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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2019 in all areas

  1. I've had a bit of a rough patch for the last year and a half, loosing Sue really took it's toll on me, tried drowning my sorrows for a while, all that did was give me hangovers. Tried running away from things, that didn't work either. Thankfully my friends and family have stuck by me and I am starting to get myself sorted out! This winter has gone by so fast, the late ice on Simco kind of messed up my ice fishing plans, my son came down and we did manage to get out three times and get some perch but that was it for Simco. I had hoped to get out several times but..... Went to Mexico for a week in Feb.: that didn't work out so well, it had been years since I'd flown anywhere, massive confusion at the airport with all the new; scan this do that, sit and wait.... Got robbed on our second day there, some how they got into our room and into our safe (which the resort said couldn't be done) yup $2000.00 cash between my buddy and I gone and a watch his late wife had given him..... turned out we weren't the only ones, we found out several other people had similar problems and this was a 5 star resort. Resort wouldn't do anything, just kept saying they were investigating. Besides that the beaches were a mess with seaweed. Won't do that again!!!! Now on a brighter note; Went to Myrtle Beach from Feb. 24 to March 24, we were going to just do a road trip and tour around the South but when we got to Myrtle Beach I decided to go over to Apache Pier (I'd been there years ago and had a blast). I decided to ask if they had any rental units available in the camp ground and it turned out that they did (they call them " leisure Living units" which are really trailers type units on a permanent site. We managed to rent a really nice 2 bedroom for the month for $750.00, 3 minute walk to the pier, 5 minute drive to Walmart and all kinds of shopping. It wasn't as warm as Florida but there wasn't any snow and it wasn't busy. Fell in love with the place all over again, went pier fishing almost every day, caught whitings galore (a little fish crisp and deep fried, you can have your shrimp, this is MUCH better), crokers, shark, slicks, puffer fish, even a crab that decided to hang on to my bait and wouldn't let go. Met up with some really great guys, one of them lives just South of me, small world isn't it? Some of our neighbors that live in the park most of the year were kind enough to show us some of the local favorite dining spots etc.. If you ever see a place called "Mission" in your travels, Smoked meat sandwich with a side of slaw (don't bother ordering the fries the sandwich is a 1/2 lb of meat alone), best smoked meat I have ever had! I have already booked for all of next winter (Jan. Feb. March) but a slightly bigger 2 bedroom place (but 1 and 1/2 bathrooms) still only 3 minutes from the pier so..... ? Anyway, just thought I'd check in and try to catch up.
    2 points
  2. The Muskies Canada 2019 Odyssey is this April 13th in Bowmanville. http://muskiescanada.ca/en/
    1 point
  3. Just a public service announcement cause I don’t want to see anyone run into trouble out there. two weekends ago on the 17th I was in an area fishing a spot that I fish very regularily on 3 feet of ice after the slight warm spell we had. Temps were -13 and everything seemed great until I went through. Only went up to my waist and was wearing my survival suit. The warm spell and wind pushed a lot of warm water into the basin and sure enough an old hole (probably one of my own to be honest) had opened up to be about 2x2 feet across and had gotten snow covered. In a went. This past Sunday the 24th my best friend decided to get an extra morning in on the big sound after we did ok on Saturday and ventured out on his own. The ice Saturday and Sunday was great with cold temps hard clear ice but a lot of wind. As things heated up Sunday and the wind died a lot of moving water caused a pressure crack to open up near waubuno beach. My friend who was driving back the same route he had taken in the morning was shocked to see wide open water where he had travelled just hours before. He was lucky he could simply head to shore and make his way back into town along the beachfront. Theres a hell of a lot of ice out there guys, but don’t trust anything. The ice is thick, but not stable. Wear your suit, carry picks, and I wouldn’t recommend travelling at night at all anymore. Softwater will be upon us soon, be patient.
    1 point
  4. it is almost always better to rebuild then settle if you settle they value the building at the value it was, if you rebuild they must build by todays standards and all new so much more value, much more money in your pocket when you sell. at least thats how it was for me i found the insurance company was easier to work with then the company i paid to rebuild, get into the agreement a firm finishing date with penalties for being late
    1 point
  5. Call your insurance agent. They are not the insurance company. They work for you. They will tell you everything you need to know about the claim. They will need a list of contents and estimated age of each thing. So start making the list. They will want prove of ownership for as much as you can support but will cover other stuff too My advise is to avoid the temptation of saying you have something you didn’t. Your claim will go sideways fast if they show you misrepresented anything.
    1 point
  6. Naw Dave!, Them short and fat ones is your "Crankbaits"! Of course no self respecting Fisherman would be caught dead casting them on a jerkbait or dropshot rod, so we will need a new combo for them as well! See how the arsenal of rods and reels can swell to the point where you need a new and bigger boat to carry all this gear? ?
    1 point
  7. Welcome back Cliff, I am sorry you have had a rough patch and the lose of Sue. You do know that when your world gets dark that this is a place to come to instead of avoid. You have way to many friends who care about you here and will help you any way they can. One of your friends Art
    1 point
  8. Jerpears I don't need this thread to be memorable on this board. Lots of stuff went on here long before you joined. I couldn't care less about Edmonton and Ottawa. I do care for the HABS and a bit for the leafs. I would love nothing more than a Habs leafs conference final one day.
    1 point
  9. Golf is similar to fishing in that one can spend an inordinate amount of money on gear, but it doesn't make you any better at the core activity.
    1 point
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