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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2020 in all areas

  1. Some may find this interesting LOL
    2 points
  2. thanks all that's what i figured but reading all the sonar reviews you would think new sonar would tell you the fish type, size, and weight
    2 points
  3. Sure glad I cant row 50 mph, or I would need a flasher. LOL
    2 points
  4. I do not think anyone is poo pooing it . It,s just a lot of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for something that is not really needed by everyone . I can tell by the line if it is a small fish or not. I know what I am fishing for,so really do not need a finder to tell me what it is. Anything else caught, is a surprise.LOL
    1 point
  5. I was happy to see Roy posting again till I realized the post was 13 years old LOL
    1 point
  6. honestly lex...you seem to be getting a lot of answers from guys that havent fished with a live scope talking negatively about it lol. Live scope without a doubt is as expensive as hell, but it is 100% a game changer. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise. Wanna know why even for a "stationary" activity like ice fishing where you think a flasher does the same job? Because you pop a hole and you shoot the damn thing across the area you want to fish and rotate it and voila...it will tell you exactly where the fish are if there are any...so yes if there are fish 50 meters away to your right...your flasher aint showing you that. I havent had the pleasure of using one while ice fishing yet, but I already know how deadly that could be for fishing crappies when they are constantly moving. Instead of me drilling out a big grid of holes and then running around trying to stay on top of them I could simply rotate the deucer when they move off of my hole and figure out exactly what hole I should be fishing out of next. Now from experience fishing smallmouth...phhh how about being able to see smallies 30 feet off of the front of your boat and then casting out directly ontop of them rather then waiting until your boat is on top of them to see them. Chris Johnston won a BASS event this year doing exactly that on lake O...hed mark the fish off in the distance by rotating his trolling motor head to scan the area and then cast out a drop shot right too them without spooking them with the boat. Once again, its super super expensive stuff...but dont let people poo poo it...its crazy when you watch schools of smallmouth and walleye swim under your boat...or even crazier watching your crankbait 10 feet down swim live across your screen from 40 feet out in front of you...no joke.
    1 point
  7. Well garmin livescope just about does. You know if it’s coming at your bait or going away. Last winter I was fishing and I could see the guy fishing 30 ft away from me. His lure and when fish were about to hit. It was fun watching
    1 point
  8. If its not too rough, they work awesome. The big boards are great too, but its easier to switch things up with the inines. S.
    1 point
  9. I have a lot of them and wish them all the best. In these trying times. No matter what we do, this situation should keep us together. Let’s Celebrate the holidays as best as we can. Keep safe better times are coming, hopefully.
    1 point
  10. Given that most of us won't be seeing a needle for a number of months, I plan on using that time to keep a keen eye on the results of "early adapters" and their reactions, if any. Too early to make a determination as to the effects of the vax. HH
    1 point
  11. Im not a fan of the foam. Its a PITA if you have to run wires, or anything else under there. If you have a problem down the road, you can't access anything, and it stops the water from flowing out of your bilge. I used the pour in foam last time in parts of my boat, and its not supposed to absorb water either, but it has 100%, and now its a PITA to remove lol......I'm using Foam board. Easy in, easy out, and doens't absorb (as much) water. S.
    1 point
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