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  1. Past hour
  2. Yes, go to your local stores and ask, but look at Medium power with Fast action 6-10 to 7ft long - go with a spinning rod for now Great combos are often on the market this time of year. Go to YouTube or Google (best combos under 130/150 US ). Daiwa make great rods.
  3. Primarily a Bass fisherman, but figured I might try my hand at Walleye this spring...any tips on what lakes to try in the Peterborough area? Is Rice Lake any good for Walleye? Thanks
  4. I have been using Startron fuel treatment for years now in all my gas motors......my 150HP Merc, 9.9 Merc ProKicker, generator, woodsplitter, etc.....
  5. Today
  6. 5200 and patch panel with blind rivits is what I did on my duck boat with similar cracks.
  7. Yea I got my first pick of fidleheads in yesterday, just under a pound for now. Back out to check my other spots on Thursday. The ones right up against my foundation are up, that's my signal. Leeks are well up but not swelling yet. This pic is from April 13.
  8. Is there a public boat launch at Maple Lake. I know that there is an access point on North Shore Road near Dawson Road on Municipal land but don't know if you can launch a boat there. please advise.
  9. Yesterday
  10. Hey all, thinking of doing a trip 3rd week of may north of cochrane. just wondering if anyone has had experience that north that early, what is the bite like for walleye and pike thanks
  11. I used the red once, it turned my 2 stroke gas for the ice auger and chain saw into a red jello blob. Never use that crap again. And I'm never going to be the guinea pig for the blue stuff either. Sea Foam, it works, like Franks Hot Sauce for gas.
  12. I use Sea Foam for everything, it's clear.
  13. I'm glad I tended to my trail cams yesterday as here's what I woke up to this morning and there will be a lot more of this white stuff where they are. More often than not it snows 12 months out of the year up where I have them. And I don't mean just a few flakes, the trees will be loaded and the ground covered. Quite a bit has melted at the house here since 5:00 am this morning and it's 1:00 pm now (mountain time) but here it comes again and is supposed to continue to do so for the next two days. Not as much as in the second photo though, maybe.
  14. Yes, you are absolutely right Lew. Especially the one I mentioned near Elbow Falls. I don't expect I will any time soon but if I find the 35mm pictures of it I will certainly post them. According to my bear biologist buddy Brian H. it is indeed a very rare bear for these parts or any where else for that matter. They are truly a beautiful animal and a sight to behold. That guy from last summer, I have five pictures of him and is clearly on a mission, he knows exactly where he is going.
  15. I do remember that picture Barry& those bears with the light brown hair look similar to the Spirit Bears from B.C. which are almost white Black Bears and may be what you saw before.
  16. Thank you Lew, It is fairly rare as most are typically black. It may sound silly but I feel very privileged when I do see one. In all the decades I have spent in the Rockies and their foothills I have only seen five counting this one. I have pictures of one (somewhere) that I spotted about thirty years ago near Elbow Falls sw. of Calgary that was so blonde it was almost white, it was gorgeous. The one I posted yesterday still has his winter coat. I can't believe how beautiful it is, so thick and luxurious. I would love to pat him and run my hands through it but I don't expect he would let me LOL. Here's a pic you may remember from last summer taken about two miles west, a little darker in color but I expect they are from the same gene pool.
  17. Howdy smitty55, it is methane gas that is released from decaying plants and also from the lake bed itself. As the bubbles of methane gas make their way to the surface they become trapped in the ice.
  18. I have a 25 Merc 2 stroke on my boat. Should I be using blue marine stabilizer in the gas or is red ok, what is the difference? It seems the blue stabilizer is only for marine engine gas and the red is for all other small engine gas, 2 and 4 stroke.
  19. I asked my young lad to look at the one patch where we got a huge harvest last spring. No sign of them there yet........
  20. Really nice pictures Barry, is that cinnamon color common for black bears out your way ?
  21. Very cool for sure, does anyone know how that happens?
  22. Thank you, I thought and think it is very cool as well. I see it fairly often but not as nice as these ones and they stretched right across the lake in places.
  23. Deer, fox, wolf and bear. This black bear, a good size one of a cinnamon blonde color phase spent fifteen minutes in front of the camera but unfortunately to close to get a picture of his face and never lifted his head once. Just out of hibernation and in very good shape having not eaten for five months or more, and hungry, he was sniffing the ground where I had put some corn the month before which my old arthritic hands dropped and it spilled too close to the camera. Haven't got a picture of a lone wolf (an outcast) for years. I wish it been during day light hours. Sorry Lew, no moose this time.
  24. Last week
  25. Get out quick, they came early this year in my spots. Over half of them were already unfurled.
  26. He was looking fine. Said he had slowed down considerably
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