Sometimes there is luck involved raising kids. I know 2 guys I worked with for 20 plus years, I was their Foreman. You learn a lot about someone you work with, both were stellar employees. Each mirrored the other. Same education, same jobs and wages, same neighbourhood, wives very similar. Both had boys the exact same age that were in the same classes in school. I am going to assume the same upbringing in the home. We had a Hunt/Fish camp on The Ottawa south of Pembroke. They both brought the kids one year for opening of Pics with us. Mario's kids were yes please Sir, no thankyou Sir, may I help you Sir. Brian's kids thought the world rotated around them. They were constantly fighting and telling their Father to take a hike (auto word change). You could see the shame on Brian's face all weekend. I couldn't believe it. Mario's oldest worked in Prime Minister Harper's office and his second son became a High School Principle. Brian's 2 boys were in and out of prison since their early 20's and who knows where they are now, either incarcerated or dead I would bet. Who knows what went on at Brian's behind closed doors? It's hard for me to believe Brian was a bad parent. Those 2 demons may have defeated his wife and he over the years and they just gave up. Sometime it is my opinion that parents have to be lucky raising kids.