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  1. Everything is fleeting in the world of what’s cool in the moment. Glad to see this show back! However they do it this time around, it’ll be a joy to watch and I'm hoping it grows even bigger. Had a chance to walk a char river, chat plenty and fish half a day with Aaron this past summer. He is impressive. Intelligent, interesting and funny to the core. Days later at an airport, I met Alex briefly too. Had no idea who he was so had no bias, he seemed quite a nice fella. So, I get home, go online and look Alex up. And although his videos aren’t what everyone likes, (albeit he still has a HUGE following which "he" created) it was many people comments of him that are much sh$&ier. He’s a kid! He’s having fun. He’s trying to offer that to others and find his way... and those calling him names just says more about others than him. Calling him a “trust fund baby,” “born with a silver spoon,” “comes from rich parents” etc., that's just pure jealousy and needless stupidity right there. As if he could help that? Don’t like him, have class and just kindly and quietly move on. Season 2 episode 1 is great! Pizzing about the twins on a fly-in with guides on a PRE FISH, gimme a break! The Sask boys don’t have nearly the water to work with that the other groups do and all groups have access to incredible multi-species in their regions. You can bet once the competition starts it’ll be Sean, Adam and the cameraman in a boat. Taro is GREAT! And Paul is a machine. So far I like this team more this season than I did last. Both are more cohesive this round. Looking forward to seeing the damage they can pull off on our home waters. Big part of me hopes they win this thing. “I miss Manny!” “I miss Manny!” “I miss Manny!” Over and over in the comments section. You know what, for pure entertainment value he is the guy to miss too. Met Manny numerous times up on Great Bear, he is a total character. But going forward, what a wicked team it’ll be to watch, seeing lifelong buds and great anglers Aaron and Jay together. These two share a lot of solid info, constantly! They are the best online to follow, period! Alex and Haajaataataaaajajaa! Great! Didn’t mind Alex’s segments one bit, in fact, may even want to root for this underdog and see him reel in some big fish of his own. In Manitoba it’s “ohhhh my goodness” to everything right now. With Alex it’s “Ohhhh my gosh! Don’t think the boys are allowed to say “Holy f*#&” or “Holy s#%&” like half the people out there we share a boat with. lol These guys are participants and producers of the most fun, entertaining and oftentimes informative videos out there. Enjoy that they are putting this out there.
    2 points
  2. Flea markets are a big thing down here but you have to really watch your prices, we visited one yesterday afternoon at Surfside Beach, I've been told it's the largest one in these parts, it's pretty big for sure. I did notice a lot of things that were priced well above what you might buy them for at the Dollar store, kitchen utensils and things like that so you really have to know your prices. It was still fun to do, we were there for a couple of hours and still didn't manage to see the whole thing. Boiled peanuts OMG if you've never tried them you have to! A couple of things though, DON'T buy them from just anywhere, I did buy some from a small grocery/market store and they weren't fresh and they were awful. Yesterday I bought some from a vendor at the flea market (people were lined up to get them) Hot, fresh, delicious, if nothing else it was worth the trip just to get them. $2.00 for a large Styrofoam cup of them and it was almost enough for a meal. I'd go back again (and I will) just for the boiled peanuts and it's about 30 miles from here. 😋 Gas is cheep down here, Krogers which is a grocery store but has gas pumps too is $2.33/gal but if you have a Krogers card (kind of a points card but instant discounts) you get a discount on your gas and if you rack up $100.00 in groceries you save an extra $0.30 a gallon. Some foods like beef are more expensive down here but chicken, pork, things like that are about the same or less than what we are used to. The fishing has been pretty good, yesterday I fished from 7 to about 10:30 and came home with 14 whitings, caught two crabs, and a bunch of crokers, if you go more than 10 minutes without a bite you check your line, crabs like to steal your bait. It seems there are several fish that are called "whitings" the ones we catch here are also known as Southern King Fish. I did a lot of reading when we first got here to try to learn how/what/and where to catch them, don't beleave everything you read on the internet! They will tell you to fish in the surf, use sand fleas, shrimp, clams, for bait, don't fish the deeper waters around the pier.... we use FishBites, and fish just shy of the end of the pier and haven't been skunked yet (except the one day we tried sandfleas) (small crabs) and tried fishing the surf. Anyway, time to get dressed and go fishing. Tight lines and stay safe!
    2 points
  3. A Myrtle Beach Sun Rise This is a croker, they are plentiful and I am told they are bony but good eating, we usually just throw them back. This is our home away from home, there isn't much of a yard which suits me just fine A small puffer fish, I'll try to get a picture of one that hasn't puffed up yet, doesn't look anything like it does at this point. A spider crab, this is a small one, they will grab your bait and not let go until you get them right up on the pier, not very big but lots of attitude. Last but not least for today is our target fish, a whiting, My buddy and I landed about 50 of these guys between us this morning, this isn't the biggest one but considered a keeper It was cold this morning, only +4 but by noon it was up to +19.
    1 point
  4. But not so thin that his insecurity requires him to stay ambiguous about who his favorite team is. Chris isn't big on the throw a stone and hide technique.
    1 point
  5. My sump usually only comes on in the spring with the big melt but it's running pretty good today. After the downpour finished last evening we got an inch of snow then more rain then it all froze together and now it's like hard packed sugar and very tough to shovel. I've always said once winter starts it'd be better if it stayed below freezing till springtime and do away with all these crazy melt/freeze cycles.
    1 point
  6. hello--great photos--thanks--MORE !
    1 point
  7. Have fun out there. We've got rain ice and snow all mixed together. I'll just go back to my melting pot anf make more tackle.
    1 point
  8. And...the Senatarps preserve the streak!! lol
    1 point
  9. The Ottawa Senatarps are on a 6 game losing streak and the Montreal Hab nots are at 8 losses. This game is like watching two drunk girls slap fighting.
    1 point
  10. Frostbite is Alex’s company. He basically replicated the googan baits business plan and did it for ice fishing. He knew that the only way it would take off is getting weibe involved so he paid him to get involved/gave him a share in the company. I’m pretty certain alex has some well to do parents that are investing in their son’s business ventures. I don’t necessarily like the guy, but I don’t think he’s a bad person he’s just somewhat annoying in videos. He is definitely a decent little businessman though. Aaron specifically was responsible for developing frostbites line of rods. youll also notice that almost every single frostbite promo YouTube video features a close up of Aaron’s face. That’s what weibe has become, anything he touches basically turns to gold. it recently came out that frostbites hard baits are exact replicas of another company called “euro tackle” baits. Turns out China sold their mold to frostbite. it’s easy to tell what’s going on when in the most recent frostbite video Aaron basically complains that Alex is forcing him to go out fishing with him for the purpose of promoting their products. In a way you can see how pained Aaron is by what he has become. The fame has become a curse for him and you can tell he doesn’t like selling out but he’s trying to make a living. I feel somewhat bad for him.
    1 point
  11. Thanks for the pictures of the area
    1 point
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