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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/2022 in all areas

  1. I can do that, but had to youtube on how to replace a head light bulb on the 2014 Ram. Remember the days when you removed 4 screws to remove the chrome plate that held the head light in and just replace the head light?
    1 point
  2. You truly have a skill ! All look amazing
    1 point
  3. Heading out with the sticks this morning, but had another custome I wanted to try. I like
    1 point
  4. Congrats and good luck, Brian
    1 point
  5. If memory serves me, the Grand River is in that area. We used to fish it over fifty years ago in the summer and caught the odd fish....
    1 point
  6. Good luck Brian! I am not a FB guy, sorry I can't join you there. Doug
    1 point
  7. Ya, he uses his to clean out our fridge.
    1 point
  8. Yes....definitely could be a "Cougar"
    1 point
  9. It's been a while since I last posted here, but thought I'd update everyone on what I've been up to. Well, we bought a different trailer in our park and now we are waterfront....it fell into our laps and we just couldn't say no! I also bought a crimping tool from Amazon and customized my own boat cover since it stays slipped all season and my bilge pump had to work overtime. This new cover works great! I love the sunrises on this lake, so I added a few pics of that time of day and some of the fish I've caught this year.... Hard to believe we are in August already!! Hope everyone is staying well!
    1 point
  10. There are three main issues driving up the cost of new boats. That, in turn, is driving up the cost of used ones. First, supply chain issues remain a huge problem for pretty well every boat builder on the planet. Semiconductors, aluminum, plywood, stainless steel, resin, gelcoat, foam for seat cushions, and a whole bunch of other parts and pieces remain in tight supply. As a result, the cost of components and raw materials has skyrocketed. Shipping costs have also increased massively. The cost to ship a container of parts here from China is now 10x what it cost in 2019. Part of that is higher fuel costs, part of it is higher demand, and a big part of it is extra safety protocols to satisfy covid measures in ports, which are all government controlled. Finally, demand for boats since 2020 has gone through the roof. Dealers have very little inventory, pretty well all boat builders sold out their entire 2022 production runs long ago, and most of them are now well into 2023 meaning if you buy your boat today, it will be some time next summer before you see it. No one wants to wait, so that is driving up the cost of used boats. I don't see prices coming down. The reality is that we're going to see a lot of new, wealthy buyers coming into the market over the next several years as aging baby boomers die off and leave their assets to their kids. In the US, they're expecting millennials to inherit more than US$68 trillion from their baby boomer parents over the next 20 years. Canada's economy is around 1/10th of the US, so reasonable to think that here we're talking about $6.8 trillion changing hands over the same period. Even if only a fraction of these suddenly wealthy millennials become boat buyers, it's still going to be a huge number, and that will hold prices high.
    1 point
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