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  1. Hopefully there's a couple folks that get a kick out of this. What's the difference between hunter's and fishermen and or women? Hunter's lie and wait, fishermen wait and lie.
    1 point
  2. I rarely write “strategy or how to” articles but I do get a lot of emails or questions about spots on lakes We have mainly done our trips near the end of August and there are 3 spot or structure types that have become our go tos https://www.northernjacks.com/post/walleye-magnets Cheers Andrew
    1 point
  3. Well, that's beyond anything I would do. Some guy on the Simcoe board said he lost his surfboard last wednesday around Georgina, don't they have a tether tied to them.
    1 point
  4. I found it funny that the marina launch was closed,but the Tiffin launch is open. Oh it was packed full of trucks and trailers this morning. I went off my float boat launch this morning. Moved numerous times. Fished from 20-80 fow. Not a single mark. Need some warmer weather me thinks. The water clarity was insane. I could see the bottom at 30 fow .
    1 point
  5. Weve caught a few (shellcrackers as they call them in the south) down in South Carolina. My buddy dave ended up hooking into a 3 1/2lber and he said it was one of the craziest fights of his life. It fought like a sunny but was a big saucer. wild
    1 point
  6. Why put off the inevitable, we are supposed to be adults and not play ______. Pay now or pay later, but why wait for the rush.
    1 point
  7. Most of these people wearing masks alone while in cars are delivery drivers working for Uber and Skip the Dishes type employers. They will lose their incomes if customers complain, so they wear their masks full time to avoid forgetting it. Then there's the small clueless percentage who think doing so will somehow help. Mesh see through masks are a great thing for those who aren't exactly on board with wearing masks.... I really don't understand why it's okay to take my family to stand in a crowded area to get ice cream and then go play at a park with dirty kids snotting, coughing, sneezing and touching everything. But, I cannot go by myself to a boat launch and spend the day in the middle of a lake literally kilometers from anyone? Petitions are mostly useless, but I signed anyways.
    1 point
  8. Those pandemics are kinda of unwieldy things, if you could just will it to be over it would just be an outbreak. Encourage everyone to get the jab, that is the quickest way it will be over.
    1 point
  9. So, here's a thing that happened to a buddy of mine a few years ago.... Buddy is a house framer who was working on a house in Toronto, he lives in the east GTA. Now, my buddy is a bit of a "rebel" if you will and decided many years ago that he had no intentions of buying his plate sticker every year. At the time of the "incident" he had not bought a sticker for the better part of a decade. So, he is working in Toronto, framing a custom home. His work truck with all his tools and materials, in the driveway of the home... including the keys in the ignition and his wallet on the dash! (his feeling was that it was safe to do as there were three guys working the site and the truck was always in view by at least one of them.) so, mid-day he goes to get something from the truck and it's gone! No sign of the truck. He calls the cops, gives a report on the phone, they won't even come to the site. He records the officar's contact info, calls his wife to come pick him up. A number of days go by, no call from the cops. About five days later, he gets a call from a bar in Toronto, someone has turned in his wallet, would he like to pick it up? Yup, I am on my way. So he parks in a "Green P" parking lot close to the bar, goes in a retrieves his wallet. Walking back to the green P, he spots something that looks familiar... there it is, his truck siting in the parking lot with multiple parking violations on the windshield. Fortunately for him, he kept a "hide a key" under the front wheel well, starts the truck, pays the fees and is on his way. All tools and wallet in place! He called officer who took the original report and leaves a message that he found his truck. No response from the cops. Fast forward a couple of months later, he's working on a job in Bowmanville, driving his truck north off the 401 to get some needed material. He notices an OPP coming the other direction and as he passes him, he notices in the rear view that the cop is now quickly doing a u-turn and following him. He gets his material and is heading south to get back on the 401 and see's two cop cars following him. As he reaches the on-ramp, there are three OPP cars parked on the side of the on-ramp. As soon as he hits the 401, all hell breaks loose! Cops everywhere, surrounding his truck. Next thing he knows, there's a cop with his gun trained on him from the driver side and he's screaming at him to exit the truck. He's now face down on the 401, in hand cuffs as the cops go through his truck. He keeps asking them what's what's going on, they tell his in no uncertain term to shut the*&%^ up! After going through the truck and finding nothing, they finally tell him that the truck was reported stolen and they think he's the thief or trying to rip off insurance. He explained how the truck was found and reported to TPS. Boy were the cops disappointed. They eventually all began to leave and the last cop to leave says to buddy... uhm, your plate sticker is out of date. Buddy says to the cop, after all I just went through, your not going to give me a ticket are you? Cop says no, you've had a bad enough day. That was at least 5 years ago and buddy still hasn't bought a new plate sticker! LMAO! HH
    1 point
  10. Didn’t make many this year, I’m tweaking the baits again so I can have a solid one piece wire replacing the screw eyes. And possibly a rattle
    1 point
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