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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2022 in all areas

  1. The on line system is up and working, don't forget to print it off and carry with you, only 3 1/2 weeks until old cards expire.
    1 point
  2. LOL Old school ice fishers know what I am talking about. Catch some perch and pop an eye ball out and put on a hook. It worked all the time. Even herring eye balls. I hooked up with a fella that makes rubber eye balls, Off The Dock baitz. Sent me a couple of packs to try out what I had visioned. Karma was sent back with some of my creations. Looking forward to giving these a go. The treble is on a fast clasp. That way if the eye ball get worn out or ripped off,you just remove the hook,slide another eye on the shank,hook back on the fast clasp and down it goes. The drop line is 10lb floro. Figured if you get a bigger fish,it will hold. I hope. The line is triple wrapped back and forth on the shank,so it will not pull out. I may need to try on some herring and whities before the late ice perch slay starts.
    1 point
  3. Good for you! And thank you for your service. Doug
    1 point
  4. Perhaps, but there are almost no front line MNR officers in the field, sadly.
    1 point
  5. Some good deals to be had at Grimsby Tackle this week! https://grimsbytackle.com/blogs/news/boxing-week-sale-dec-28-31
    1 point
  6. Seemingly all of my money goes into my electronics these days. Maybe I’m a gadget guy and I just didn’t realize it lol. although with the amount of laketrout fishing I do with one rod through the ice these days, I’m heavily considering getting a high quality reel for the rod. Seems worthy since it’s the only rod in my hand for 90% of the winter with parry sounds 1 rod rule.
    1 point
  7. Smitty, is that some kind of porn film? 😲
    1 point
  8. Winter is here. Actually winter has been here for nearly a month, it’s just taken me a while to catch up to it, getting older I guess. The lakes started locking up Nov 15th give or take a few days and we headed out over the weekend and found 6” of clear black ice with just a few inches of snow cover on a favourite local walleye spot. Fished for a couple hours from 1 pm , leaving before sunset with 15 or so fish between the three of us. Many of the fish released as they were over 18” , only one fish over 18” per person allowed in a limit of 4. Anyway, enough reciting the Zone 5 regs……..
    1 point
  9. One from the archives there buddy.................. Doug
    1 point
  10. https://www.cleveland.com/outdoors/2022/12/odow-surveys-show-record-walleye-hatch-again-ne-ohio-fishing-report.html?fbclid=IwAR0UteCeC7t7NGv3J0U-hIyj81gnDbE-FX3Gk5TwVKgFMbxBTb_-W3uWKPM
    1 point
  11. There is Bluebird park launch on the road to the airport on the south side of the lake. If your not a resident with a parking permit then you will have to pay for parking at the parking lot kiosk with your phone. Not sure if the park lot is open or plowed in winter. The other launch at Longford Mills was open this past spring after grading and fencing. I would check it to see if it is rely closed.
    1 point
  12. Hey Shag, absolutely allowed to keep whitefish, but I had more than enough for a feed of walleye. I hate freezing fish if I don’t have to and that would have been the case with my work schedule, does that make sense? I sometimes keep them as my neighbour puts them in his smoker and we go halves, but he’s a snowbird and ain’t around till April. I also like to make a fish soup with whitefish…here’s my recipe……
    1 point
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