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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2022 in all areas

  1. Ask Terry,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,LOL
    4 points
  2. To me this is like Woodstock. Everyone involved or not involved will think back to this and remember where they were when it happened and everybody will have their own little stories about the 2022 Canadian convoy. But at the end of the day I truly don't believe it will effect any kind of change. I just feel bad for anyone in the area who might be having a hard time dealing with this as it is playing out.
    2 points
  3. I refuse to put on winter tires because: • It’s my car, my choice, my freedom. • The effectiveness of winter tires is not proven, except by studies carried out by the manufacturers (like I’m supposed to trust them). • My neighbor Bob had an accident even after putting on winter tires. • Some drivers are already on their 3rd set of tires, which proves their ineffectiveness. • We do not know what the tires are made of. • The tire manufacturers scare us with winter just to enrich themselves. • In fact, I read on the internet that the tire giants invented snow and spread it at night when you sleep. • If I have winter tires, the government can track me in the snow. Educate yourself, open your eyes, stop being sheep! This year, I say no to winter tires! HH
    2 points
  4. I was in Ottawa over the weekend visiting my daughter at Ottawa U and was staying in a condo right in the the eye of the storm (Cumberland and Besserer) of the truckers rally. I cannot say I 100% agree with everything they were about but I will tell you this. I did find them very friendly, and I did not see any violence, looting, vandalism, or criminal activity (other than the odd beer in hand). We went for a skate on the canal and walked the whole length of the protest and did a skate and on the way back did a walk through the market and back to the condo. The restaurants were doing amazing business in the area (we got take out as well on Sat night) and were happy to support the rally. Once there I turned on the news and they were reporting on vandalism, thefts of food and threats!!?? Regardless if I agree with the truckers or not the rally was peaceful witnessed first hand the manipulation of the media to their own benefit.
    1 point
  5. wanta swap for some perch?😉 Actually, if I had a couple whities I would SMOKE them! Doug
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Any rally that has Swastikas flying proudly, loses any support from me. How hard would it have been for organizers to send them packing. This gave a black eye to the protest and any sympathy they might have gotten. don't get me started on what they did at the War Memorial...
    1 point
  8. I get this question so many times.. each time my Wife asks I tell here yea I guess I should start spending my fishing fund on wine, women and gambling She shakes her head and tells me I love fishing too much to part with money on that. Of all the toys a fish finder is the biggest need the rest is all "bling"
    1 point
  9. owning the electronics, and knowing how to use them to catch fish are two entirely different things. Even fishing with a livescope, its not going to catch the fish for you if you dont know what to do when you see a fish.
    1 point
  10. I totally support the rally in principal, I do believe that we are being manipulated by the media and they are reporting the negative incidents for a reason (try 600 million reasons, Canadian with a brain will know what I mean here). Our rights and freedoms are being taken away from us little by little in the name of the "common good". The funny thing is, not one person I have talked to agrees with it yet here we are and we are constantly being told (it's for the COMMON good). I put a post on FB expressing a view, it was my own personal opinion, FB took it down, it wasn't in keeping with THEIR policies. I didn't use foul language, I didn't make a threat against anyone, I just expressed my opinion/view. Censorship at it's finest, wouldn't want to allow a negative view would we? I think this is just the beginning, I think we are going to see protests like this more and more in the future, heck it's already happening all over the world. Covid isn't fun, it isn't easy, heck it's even killing people but all the shots,, boosters, lock downs, limitations...... aren't stopping it. Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results and yet we keep doing it! This will probably get locked, I guess it's sort of political in a sense, sad, we have a lot of members and I think sharing our feelings, frustration and views here is a way for us to communicate our thoughts and feelings, learn about why we feel the way we do and try to understand others point of view.
    1 point
  11. Well, yesterday we had a warm up from extreme cold to a fairly mild day by comparison, the bite was amazing, we caught well over 100 fish.
    1 point
  12. Tips much appreciated man. I'll definitely keep an eye out. Thanks
    1 point
  13. Go to island lake, there’s a billion pike in there
    1 point
  14. Been the story of my life fishing for perch on Simcoe Cliff. Can't tell you how many 18 inch perch I have lost at the hole🤣🤣🤣
    1 point
  15. Not a bite! Sooo many people out too!
    0 points
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