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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/2020 in all areas

  1. Pressure canning is the only SAFE way to do meat and fish Some really good information here.
    3 points
  2. You mean obtain accreditation from a post secondary institution and then obtain a doctorate that allows for you to formally document your paper. Conduct a significant study and then publish it for peer review by other scientists. Upon approval you can then publish your findings...or do you mean just watch a bunch of YouTube? the thought of non medical professionals conducting their own research to become enlightened and “woke” on how to treat disease is dangerous. go, talk to your doctor, and then go and seek a second, third even fourth opinion in person and then you can make an informed decision.
    3 points
  3. When faced with conflicting and or threatening information, some people stick their heads in the sand. One's reality is based on their observations. Some will question a narrative, some will just accept what they are being told. What is true for you is what you're willing to accept. On this forum and many other forums around the world, many are undecided. If this pic is any indication of a side effect, I may just wait a while.
    2 points
  4. Buy local. http://www.centerpinangling.com/index.html http://www.centerpinangling.com/images/drennan_Flourocarbon.jpg DRENNAN FLUOROCARBON LEADER LINE This super tough fluorocarbon leader line is virtually invisible under water and features high abrasion resistance and superior knot strength. It comes in a unique and convenient line dispensing spool, and gets high-marks throughout the fishery. 50 meters per spool. Strength (lb) 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 Diameter (mm) .18 .20 .22 .24 .26 .28 .30 .32 Select Test Price: $15.99 CAD
    2 points
  5. Many years ago I purchased my first outboard..........a bright and shinny Merc. Then I got a real job and purchased a real outboard..........now I have a bright and shinny black boat anchor that nobody wants. Merc is short for Many Efforts Repairing Crap.
    2 points
  6. Death rate among COVID-19 patients nearly three times higher than influenza, study suggests: https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/death-rate-among-covid-19-patients-nearly-three-times-higher-than-influenza-study-suggests-1.5236346 Someone that I know had their mother pass away from COVID-19 four weeks back. Personally, I’m fortunate that nobody I’ve ever known has died from influenza. Comparison of COVID-19 and Influenza: https://www.jhsph.edu/covid-19/articles/no-covid-19-is-not-the-flu.html
    2 points
  7. You talk to a doctor/bio/pal of sorts to get info too. I'm fine with that but don't toss stones while sitting in a glass fish hut. LOL! I'd rather watch Utube vids of actual specialists and doctors with credential who have thoughts and opinions than MSM. MSM is very misleading and full of propaganda. So is Utube and facebook and so forth. That's why I look to the references/author to review credentials and affiliations. I know Fauci is plugged in with Big Pharma. Oh and doctors follow orders even though they know or as I recently discovered haven't been informed of alternatives. When his/her licencing administrative body tells a doctor what he/she is allowed to do and what protocol to exactly follow the doctor is confined there. IMHO if a patient is dying and their doctor wants to try something 'unapproved' with their blessing then why not??? This should be between patient and physician and the physician should be allowed access to whatever medicine deemed helpful at that time. Doctors now have their hands tied and ears plugged unlike Banting and best. Under democracy we can discuss matters and present information for others to consider. Exactly what we do here. I was aware of that Knightfisher vid a while ago and it sure is an eye opener from someone who worked alongside Fauci and who was basically tortured to have her inventions stolen. Brave lady and it should be seen by everyone to get insight to the workings of big Pharma and its underlings.
    1 point
  8. I am fortunate to deal with hospital doctors daily. The 'Residents' do as they are allowed and told. Many haven't heard about treatments even those mentioned here. Funny but sad that when Banting and Best invented Insulin at the U of T many years ago they simply tested it on mice then some folks desperately wanted to try it since they were dying and it saved them. Viola... insulin went forward and got into production since to save the lives of millions world wide. Now this process cannot occur with many regulations and approvals needed. I'm fine with that since public safety and genetic modification is at risk. But it's completely backwards now since trial permission and funding approvals lie in the hands of regulators in bed with Big Pharma which is completely profit based. It is no surprise that MSM and gov't has turned a blind eye to other treatments developed elsewhere or via cheap existing medicines. IMO it wouldn't matter if Russia or some other country developed a better treatment since investors and Big Pharma has decided on what will be allowed via their approval and trialing funding/allowances concerning Canada and the USA. MSM also fails to mention a big 'secret' which is that as old, impoverished and sickly people pass from covid so does their gov't funding. Medicare, OHIP, pension, social security and such payments are reducing as result.
    1 point
  9. A lot of people join Muskies Canada when they are new to Muskie fishing, not unlike myself 15 years ago. Its all part of the initial excitement of a new hobby! Many of them stay members, some of them don't...Just because you see an MCI sticker on a boat doesn't guarantee they are members...Or highly experienced. I HOPE any who are members for very long and actually interact with the club turn into good ambassadors and have all the right gear for safe handling/release, and promote these aspects of the sport in a friendly and courteous manner.
    1 point
  10. Hundreds of Doctors world wide have come forward challenging the current narrative, and either shut down, or omitted from the msm. Not many people are willing to do their own research, and just follow their leaders. Evil is hard to confront. True awareness is only enjoyed by a few.
    1 point
  11. lol when i saw this thread I thought it was referring to a "couch" report...because all of us seem to be stuck with our boats put away and little to no ice on our lakes lol
    1 point
  12. LOL. Happened to me last year Bill. Ice was getting close and someone on another board posted a picture of their group walking out of Tudhope Park. Called my buddy and we went up the next day. There was ice alright....maybe enough for a seagull to stand on without going through😠 Obviously the picture was not taken that week. Not a total loss though as we fished 2 other spots on the way back to Oshawa and ended up with a small feed of perch and crappie. To be clear I'm not trying to make someone waste there time for a trip up. I was just posting to show how late the ice is this year compared to what it was in 2007.
    1 point
  13. Be careful on that new ice guys, a young boy died after falling through thin ice in MIlton yesterday.
    0 points
  14. I got the Rona in mid January and have not fully recovered. My dad moved into a LTC 2 days before it was shut down and had no visitors for many months and he went down hill fast because of it. July 11th my pup died. November 13th my dad died 2021 can't be any worse. 😪
    0 points
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