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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/26/2021 in all areas

  1. Ignore him, that will drive him even more crazy.
    2 points
  2. I hear your frustration. Years ago I was at Bronte Creek and almost punched some dude who was trying to put a salmon that I just caught in a garbage bag to feed his family. He was giving me a lecture on how it was going to die anyways. It was full of eggs. After that I decided to roll up my sleeves and deliver newspapers (worst job ever) 7 days a week for 6 months to purchase a boat. Haven’t missed shore fishing at all, but now boat launches are a whole different story.
    2 points
  3. https://www.yummly.com/recipes/ground-beef-jerky?prm-v1=1 That looks like a good rig. I only tried it a couple of times. The dehydrator I bought came with the kit and a couple of mixes. I'm sure they must use some sort of binding agent that results in some proper jerky texture, which makes sense for ground but I didn't notice any on the few recipes I checked. Thing is when it comes out of the tube it's not very stiff so you basically can't handle it until its somewhat dried. So the smoker is a great idea but I'm thinking you may have to make your strips on a different surface and put those on the racks in the smoker. Your other option would be to dehydrate them like 80% until starting to stiffen up well and then just finish them in the smoker for the true flavour. Off topic a tad but I've done lots of regular jerky in a dehydrator for decades now and I have always used liquid smoke for sure, even though I've had a smoker there was two brands that were good and one I didn't care for so much. Marinating for at least a day makes a big difference in overall flavour. I remember those good old days too when I could get nice thick full round steaks on sale at great prices and freeze them for my use any time of the year and a few big batches in the fall where I would do up a weeks worth for the four of us at deer camp each year. Great out ice fishing too. Recipe wise, the one best addition you can improve any recipe with is the addition of lots of fresh garlic, not powdered. I grow my own. When you chew on a piece of that jerky the real garlic flavour stands out just right. Cheers
    2 points
  4. Beating someone up in Ontario will cost you about $10K. So that might be a consideration.
    2 points
  5. You could always caulk you windows!!!
    1 point
  6. We also just returned from a trip with CAS to Audrey Lake. Without a single cloud in the sky and 30+ degrees we had trouble finding the big walleyes. We did catch about 100 14 to 20" though. That being said we had a blast targeting Pike. Catching many over 30" including one at 40" for my 12 year old son
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Finished today, did a 1/2 fill to hopefully get any extra shaving and then drained again. Refilled full and now ready to go! A couple Lake Ontario runs and then Nipissing in 3 weeks! Need boat in top shape if Cache Bay is fishable.
    1 point
  9. Thanks Bunk. Yes, that one was fun to write. The 2021 Butt Sister that came up topside for me was about 30 pounds, so not a behemoth by any means, but TASTY! Buddy caught one 3 cm below the allowable maximum length, and it was 55 to 60 pounds. Then the tide changed, and all four lines got tangled together in 300 FOW, what a shitshow... Doug
    1 point
  10. Sounds like a great spot for the next meet and greet! I know what I would do, but i'm not going to say that here......you get my drift. S.
    1 point
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