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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2018 in all areas

  1. Please no specific locations or illegal practices posted here. As we all know Canada does not allow pistols or open carry so discussing it from the USA point of view will do nothing but get this locked. I am sorry that fishing in some areas is dangerous not from wildlife but from our own kind. If you identify an area and enough people call the police it might get extra patrols or surveillance to calm it down. You should check with your local jurisdictions and see what personal protection is legally available to use in a dicey situation. One of the first things taught in crime prevention is to be aware of your surroundings and avoid areas that are considered dangerous. If you do go into an area that is dicey go with friends and have a phone handy to call for help. Thank you Art
    3 points
  2. I woke up early this morning and had this tingling feeling in my toes. It almost felt like I had happy feet. I got up, grabbed the waders and tied bags from a month ago , and decided to go for a walk with pole in hand. I knew the water was going to be high and cold, but a walk on this day was what I must do. I sat looking at 0 degree temp on the dash. Open the window and no breeze to be felt. I make the walk from the truck ,down a fresh snow covered path. Not a single print from human or animal. Once I got close to the waters, I start to see hoof prints. Santas reindeer ? The sound of silence is through out the bush. Not a single peep from a bird,a hoot from an owl, not even a branch quiver from a squirrel. Very strange I thought. I get to my spot and the water is as expected. High, but the color is to my liking. I sit for a bit,having a sip of my java,assemble my pole and reach for my bait. In a distance I hear a faint whistling sound. Then all of a sudden,there was a flock of about 12 or so whistlers. They fly over head at such a speed. Behind them, another flock and then another. Then silence again. I start my quest to cast and to try and hook up. This went on for an hour without a single hit. As I am scanning the area down the river a bit,I see a wake coming my way along the shore line. By the looks of it,I could see it was something of great size. I paused my drifting, stood still and waited for it to approach nearer and nearer. I knew what it had to be and did not want to scare it off. As it swam nearer and nearer,I could see the large black form. It was only feet from me when it came up. Yes,mr/mrs beaver was making it,s way. He/she surfaced right in front of me. He/she, just held there in the current still like. I didn't move. The moment was so surreal. The beaver stayed in front of me for what seemed like minutes. I took in the moment we had and it was time to say farewell. Off the beaver went, further up the river. With that wonderful thing behind me, it was time to start drifting again. Trying different presentations throughout my morning, I was still not able to hook up. Not even a swing and miss. As if I was done with nature, I was greeted by a loud mouth chirpy chipmunk . You would think I was fishing his hole the way he was blasting me. After about 5 or so minutes of him running up and down a pine tree, yapping and yapping at me, he went on his way. Thank goodness, as he was disturbing my peace and quiet. Getting to the point of thinking it,s home time, I hear a snap. I'm like, ok ,whats this. I stood like a statue. Then a snap again. With the snow on the ground,it was hard to tell what was. I swivel my head very slowly in the direction of the sound and there they were. 2 young deer. These might of been the same ones I seen in October, but who knows. They came from the same direction as before. I stood still,and waited. As before, they came down,drank from the rivers edge. They looked my way, but never seemed to think I was danger. After about 5 minutes drinking and a bit of nibbling on tree limbs , they walked away from me and crossed the river. Same as they did before. They got out of the water,shock like a dog would do,and they were gone. Never once did they raise their tails as an alert sign. After a few more drifts and no hooking up still, it was time to pack up and call it a morning. I did not hook up this morning with a fish, but I did hook up with nature .Being one that enjoys the sport of hunting, it was very appreciating to have been graced with the presents of wildlife,while just being out there enjoying this fantastic morning. The word I'm looking for I think is ? APPRECIATIVE.
    1 point
  3. Ya, it's a waste of money. How long has the tru fuel been sitting on the shelf? Mix small quantities (1L) of non ethanol and synthetic 2 stroke and you'll be fine. ?
    1 point
  4. There's some really great fishing 30 minutes from my house, and as long as I go with my friends during the day it's unlikely to go sideways. Like anywhere these days, situational awareness is key. You're in more danger going to a club in the Entertainment District on a Saturday night.
    1 point
  5. No crime was committed, what am I supposed to report?
    1 point
  6. Thanks for the read. The word that comes to mind is: spiritual Merry Christmas bud. Doug
    1 point
  7. There is a group of die hards that get them all winter at the mouth of the Niagara River all winter at Fort Erie.
    1 point
  8. It's a virtual certainty that the Woods 43cc has the same Ardisam engine as my Rapalav43cc Vortex (Ardisam makes 90% of auger motors). Mine runs GREAT but only after I replace the stock Torch brand spark plug. If yours has one change it out ASAP. I also recommend TruFuel from Canadian Tire. Other guys are going to blast me here saying it's a waste of money, but I use one $10 can per season so I'm not worried about saving an extra $4 by mixing my own gas. Other than my auger has been great and no issues for years now.
    1 point
  9. Well let me tell you guys something - for years I did a lot of camping and fishing at night being by myself - never worried about a thing - why - because I had a pistol grip short barreled shogun in my camper and carried a 38 special - you'd be surprised how that makes the difference on how you feel - I know your laws are different up there but i keep saying that someday people will realize that it is a basic right to be able to feel safe no matter where you go - The other thing I'd like to comment on is how Dutch is so reluctant to tell the whole story for fear of offending someone even if he is telling the truth - I know this is common but isn't it a shame that a person can't speak the truth anymore because of PC -
    1 point
  10. Whenever I go fishing and catch nothing my family thinks I am wasting my time...I should have them read your story. Sums up really well how catching fish is often just a bonus
    1 point
  11. Take a look at the manual and see if there is any reference to Ardisam . They are the parent company to Eskimo augers, and have been making the rapala gas augers since they came out as well as a few others.
    1 point
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