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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2022 in all areas

  1. Hey guys, Got out with an outfitter for a couple days on the south shore of Nipissing. Fishing was.... beyond slow. Having Panoptix and really seeing how fish are reacting, I don't know if I marked more than 2 walleye the entire 2 days. Lots of Cisco's around though. But that is fishing I guess. Anyway we moved out of our bungalow for a while to a day hut in a little deeper water and hooked up with this guy. My face says it all. Luckily there was a measuring tape on the wall. 31" and what i'd have to assume is over 10lbs. Not a lot of fish were caught but a memory of a lifetime for me and my Dad. Cheers BM11
    4 points
  2. A nice chunker that smashed a half/half williams on the flutter down. Didn't even see the mark it came in so fast..
    3 points
  3. Can we take this crap to fakebook where it belongs... thanks...
    3 points
  4. Almost any protest some punks show up just to cause problems and in most cases they have nothing to do with the actual group and from what I saw that seems to be the case here I saw videos of the truck drivers cleaning up messes and stopping punks from causing trouble. the mainstream media has a agenda based on political views and can no longer be trusted
    2 points
  5. Looks yummy let me what day you are traveling. Lol
    1 point
  6. Sure is nice and candy. Sweet and salty. 4 snack packs for my travels.
    1 point
  7. Said the guy that watched it on TV and read the newspapers. I WAS THERE........just because you do not agree with them do not discredit them. I do not agree with 3/4 of what they stand for but seeing what I witnessed and watching what was reported on the news were polar opposites. Just because you want to believe it and feel that it could be true does not make it the truth. These are great stories, unfortunately not facts. Do not believe everything you read The restaurants were open to take out - I know this as a FACT because I ordered take out on Friday night and again on Sat night (once on Rideau Street and Dalhousie and one in the Byward market). I wore a mask in the mall, in stores, at the LCBO and when required and nothing was said to me or my family. This was over the weekend so I do not understand about the daycare thing. I was 1 block away from Rideau Street (Cumberland and Besserer) and slept with the window cracked open a tad because it was hot and the noise died down after 11 - and I was about the closest condo there was to the rally.
    1 point
  8. So educate me about that. I was there and saw the war memorial - nothing defaced nothing damaged. As far as the swastikas.........I was in and out of the entire rally all weekend and never saw a one. I did see 3 conf flags. To put it in perspective there was about 16,000 people there and I saw 3 conf flags. That works out to be 0.00018% of the people at that rally - so you would dismiss something because of that stat?
    1 point
  9. To me this is like Woodstock. Everyone involved or not involved will think back to this and remember where they were when it happened and everybody will have their own little stories about the 2022 Canadian convoy. But at the end of the day I truly don't believe it will effect any kind of change. I just feel bad for anyone in the area who might be having a hard time dealing with this as it is playing out.
    1 point
  10. Any rally that has Swastikas flying proudly, loses any support from me. How hard would it have been for organizers to send them packing. This gave a black eye to the protest and any sympathy they might have gotten. don't get me started on what they did at the War Memorial...
    1 point
  11. I have a buddy of mine that owns a bar in town and has a hostess checking for VAX passports. A group of guys gave her some grief one afternoon and he how has a 6'4" doorman asking for passports and there has been no issues. It is funny how some people only flex their muscle when they know they can get away with it.
    1 point
  12. Ohhh shart! Don't you start!!! lol. Any ideas how to reverse the aging process? Use a fork to squish some fish Roe and rub in on the wrinkles. Just make sure there are no cats around the house!
    1 point
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