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  1. Hi Gents. I posted a while ago that I stepped on my Symetre reel and bent the internal handle. Took it in to Shimano in Peterborough last Thursday. Got her delivered back today. Super nice guy there to deal with. $30 for an overhaul including new handle and bearings plus $10 for shipping. I’m very impressed. That’s service 👌
    3 points
  2. The Memorial Tree at our hunt camp, where we have our 11 November ceremony every year. The bottles are "dead soldiers" and each poppy has a name on it. The beer can was a commemorative Legion brew, and the cap was from a departed buddy who was a submariner.
    2 points
  3. But not always, my best day ever was opening morning of musky season in 2001 I left the dock at 7:30 and headed to a favorite spot and got a musky on the very 1st cast of the season then boated another 8 fish by 10:00, so 9 fish in 2 1/2 hours. But it doesn't always work that way LOL
    2 points
  4. That hunter knew what he/she was doing!!! Beautiful grouse breasts, no bullet marks and the cleaning job was spectacular. Never in my life had two full grouse for a supper!!! I'm envious! Doug
    2 points
  5. I think you look pretty civilized.............
    1 point
  6. So I had mentioned earlier about this cracker spread I had found that used red pepper jelly. Well I'm very happy to report that it turned out great, even better the shelf life in the fridge is excellent. You take as much of the mix as needed and then add around 1/4 of the amount of jelly to stick it all together. Simple to make and easy to modify. - I cup shredded sharp white cheddar. I used half extra old and half 2 year old and used the manual food processor instead of shredding it. No doubt 4 year old would have even more flavour. - I cup fine chopped nuts. I used cashews because that's what I had, but pecans or walnuts would work fine - 3 green onions, fine chop Mix together in a sealable dish. Remove as much as needed and then mix in enough jelly to stick it all together just before serving. I also had it with a thin slice of Alpen Salami on the cracker first and it was excellent. The texture of the spread is just right too. I can also see fresh chopped garlic working real well with this too. Next batch I will add some for sure, I just got a pound of Russian Red that I traded for some Music. Cheers
    1 point
  7. Was taught head shots with a 22. 😁 The ones up north are not that smart. They stay still for ya. LOL
    1 point
  8. Right on. I know what you are saying about the "early" fish. If I have a musky follow early (like first 15 minutes) or a rod goes off early trolling...you better catch that fish because there ain't gonna be nuthin happening the rest of the day. No clue why, but that early fish can be a real curse.
    1 point
  9. Been helping a buddy (Cam) with a 67 Galaxy; nice car that has a ton of potential. Having trouble getting a decent brake pedal. I then looked at the badge on the car. I yelled to my buddy and said I see the problem and the manufacturer circled it for us. Sorry Cam; if you see this. LOL Dan.
    1 point
  10. The sound of those mamouth Rolls Royce engines screaming low enough in the sky to see the colour of the pilots eyes, or close, never gets old. I'm sure they aren't all RR's but most are especially if the aircaraft is British or Canadian built. All Avro's are Canuck aircraft. The air show, when air shows were the real deal, in Hamilton were always on Father's Day. One of Dad's favorite things was going to the airshow, the only athletic past time he enjoyed was golf. So up until he was about 65 my 2 brothers, Dad and I booked a round of golf just across Upper James St. in Mount Hope and just across from the airport. It was the only time he would allow us to golf with him. So we got to play a round once a year with him and take in the airshow simutaniously at the same time. A good day especially for the rather frugal (cheap) brother. He throws nickels around like they are manhole covers. That was both the happiest and sometimes saddest day of the year for me.
    1 point
  11. They're just keeping an eye out for GBFisher....
    1 point
  12. They call it paint jail for a reason Dan!! You're welcome any time. I've got one closer to your vintage now, but still a good Mopar.. LOL
    1 point
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