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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2020 in all areas

  1. Finally a morning were it was over cast and not so hot. Grabbed the fly rod and headed to a shore line access on the bay here. My toon is dry docked til I get back to work and able to order a new bladder . Was nice to just sit with a light drizzle of rain, while flicking the rod and catching what ever would take a fly . Lots of perch and rock bass around for entertainment, and some nice smallies too. Two took a wet fly, the other, which unbutton right after the pic, on a mini leech pattern.
    2 points
  2. I was at the Orillia Launch a week or so ago last Friday and a guy putting his boat in told us about the upcoming fees to launch and park. Seemed incredible, but my Buddy did some research and found it to be true! They started on July 10th with their fees. $50 to launch, and $50 to park Thursday to Sunday for non-residents. Their reason was to try and limit people visiting the beach! This is criminal! I don't mind paying a fee of $10 or even $20 for these decent launches if it helps pay for their upkeep, but when it is all about keeping non-locals away, there is something wrong. I mean, we are still residents of Ontario! Oh, and the rule about no trailers in the parking lot near the ramp is a joke! You have to haul it way up onto some dirt road quite a distance from the ramp to park and then hoof it back. Really slows up the ramp. Meanwhile the people who are just there to let their dogs crap everywhere while strolling around the park, are allowed to use the double length spots near the ramp! I spent 26 summers near Orillia and they always mystified me in that town with their logic or lack of it! They rely on tourists, but do everything in their power to drive them away!
    2 points
  3. I think it’s time I start making bootleg parking passes
    2 points
  4. I have the five gallon pots don’t buy them! I’ll probably never grow another like this one. I had a yellow one just slightly smaller.
    1 point
  5. Plastic Wrap as Brian showed is key to a good bacon weave wrap. I like the wrap it large enough to spin and twist the ends tight. Then chill to let it set up. To note, Brian was my inspiration to give it a go.
    1 point
  6. Excellent! Thanks, Brian! I ended up with so many toothpicks holding the thing together it looked like a porcupine................
    1 point
  7. Rather than go through all 150 pages.........................Brian do you still have that video that shows how to do the bacon weave? I tried it once and it was a disaster. Well, nothing with bacon can be a disaster............but it was NOT successful. Doug
    1 point
  8. Thats a wrap 4lb of ground beef,filled with cheese and mushroom,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    1 point
  9. A prime example are the 2 steelmakers in Hamilton. Stelco and Dofasco ArcelorMittal. Since that has zero to do with this thread I will stop there. I haven't been on the site for a while as I was fairly ill. About 4 weeks a go started getting a lot of mucus in my chest and a cough then I would get shortness of breath for sometimes 20 minutes. As it got worse I made an appointment to get tested for C-19. I had to answer a series of health related questions on the phone and answered an overview of where I have been and with whom I had come in contact with. I was to immediately start a 14 day quarantine. The health worker asked if my wife who is an essential worker be able to move out of the house until results are in.. Not doable. A few days later I had an appointment to get tested at our local hospital. Went to the drive in test area and 2 nurses came out to the truck, checked my Health Card then stuck a long plastic stick up each of my nostrils until they hit the back of my sinus. Uncomfortable but not extremely painfull. Results in 3 days, negative thankfully. However the individual on the phone told me something I was surprised at. The test is only 70% accurate. That's not good. I had to complete my quarantine. A telephone appointment with my family Doc and some anti biotics faxed to the pharmacy and all is good. A few times I was somewhat concerned I might be a statistic. Once I was able to go out I was somewhat depressed how some people in our society are ignoring what our scientists and politico's are begging us to do. I see young children under their parents supervision as well as seniors basically ignoring social distancing, no masks, no social distancing. This past weekend was a scorter and the beaches here along the lake were packed. Cottages had 4 cars or more parked in the driveways and on lawns. I know they all don't live under the same roof. Blow up water toys with swimmers hanging off them were everywhere. Small swim platforms were packed with people shoulder to shoulder. If that continues we may never get out of this thing before we have Covid-20 to deal with.
    1 point
  10. Yah, well my first born is 18 and he can have him... I'll let him bankrupt him with the food bill! LOL HH
    1 point
  11. LOL I know a guy too that may have a surplus of Barrie passes, but he wants your 1st born for them. LMAO
    1 point
  12. I might know a guy who might know a guy... HH
    1 point
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