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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2019 in all areas

  1. This will be fun! One of my favourites: Prime Minister Jean Chretien was meeting with officials in Flin Flon. It was a very hot day and the ceremonies took place outside in a local grandstand. The Mayor was surprised to see that Chretien was wearing a large fox fur hat, despite the heat. After a while the mayor leaned over and spoke up. "Excuse me, Mr. Prime Minister, but I can't help wondering why you are wearing that fox hat when it is so warm?" Chretien shrugged. "Well, you know 'ow it is", he replied. "My wife, she is da dresser in da family, so I always take 'er advice. If I go to de Maritime, she say 'Wear da toque'. If I go to Calgaree, she say 'Wear da stetson'. Dis time she ask me where I go; I say Flin Flon. She say 'Flin Flon! Where da fox hat ??' So I did!"
    4 points
  2. When your Chef buddy gives you a 4.5 lb Beef Short Rib, you smoke if for a few hours before braining it in homemade sweet and sour sauce. Hand cut Russets and steamed Broccoli on the side. Delish!
    2 points
  3. Of all the sun rises I have watched on this bay here, this one is right up there. I am not sure the pic,s do it justice, but I could see the phoenix,s rising. If you look long enough, you will see the beak and wings. No I am not crazy nor do I puff the magic stuff.LOL I had one chase in 3 hours moving about. 1 chase and 1 fish. Oh and YUP, left the inflatable behind again. Damit. This is why I have the foam jacket always on the toon with a whistle attached now. I knew I felt naked this morning while heading out. I am always in a rush to get out there. Need to slow down ole man. like I said, I only had 3 hours to float about to fish as I had pork to smoke,peppers to char for a friend. I,ll save that for the cooking thread.
    1 point
  4. The man of the house is feeling "frisky" , so he says to his wife, I read that having sex is equal to running 6 miles. Wife says, that's impossible, no one can run 6 miles in 30 seconds...
    1 point
  5. https://www.sail.ca/en/tite-lok-rod-holder-430388 She didn't say anything about buying more rod holders did she? HH
    1 point
  6. On the 1st pic just left of the rods line above the horizon I see a Salmon jumping. The next 3 pics are wonderful. That cloud formation sure looks like a Tornado formation. I would have not taken the time to take it until I got me arse off the water. Fantastic photos Brian. There are hundreds of thousands, millions I should say smart phone users that never knew they had an eye for photography until the technology was available. In the old days you bought a roll of 36, took them, paid 50 cents or more to develop only to find 10 or more were duds. Today one can take 1000 pics and with a flick of a finger delete 999 basically for free. Now anyone can be a pro. Just ask my niece who is a pro photographer with 5 years of post secondary education for it under her belt. She does amazing work. She gives tours at a Niagara Winery to pay the bills. 60 years ago professional photographers had to have a 1st job to survive, nothing has changed much.
    1 point
  7. incredible sunrise. Early bird gets the view i guess.
    1 point
  8. Very cool colours. Thanks for sharing
    1 point
  9. I had to beat the rain more then twice. Coming off the water and getting my smoke done . I am not sure butt chops are the best choice to put in the smoker, but I do know a good butt chop, put on the high grill and slowly BBQ,ed for a couple of hours , allowing the fat to cook and drip away ,works out just fine and dandy. Just needs a few minutes after on the hot grill to get a char and some sticky sauce on it. So rewind to yesterday. I went to get ribs, but the sale was over. Found these 2 great pieces of butt and said , you will do. First try at this, so giver I say. Dry rub and put in the fridge till the next day. I had other things to so as well. Fishing in the AM. Did a few peppers for a friend and a glove of garlic. It was a small task, compared to the one I will be doing come a month from now. Packaged away in the fridge, my attention turned to my chops. An Asian bbq sauce Smoked away for 6 hours. My plan was to grill after this. Knowing the smoker would not cook the fat away, they would need grill attention. Attention they got and they turned out good. I am not going to say this is my favorite smoke, as it was ok. Trial and error with this smoking . The rain came, just as I finished.
    1 point
  10. The second best thing about carp fishing...sitting around telling lies to each other while waiting for a bite
    1 point
  11. so your kid gets 10 thousand bucks and you get a piece of tail interesting
    1 point
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