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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2019 in all areas

  1. Ya the weather was to be so TERRIFYING. Woke up at 4am heard the rain on the window. Back to sleep til 5:30. Look outside and said you buggers. Flags were limp. Grab my gear and get to said spot. South winds were called for, so selected a south shore spot. Ya the one that has not produced for me yet this year. Well wouldn't you know it,they were there, and wouldn't you know it, not a single sole out there. LMAO. There was little to no wind,a light rain for about 5 minutes the sun even came out for a spell. Walking in the snow drifts was a bit of a challenge. They softened up a bunch. Thankfully,my walk was not far. Travel was to be light this morning. Toboggan,finder,rods and auger. Fish food style. I got 4 hours in then the wind started. Home time. Fresh fish for dinner tonight again, and will share with my co-workers Monday. Travel was light Meegs was on fire again.
    3 points
  2. Last weekend was the first time in over 3 weeks I was able to get out,even though,I was not 100%, hell I wasnt even 70%, but one can only stay inside for so long. The walks out were killer on the lungs breathing that cold air in. Finally, today I was at 100% and I was at my normal up at Lew oclock hour, and set up at 5:30 am. Fish were not flowing in by the hoards,but what did come in,well, they got smacked. 3/4 on the meegs,0/1 on the vibrado,0/1 on my drop shot tied goby fry. That was another first for my own tye. He Ralph, ya Harry. This aint the way out. Who the hell drill holes with no bottom opening ? Guess were going home for dinner. Yup
    1 point
  3. ive driven through crap like this multiple times, the problem is that people still keep their agenda for the day, and truckers tend to believe that because they are in a truck that snow cant stop them. I got side swiped by a transport truck that hit and ran me about 6 years ago. He along with his convoy of trucks all decided that the rest of the citizens on the road slowing down and following eachother appropriately in extremely hazardous driving conditions were jeapordizing them making their delivery time. Their solution was to attempt to drive and pass everyone through a 2 foot snowdrift in the passing lane which subsequently resulted in the the truck just smashing into my car with no regard for me being on the road. The A hole knowing that there was no way I could see his plates continued on his way leaving me with a totalled car. Driving in a complete white out isnt hard...you just slow down until you can see where you are going, if that means you drive 5kmh then so be it...the problem is that there are people that think they can still drive 100kmh because they have 4 wheel drive and winter tires.
    1 point
  4. Most people who try it say the same. Glad you enjoy. Most people also burn the crap out of their fish. It doesn't need to be cooked at a really high temp, and doesn't need to cook too long either. Looks like you have it just right! S.
    1 point
  5. Ok I got it figured out David, I had the original card and should have been using an updated card. Thanks David Rob C
    1 point
  6. York Regional Police‏Verified account @YRP 2h2 hours ago More WHITE OUT - Our Marine Unit officers are out on Lake Simcoe responding to calls for service. They are advising that visibility is 10ft or less due to blowing snow. Avoid being out on or near the lake if possible. #ONStorm you have got to me kidding me guys...use your brain. I love putting cop's lives at risk because you needed to catch a few whiteys...they should leave em out there. They are no doubt in huts and dressed properly, they will survive 24 hours.
    1 point
  7. Really hits home as I've fished that wall many times south of the Peace Bridge for Pickeral and Trout in the spring and fall, sometimes winter even. Stunned at the speed it came ashore, I had envisioned it coming in much slower, that didn't leave anytime if you had to evacuate a home or something.
    1 point
  8. Nice. That batter looks ok in my books! S.
    1 point
  9. It is a mess here in Barrie. Yes,the strongest winds I have ever seen here. It,s great conditions to test yourself putting up a pop up hut.
    1 point
  10. Good job Brian! Never trust the weatherman!!!
    1 point
  11. Made it up to a buddies last weekend. Managed to pull this girl through...didn't measure or weigh but guessing between 6-7lbs.
    1 point
  12. 100% squaretail in this guys mind!! We got 5 more and they all had very light markings...but a very square tail with no laker head. Got it on a worm with single splitshot. Funny part is it happened within 1 min of tapping the hole after we had spent the previous 3 hours trying to break trail into a lake that has now stumped us for 2 years. last year we got turned around by a beaver dam, this year we got punished by the amount of snow. the Tundra wouldn't make it and after digging it out 3 times we turned around. This was camp on a delightful -26 degree Sunday morning.
    1 point
  13. Thanks bud and thanks for the lift in and for the special delivery today. Yer da best bud.
    1 point
  14. TANKS MAN TANKS Dang this was a meal that took to long to taste again.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Pickerel vs Walleye: Setting the Record Straight by Elle Andra-Warner So, what’s all this about the “Canadian pickerel” really being a “walleye?” Are we talking about the same fish having two names? For generations, when Americans have said “It is a walleye,” we Canadians have—sometimes defiantly—responded, “We call it pickerel in Canada; Americans call it walleye.” Have we been wrong all these years? Well, the answer is yes. A few years ago after I wrote about pickerel fishing on Lake Winnipeg with commercial fishermen, a retired fish biologist contacted me to say that I had actually been fishing for walleye not pickerel. He said that the walleye and pickerel are two unrelated fish, do not even look similar and belong to two different fish families. “But don’t take my word for it” he said, “Check it out yourself.” I did. He was right. Who knew that all these years, we Canadians have been erroneously calling a walleye by the wrong name of pickerel A walleye (Sander vitreus) is the largest member of the perch family; can weigh over 20 pounds; varies in colour; tastes delicious, and is found in most of Canada and northern U.S. The pickerel is a member of the pike family (Esocidae); found only in eastern North America and is the common name for three closely-related freshwater fish: chain pickerel (Esox niger) which looks like a northern pike with a long snout; and the smaller redfin pickerel and grass pickerel (both Esox americanus). To many of us Canadians, the walleye is still our pickerel. Restaurants still list pickerel dinners on their menus and most stores (including the famous Fish House) still sell pickerel (not walleye) fillets and the delicious delicacy of pickerel cheeks. Two states and two provinces have adopted the walleye as their official fish: Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba (though both provinces admit most residents still call it “pickerel”) and American states of Minnesota and South Dakota. So can we file this under Tiller Vs Console debates. lol Art
    1 point
  17. Loved my Skeeter that wasn't a bass boat
    1 point
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