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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2022 in all areas

  1. I did not catch this,but a guy that ordered a certain colored #6 silly leg caught it. Nice when they send you back results. video-1644783663.mp4
    2 points
  2. https://www.cleveland19.com/page/business/love-shack-margarita-hudson-restaurants-drink-menu-pokes-fun-after-mayor-suggests-ice-fishing-leads-prostitution/ Actually fished that small lake when I was a kid. Dude has generated some laughter!
    2 points
  3. YO SON,It,s Louisianan style happening in the condo today. Made some popeye chicken on a Brose bun. Fries and slaw. Pretty simple to make really and you know what your eating. A couple of chicken breast pounded. Wet 2 cups Butter milk, table spoon kosher salt,2 eggs and a bit of heat. I used sriracha. I did not go crazy , but after eating,I could of went a few degrees more. Put chicken in the brine and let sit in the fridge for 4 hours. Dry 1.5 cups of flour,1/2 cup corn meal ,garlic pepper and chilly powder to taste . Work the breast well in the dry. Cover every where you can. In the fryer for 8 min per side,reach 170 deg internal. Double fries Sauce is mayo.tangy dill relish and katsup. Top with dill pickle. Pretty darn good for my first try.
    2 points
  4. Perhaps he misunderstood when he heard a women talking about hooking something in the ice hut https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/02/10/ohio-hudson-mayor-craig-shubert-ice-fishing-prostitution/
    1 point
  5. I am going to make from deboned thighs with skin on next time. I picked up a pack of 14 for 12 bucks yesterday and vac packed in 3,s. Skin is going to give it that extra crunchiness.
    1 point
  6. 7 pro here, chugging right along...
    1 point
  7. Another Good site: Ontario Lakes Marine Charts | Nautical Charts App (gpsnauticalcharts.com) Regards, Snowball
    1 point
  8. Hey guys, Got out with an outfitter for a couple days on the south shore of Nipissing. Fishing was.... beyond slow. Having Panoptix and really seeing how fish are reacting, I don't know if I marked more than 2 walleye the entire 2 days. Lots of Cisco's around though. But that is fishing I guess. Anyway we moved out of our bungalow for a while to a day hut in a little deeper water and hooked up with this guy. My face says it all. Luckily there was a measuring tape on the wall. 31" and what i'd have to assume is over 10lbs. Not a lot of fish were caught but a memory of a lifetime for me and my Dad. Cheers BM11
    1 point
  9. Nope......no manipulation of the media whatsoever !! Storming the food shelter for the homeless and demanding food TRUE STORY !! Storming the rideau center refusing to wear masks TRUE STORY !! Honking their horns at all hours of the night without any care whatsoever of parents with babies or young childern trying to sleep TRUE STORY !! Causing traffic choas for ppl trying to get to work or drop their kids off at daycare etc TRUE STORY!! Harrassing downtown residents who are wearing masks TRUE STORY !! Restaurants doing amazing buisness ?????? Are you kidding ??? From who ??? The truckers who refuse to wear a mask = They can't enter !! Most of the restaurants are CLOSED !!
    1 point
  10. To me this is like Woodstock. Everyone involved or not involved will think back to this and remember where they were when it happened and everybody will have their own little stories about the 2022 Canadian convoy. But at the end of the day I truly don't believe it will effect any kind of change. I just feel bad for anyone in the area who might be having a hard time dealing with this as it is playing out.
    1 point
  11. Any rally that has Swastikas flying proudly, loses any support from me. How hard would it have been for organizers to send them packing. This gave a black eye to the protest and any sympathy they might have gotten. don't get me started on what they did at the War Memorial...
    1 point
  12. I refuse to put on winter tires because: • It’s my car, my choice, my freedom. • The effectiveness of winter tires is not proven, except by studies carried out by the manufacturers (like I’m supposed to trust them). • My neighbor Bob had an accident even after putting on winter tires. • Some drivers are already on their 3rd set of tires, which proves their ineffectiveness. • We do not know what the tires are made of. • The tire manufacturers scare us with winter just to enrich themselves. • In fact, I read on the internet that the tire giants invented snow and spread it at night when you sleep. • If I have winter tires, the government can track me in the snow. Educate yourself, open your eyes, stop being sheep! This year, I say no to winter tires! HH
    1 point
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