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Insomnia has many ugly faces.

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Had a big day for me. Did some yard clean up, knocked off a few items from the winterizing list and we went for a 1 mile walk along the lake. At 10 PM Ticha told me to go to bed because I was asleep in my chair. I wake and what I think is 8 hours later I am wide awake and go into the kitchen. It is 11 freekin' 30!!!!!!!!  1.5 hours later and I am wide awake and well rested.  Some nights I just am not tired enough to get to sleep. I try, toss and turn, turn and toss, get up, my head gets heavy, go back to bed and toss and turn and turn and toss and get to sleep about 30 some hours later, maybe. My wife has a job to get to and needs her rest to do it. My turning and tossing wakes her all night and she needs her rest. She's beautiful enuff, no sleep needed to keep her beeootiful nut needs a good 8 uninterupted hours sleep. I have tried every over the counter and my Nani's home remedies passed on through Mom, (RIP 2018) so far no good. Any suggestions that have worked for you guys?  I'm here on the nod feeling tired but can't sleep.  

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Couple things.   Don’t eat after 6-7 pm. Go for a walk in the evening. Don’t look at your phone or computer 2-3 hrs before bed. Try not to think about things like finances in bed.  No napping. Taking Melatonin messes with your own melatonin production.   There are sleep clinics out there. 

A good sleep is a real blessing. 

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I don't make coffee or eat anything until 5am. If I did even as little as 2 grapes at 2am the next morning 2am I'm so hungry I'm starving and wide awake.

I stop drinking coffee at 12:30 pm or tea. water or sparkling water no sodas.

I go to bed same time and get up same time.

A big problem is early fishing trips I eat early and drink coffee takes 2 weeks before I'm on routine.  


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