for a break in early March, the latter part of that month and into May I returned to Baffin, this time to its northernmost town way up by the north pole. Hiking the small mountains, watching the completion of Nunavut Quest; a week long dog sled race which had begun in Igloolik, and drinking only glacial water in my coffee each day, made for a very memorable contract there. Spring rolled in at home in the Ottawa Valley with crappies, gar and laker fishing. Much time spent with my youngest daughter who was back from University for the summer. Before long, the wife and I embarked on a trip up to northern Ontario with our close friends. Walleye, pike, lake and brook trout we had a blast catching them all. A fire ban in place, instead of evenings around the campfire we four enjoyed our drinks at the table playing Rummy and Bridge. Summer arrived and the heat as always was too much for this thin-skinned, red-headed whiteboy who spends five months a year in the Arctic so... to beat it I went back north a time for work. Incredible arctic char fishing on my days off and, oddly there was even a bachata video shot. Returning to Ottawa again it was a quick repack, load the boat and off to northern Ontario for more awesome trout fishing. The fall being my favorite time to fish local many hours did I grind with family and friends for big muskies. Turned out to be my best season yet as giant after giant were caught by myself and, new personal bests and firsts were had for nearly everyone aboard. Managed a solid sturgeon on a side trip too. Nice to have my wife and both my daughters alongside for much of the late season as well. Some of Canada’s finest fish species for 2023 slimed the Lund, and couldn’t have been happier with it. Too many pictures to share in a report here, but all of it from the glacial hills and dog sleds of Arctic Bay to the seaside bachata and char to October’s pumpkin carving contest and trophy muskies can be seen within... https://bunksoutdoorangle.com/from-out-of-the-splashes/
    4 points
  2. Hi Everyone....I'm happy to say that I am back after leaving this site for many years due to work. I took on a new position that required extensive travel around the world and almost completely stopped me from fishing. I was traveling every other week for weeks at a time and my boat has been stored away for 3 years in a row now. I've got less than 4 weeks before my official retirement date and can hardly wait to make up for the lost time of doing what I enjoy the most>>>>>> FISHING!! I looked at a few posts on here and happy to still see some familiar names and faces...... Steve....
    1 point
  3. Jeez. Buddy.. your killing me lol.. I get tired taking fish sticks outta the freezer.
    1 point
  4. The only issue they need to solve is hydrogen molecules are so small it’s hard to contain them and to make seals to lines and whatnot that don’t leak
    1 point
  5. It's odd how species are distributed in the province. Limey Angler is well north of you, and there's plenty of lakes in NW Ontario with ample populations...but in southern Ontario it's hard to find them north of Parry Sound (except maybe Georgian Bay). On my lake in eastern Ontario, 15 years ago no one even knew what a Crappie looked like....now we can catch buckets of slabs. We like ' em in fish tacos...
    1 point
  6. One of my top 3 fish to eat. Crappie B.L.T sammiches..... . OMG you got to try one.
    1 point
  7. Cliff, I got us (Mrs and I) a T-Fal 4.2 L one for many reasons. Veg like broccoli, bacon, chicken you name it. We use it one to two times a week. Easy to clean too the one we got. If I want fries, I say nuts to the work and go to the chip truck just down the raod, lol. If you don't see value in it, don't waste the money and space. However I am very happy with the purchase and put the toaster oven on a shelf in the basement since getting it...
    1 point
  8. Thanks for all the replies. After reading these comments and probably a 100 on line reviews I decided I didn't need to spend the money on another gadget to do what I already do well. I have a kick ass deep fryer for doing fries and wings and I make do pretty good with all the other utensils I already have. Some of my decision was based on not being able to do wet batters in an air fryer, I make beer or tempura battered fish just about every week. I have a 7 tray dehydrator, so that's another feature the air fryer wouldn get used for, steaks are on the grill or in cast iron pan and roasts in the oven.
    1 point
  9. Hello gang Most of you don’t know me as I’m not very active online anymore… but I used to be many years ago I was a cocky bugger and often mistook some sage advise of some of the members in here… puffed my chest… and was very argumentative and dismissive in some cases for some reason for a while now I felt the strong need to say 2 things on here 1 - to all you you cocky live scoping… power poling… satellite imaging…. $100k boat driving… and all the other stuff I don’t even know about… 20 something year olds trying to get a foot in the door of the fishing industry… youtube… guiding… pro staff… sponsored… etc…. the older long standing members on here know their stuff… nearly all the advise i can remember ever getting on here was right or at least came from a good place but it took me too long to realize that. So please really try to understand their advice and be accepting of it. I've lost friends… opportunities… fishing spots… time… all cause i didn't listen 2- to anyone that ever tried to help me… if I didn’t say it… thank you... trying to remember some… Bill M? Terry? Pikeslayer? Spiel? of course Lew…. Mercman… many many more now I'm 38…. Have 2 kids and a respectable job… fishing is for me and making me happy… I hated guiding even though I delivered good results and still get calls 10 years after stopping… it just wasn't for me… sometimes gas money isn't worth as much as a good net man that can keep a secret… fishing trips sometimes aren't about fishing and thats ok… and sometimes you gotta fish for what your buddy likes or some day you wont have any fishing buddies Anyway sometimes you just gotta do or say something and that's all this post is about for me Thanks and tight lines
    1 point
  10. You don't have to worry about eating Simcoe smelt cuz theres only about 12 swimming in there.😀
    1 point
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