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  1. For sure nature is cruel. It always amazes me how many people think wildlife die of old age. Mainly killed and eaten in the most unpleasant fashion imaginable by some toothy critter, or freeze to death or starve. I don’t begrudge coyotes their living, but I do thin them out a bit when I start to see them too frequently, when they become too bold, or when farmer friends complain about livestock harassment or loss!
    2 points
  2. Nothing that 50 grains from the triple deuce can't solve. You've reminded me to dust off my winter whites. I had more than I care to see on the cams this fall. If no one else does, the deer will thank me!
    2 points
  3. Was…but finally wet a line today for the first time since the first week of November. That’s the longest stretch of no fishing I think I’ve served in almost a decade. ice is not good, but good enough to spud around in a floater and keep it safe.
    2 points
  4. I’m gonna weigh in a bit here. Growing up in Oakville once upon a time when there was nothing above the Qew we use to hunt coyotes from upper middle road to Acton. some of it was just to go out and shoot coyotes to control them in our local area which if you don’t know was bountiful with all the variety of game a frost bitten Canadian boy could want. Absolute smorgasbord of wild game From our local area up it was all about the farmers. A large group of us from all points around the Halton umbrella would converge on farmers fields with their permission and begin the purge. Dogs and guns! It was a lot of fun always, really good times! But then the areas where we could discharge firearms got pushed further and further toward acton eventually putting an end to our very bountiful hunting escapades. Oakville was built with all interconnected trail systems effectively making it the perfect food conveyor the coyotes took full advantage and rein as kings raccoons are next and squirrel rats rounds it out. Before I left the coyote population was as big aa I’d ever seen it was nothing from rebbeca to the hiway to see 4 or 5 ia lot of mangy and sick looking to yotes I like coyotes like watching them hunt,out with their pups just being coyotes they can not be allowed to reign as it stands in the Gta it is a real and troubling issue but the bleeding and faint of heart types know what the solution is but just don’t have the stomach for it. No one else wants them. This is not cruel it’s reality. or just let binky Buffy and patches get carted off over the fence and most important of all DONT FEED THEM!!!!! I feel better now
    1 point
  5. I have Geoff and likely going hit Sail next week to see what looks/feels good in their line up. Got some gift cards burning a hole in my wallet! HH
    1 point
  6. My bud lived over in Norwood across the road from a farm that raised beef and sheep and every spring when the lambs & calves were born they were overrun with coyotes trying to get them.
    1 point
  7. I was over by Chemong Lake this afternoon and saw a couple ice huts out on the lake about a mile north of the Causeway. Couldn't actually tell if they were potables or not but at least a few guys are doing it.
    1 point
  8. Big polarizing issue in my home town of Oakville. Some little old ladies are even afraid to come out of their house. Local social media fuels the paranoia, especially among new Canadians that have had little exposure to wildlife. It's the "big bad Wolf" syndrome. As far as I know, the only time there have been threatening interactions between Coyotes and humans is when people feed them, and they get conditioned to humans as a food source. Most of the "stories" of pets being eaten by them have turned out to be urban myths. Personally, I don't see them as a threat at all. There is a pair that walk past my house every morning like clockwork...they don't bother me, I don't bother them. On a few occasions, where I've come head to head with them in the local park...either a bark from my Vizsla (not a big dog) or a clap of my hands has sent them scurrying away with their tail between their legs. They're here, because food is here...frankly, I like the fact they keep the local rodent population under control. The rat problem is one of the dirty little secrets of the suburbs.
    1 point
  9. No doubt. Fortunately the wife was on board for the move too.
    1 point
  10. I got out on cooks bay simcoe today? Just enough ice at the ramp to park my UTV on the ice and chip my way out 4 inches was the thickest I found and 2.5 inches was the thinnest ice. I walked to a pressure crack and stopped and fished. Caught a few small perch but scratched the itch I’ve been waiting to get rid of Ok so the photos are upside down lol
    1 point
  11. Heading up to Nipissing this weekend. Gonna be cold but get to scratch the itch.
    1 point
  12. Coyotes ripped apart a young fawn 100 feet from my back door a few years back.
    0 points
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