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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2021 in all areas

  1. Nice looking fly brother now find a school of Crappie and I bet you would clean up on them as well. Art
    2 points
  2. While out last weekend,I noticed clouds of 1/2-1 " shinners, so tied up a couple to try. Sure has heck,they were chomping on them. Could not get enough bigger fish for a feed, but yet another, tie that catches. I even took out my ultra light that I was gifted a few years back, maybe more from Porkpie. LOL Oh the sun rise was amazing this morning. Like a painting. Even the moon looked great, better the the photo anyways. A side note,I need to get a lithium Ion battery for the new finder,as it draws more power then I thought it would from the 7.2 sealed one I have been using. I am looking at getting one of those milwhacky converter battery attachments for my 5 hr batteries. I know they work well,as another fellow angler uses that for his set up. Home depot did not have any when I was there yesterday. Guess it,s on line for one, if I can find it .
    1 point
  3. At least you got some pretty views
    1 point
  4. Lovely haul. Your back is still working.
    1 point
  5. Real nice and they work too
    1 point
  6. Nice pics for sure. One of these days, some fishing store is going to kidnap you to make flies.
    1 point
  7. Great pics , Shinner fly ... well done it looks great ! and it worked !
    1 point
  8. Those are lovely looking butt chops! But what the hell is "CHARCOAL?" 😉 Doug
    1 point
  9. My trusty mechanic will do the job next week no problem. He is very reasonable $$$ and said it would be a quick job. By the time I bought the repair kit etc. this figured to be the smartest play.
    1 point
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