The sound of those mamouth Rolls Royce engines screaming low enough in the sky to see the colour of the pilots eyes, or close, never gets old. I'm sure they aren't all RR's but most are especially if the aircaraft is British or Canadian built. All Avro's are Canuck aircraft. The air show, when air shows were the real deal, in Hamilton were always on Father's Day. One of Dad's favorite things was going to the airshow, the only athletic past time he enjoyed was golf. So up until he was about 65 my 2 brothers, Dad and I booked a round of golf just across Upper James St. in Mount Hope and just across from the airport. It was the only time he would allow us to golf with him. So we got to play a round once a year with him and take in the airshow simutaniously at the same time. A good day especially for the rather frugal (cheap) brother. He throws nickels around like they are manhole covers. That was both the happiest and sometimes saddest day of the year for me.