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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2021 in all areas

  1. If you see someone trying to launch or retrieve his boat that appears to lack experience, don't sit and criticize him but go over and offer some advice or even offer do it for him. Too many people forget they were new and inexperienced at boating at one time themselves but would rather sit back and ridicule others rather than offering to help.
    4 points
  2. I booked into Canada’s Wonderland, appointment at 12:50 arrived at 12:15 after seeing the earlier lineups at other centres and the new hospital always booked! It was amazingly organized and I was out at 12:44. Went back Thursday with my wife and the same thing. She was at 3 and we left at 2:45. Going back in July for round two. I got Pfiszer and she got Maderna. No side affect at all, not even pain at the injection site. Keep well.
    2 points
  3. Way to stay classy Crimsongulf! HH
    2 points
  4. The last Tales from Post seemed to get a solid response so I have added a new one This is Tales from The Lodge - an interview with Gord Bastable, owner of Vermillion Bay Lodge on Eagle Lake It was a really interesting chat and a bit of an eye opener about a day in the life of running a fishing camp https://www.northernjacks.com/post/tales-from-the-lodge Cheers and thanks for reading Andrew
    1 point
  5. I'm with Lew. My biggest pet peeve is people that sit around and criticize, yell at and or hassle people that clearly don't know what they are doing rather than offer assistance. My second biggest pet peeve at boat launches is guys that have egos so large that they can't accept help when they clearly need it.
    1 point
  6. Did you bring an XL coffee and foot stool, might take a while to read. Charge batteries before leaving home, if you have muffs, do a quick start to make sure it starts at the launch. Put all your fishing gear into the boat in the parking lot. Put plug in boat. Undo all straps except winch( depends on launch). If you need a Ford with back up assist, then take up a different hobby or go practice at Wmart. Launch, and get the heck out of the way.
    1 point
  7. I dunno. I think that sentiment is a little tone deaf. No one saw this coming. You can social media till your eyes bleed in this 2nd year but if the bulk of Canadian fishermen live in the GTA, how many Canadians are going to drive anywhere near the distance to Thunder Bay and your establishment? As a lodge owner you may have made a big investment in 2019 and I bet there are a lot of operations where they are now fully dependent on the wife's income to keep their establishment afloat. In this situation bull-crap to, "only the strong survive". There is a lot of chance and luck playing into this also. If your place is on the French River you're golden, you will be fully booked and it's the best of times. If on the other hand you're on Lac Seul and you had a STRONG business with 95% American customers, you could be on your knees. This is exactly why I'm doing it different this year and making the trek out that way. Go fish in a different pond, it's an adjustment that if enough of us made it, then it could make a difference. Like a mini Ontarian fishing Dunkirk. You get a banner fishing year in prime fishing weeks with some lodges more then 1/2 empty. To boot some places are offering discounted rates. Win-win.
    1 point
  8. I just found out I’m eligible for vac now, I’m getting it.
    1 point
  9. I got my 1st vaccine down in Peterboro yesterday and 3 different people working at the clinic thanked me for doing my part to protect others and help put an end to this nightmare. My wife goes on Tuesday and then we both go back mid-July. And FWIW, I couldn't believe how well organized it was and how smoothly the entire process went....the proverbial well oiled machine.
    1 point
  10. I agree completely social media is imperative these days we spend hundreds of dollars advertising each month only in Ontario. The challenge in times like this is getting people to book. People are afraid to make a booking. Lockdown after lockdown and stories of lost deposits and delayed reservations makes it tough, We completely get it. We made a decision to offer residents a full refund if your trip get cancelled due to a covid lockdown or restriction that prevents your trip from going forward. Hoping that if people have nothing to loose then they will feel more comfortable making a booking. Even then people are afraid. I had a Coorporate trip where the business was picking up the tab, and they could not find enough people willing to travel for free!! Times are tough and unprecedented for sure. Hang in there folks we will get through this. Adam
    1 point
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