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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2024 in all areas

  1. Always working on something new.
    2 points
  2. I have zero interest in ice fishing so only saw the 1st minute or so but thought some here may want to see it. Whether it's fake, staged or whatever I have no idea.
    2 points
  3. Managed to sneak away for a little bass fishing down in Florida! Anyone who been down there knows how inconsistent the weather has been all winter! We had morning where it was 6-7 degrees C and we had days where the wind was gusting to 70-80 kph! Needless to say Florida bass don’t like those conditions but we made the best of it and managed some good fish! Got to fish with a bunch of great dudes down there as well! Enjoy the pics!
    1 point
  4. Really like how these turned out. 7/32 tungsten glow beads. Very cool.
    1 point
  5. I can sure attest to the fact they work, when my son was down last week the fishing was a little slow until we started using the grubs. Many huts were reporting a dozen or less fish, we brought home 30 and easily released at least that many. The herring seem to like them too. 😊
    1 point
  6. The old ARGO's were a far cry from the newer ones. I remembered having to change roll pins on the axles and when the newer splined drive shaft ones came out, oh joy. But you still have to do due diligence and make sure everything is oiled/greased and adjusted. Newer fuel injected motors are much better too.
    1 point
  7. Took a new friend icefishing, he’s a fellow Englishman and had never been icefishing before, well, he said he loves it, no doubt because we couldn’t keep the fish off the lines from the get go. Sorry Misfish, was so frantic did not get a chance to tie on one of those grubs you kindly sent, oh well , next time.
    1 point
  8. This had to be staged , I could see exactly where is was going to fall in
    1 point
  9. Fishing the shallow flats can be very exciting, As I am sure you well know, there's quite a variety, from bone fish to barracuda. All awesome scrappers.
    1 point
  10. In spite of my complaining about the weather, I wish that I was still there!🙂🙂🙂
    1 point
  11. Hey Mike, good to hear from you Bud, it's been a long time. Your a fun guy to fish with and you for sure passed a lot of knowledge on to others too. We had some good times on the water, put some nice fish in the boat, had a lot of laughs and even scarfed down some incredible Philly cheese steaks LOL
    1 point
  12. i like to keep it simple UGLY Sticks. Bait and Spin i could never really justify an expensive rod just to step on it crush it in a door all that good stuff. I will go toe to toe with any fancy($$) rod out there and catch just as many fish now reels im not opposed to chucking some money at nothing crazy but i get what i want. Just fish dammit!!
    1 point
  13. Something has been bugging the dickens out of me to go back up to the rocky mountain foot hills where my trail cam went missing, so I did first thing this morning. In my almost 70 years on this planet, one thing I have learnt is to go with my instincts. I knew there was a poacher prowling around in my stomping grounds from the tracks I'd previously found. Well this morning I found fresh tracks leading into the bush so I followed them and I caught him in the act, sneaking through the bush with a rifle. He didn't see me but I saw him. To try and make a long story short I beat it the Hell out of there as there is no phone service, once I had service I phoned the report a poacher no. about 40 minutes later a game warden showed up and I led him into the bush where the guy was and with the help of the game warden and my walkie talkies we caught him red handed gutting a white tail doe. We caught his buddy as well of course that was driving around so as not to create suspicion with a vehicle sitting on the side of the road. I told the warden about my camera gone missing and he asked me what brand it was and I told him, he reached into the back seat of the truck and brought out a trail cam and asked me, does this look familiar? Sure does I replied. So I got it back minus the SD card. The warden ran their ID. turned out the two guys had multiple warrants for poaching and fire arms offences, so the warden called the RCMP and they were cuffed and taken to the crow bar hotel where they belong. So all in all this was a very rewarding day, got my camera back and put two bad guys in jail. Thanks to those who took the time to read this, I know it's a long one, as usual Hahah.
    1 point
  14. Yeah my thoughts are if everyone pays for emergency services then they should pay but if not every emergency receives a bill then why should ice fishermen more skateboarders , skiers, boaters , hockey players off-road bikers hikers cars and fat people need emergency services then ice fishermen so why do people seem to jump all over ice fishermen
    1 point
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