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My trip up a Mountain


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Well as some of you know I moved out to Vancouver about 2 weeks ago. I started work my second day here so I've been fairly busy the whole time. Today I finished work a bit early and decided to drive to North Vancouver and check out Mount Seymour Provincial Park. First of all I should say that I've never really seen mountains before so I honestly had no idea what to expect once I made the trip to the topish region. I also don't have my good hiking boots here as I am still living out of a suitcase so my hike was done in DC skate shoes....now they were better than not wearing shoes at all but wow, the trail was brutal and boots with ankle support would really be beneficial. Also I still don't know too many people here and the few people I do know were busy tonite so I ventured up Seymour alone which again isn't the best idea...If you were to break an ankle, get trapped somewhere, get attacked by a cougar(animal), or bear...your done....theres no cell service up there....therefore I was extra cautious with every step I took...I had my tripod with me so I guess if I really needed to I could've faught (or tried to) off an animal attack although I wasn't really hoping to try that theory out. Anyways here are a few pics of the hike. I was about 1100meters above sea level at the top so it was quite chilly and it wasn't a clear day so it was kind of cloudy and since I was basically at the height of the clouds the lighting in the pics isn't the best but hopefully you enjoy.....


The road to the top



a look out point overlooking the Fraser river and some towns...still new to the area so I'm not exactly sure what the towns are.....that view is looking East...Vancity is to the west so its definatly not Couver



A pond on the way to the trail



Steps to the top



and your host of the tour


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Brandon, if you want to send me your contact information; I have some friends living in North Van that would be about your age. One of them has been there for a couple of years now and his brother just moved out there about a month ago. Both are nice young men, enjoy the outdoors, and the one brother is an excellent photographer. I'd be happy to pass along your phone number and have them give you a call if you would like.


you can PM me with the info if you want.


Good luck with the new job and your adventure.

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Everything out here is going great....it all seems too good to be true. I haven't got out fishing yet because all my fishing gear is back home and my parents are working on organizing getting all my stuff shipped out here. and that pond in the pic looks bigger than it really is.....I didnt see a single form of life in it....theres a little stream entering it at the north end of it (top of the pic) and I was actually standing on a dam when I took the pic....water level was low because there was no water going over the dam. I think I'm heading up Seymour again tonite to watch the HSBC fireworks in Vancouver Harbour....hopefully it will be a clear night and I can get some decent pictures of them. Thanks for all the well wishes everybody

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I really do feel out of place but at the same time it feels like this place is my home...and it is.....i really dont ever see myself living in Ontario again. After being in the mountains the first time I can't stay outta them. I hiked even further today...it was about 4kms trail distance and that trail went up 1 vertical km....got to the top and went to take some pics (which would have been amazing) but seems that I'm not the quickest person in the morning and forgot to put the memory card in my camera. Tomorrow is supposed to be nicer so I'll make the trip again because it will be so worth it.....the view is just amazing.

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Hey Brandon, nice to hear from you. My brother is also out there and he is in the film business, and knows the city and surrounding area well. If you want, PM me and I'll get you his info.

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