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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2019 in all areas

  1. If you want to fish Georgian bay. JPbushey kawartha pike Greg Klatt
    2 points
  2. Did it on the weekend if you don’t vote you can’t complain about the people who win And lord know I will complain
    2 points
  3. To get out and vote.
    1 point
  4. Those tigers are awesome looking. Even the markings of the regular muskie are nice in St. Clair.
    1 point
  5. It was Aristotle or Socrates that said the exact same thing about the generation of youth in his time. That was a few thousand years ago, many things don't change. We are starting to sound like our parents. My father called us The Pepsi Cola generation or The long haired Hippy Beatles generation. It was Aristotle he said Quote: “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”
    1 point
  6. Guess it all depends on how much the motor is used over the season but I always changed mine every fall. Very easy and cheap to do and good insurance.
    1 point
  7. Good parenting goes a long way. A stable home helps too but peer pressure can sometimes get the best of a good kid. Especially ones that may be looking for belonging....
    1 point
  8. Sometimes there is luck involved raising kids. I know 2 guys I worked with for 20 plus years, I was their Foreman. You learn a lot about someone you work with, both were stellar employees. Each mirrored the other. Same education, same jobs and wages, same neighbourhood, wives very similar. Both had boys the exact same age that were in the same classes in school. I am going to assume the same upbringing in the home. We had a Hunt/Fish camp on The Ottawa south of Pembroke. They both brought the kids one year for opening of Pics with us. Mario's kids were yes please Sir, no thankyou Sir, may I help you Sir. Brian's kids thought the world rotated around them. They were constantly fighting and telling their Father to take a hike (auto word change). You could see the shame on Brian's face all weekend. I couldn't believe it. Mario's oldest worked in Prime Minister Harper's office and his second son became a High School Principle. Brian's 2 boys were in and out of prison since their early 20's and who knows where they are now, either incarcerated or dead I would bet. Who knows what went on at Brian's behind closed doors? It's hard for me to believe Brian was a bad parent. Those 2 demons may have defeated his wife and he over the years and they just gave up. Sometime it is my opinion that parents have to be lucky raising kids.
    1 point
  9. Not a Colorado either but will say I've never felt unsafe on this gal & with the 2.5 she's pretty swift. It has been on pretty much every water body in southern Ontario. It packs up quite small, maybe 60lbs (minus motor) would fit in the trunk of my old Civic. Motor & accessories would be in the back seat or roof bag when I bought one. It is a little much if you're solo but if you can trailer it/store it inflated, there are some great mods out there. You can usually find these pretty cheap second hand!
    1 point
  10. I recently looked through my class photos from when I was in grade school. One year my class size was 26, the rest were all 28-31 students. We didn't have these issues then. I don't think class sizes are to blame. I believe poor parenting is to blame. I also believe left leaning social influences are to blame. Never when I was a kid could we threaten to call the cops, CAS, etc on our parents when we were upset or disciplined. In those days adults were not scared to do what they had to do to keep us kids in line. Kids these days aren't scared of anything other than responsibility and accountability. With the imposed social changes in acceptable behaviour by minority and special interest groups, society as a whole is degrading. Society was much nicer, polite and safer when conservative values were the norm. The conservative society gave acceptance to the special interest and fringe groups and that inch they had has turned into miles now. The fact that so few people have changed society to what it is today is scary.
    1 point
  11. Where is the boat, if anywhere in the Kawarthas area I can go to it in the morning and try to get the part number for you pm me if that will help
    1 point
  12. Very sad indeed! I think the problem with the kids of today is they are brought up not having to be accountable for their actions. Oh so true Cliff, so true. I take it you mean "teens" Albert. Our kids don't know how far out on a limb they can climb because they were never allowed to climb a tree in the 1st place. They grew up in the Bernardo era and weren't allowed to leave the house unsupervised by an adult let alone play outside alone. We walked to school alone at 5 years old. If a 5 year old is found outside alone today the Police would be called. It is amazing what little our youth know today about every day life. My 34 year old niece with 2 babies never learned to ride a bike. My former sis in law said it was too dangerous, come on man!! She never learned to drive a car as well. I'm no phycologist but don't have to be to know why not.
    1 point
  13. It's true!!! Actually I have 2 toons. My good one is a Fishcat Cougar with quad tubes. I have run some pretty big rivers with it and never felt unsafe even with my best friend sitting on the platform behind me.
    1 point
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