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Native Road Blocks

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As many of you have already heard tonight at midnight the Mohawk community in Deseronto Ontario could possibly block the 401 ,Hwy #2 ,and the Railway lines that connect Toronto and Montreal.If the protest is peaceful it should end Saturday at 12am.Shawn Grant a Native representative leader and spokes person said any provocation to remove the blockades could result in an extention of the protest.(Was on the CTV News)


I have waited many months for this weekend to arrive to travel to the Bay of Quinte for the Canada Day long weekend .And now I have to deal with this CRAP :wallbash:


For the first time I am taking the entire family some of my children are excited about going.


Yes the native people have many issues to settle but disrupting my vacation will not get any support from me :wallbash:


I do not want to be turned away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Leaving saturday morning.


I am travelling from Montreal West on the 401 if the blockade is at the Main Deseronto exit is their an alternative route to the BOQ lets say from an earlier exit or from kingston.Keep in mind Hwy 2 may also be blocked


I need some help I want to be in the BOQ this weekend no matter how far my detour may be. :angry:


Mike :wallbash:

Edited by Mike the Pike
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Was an article in our local paper last week that there has been some talk of the natives blocking access on highway 6 and possibly others here into port dover on friday the 13th. Our huge bike rally we have here. They are estimating over one hundred thousand bikers and close to one hundred & fourty thousand people in two weeks time to be coming to our little town......Peacefull?....I sure hope so but i doubt it. Alot of these bikers travel hundreds and some thousands of miles for this big event. Could get very very ugly if it does happen. <_<


Hope you get there okay MP & have a great weekend. ;)

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Mike, the morning news reports that the 401 is closed between Belleville & Napanee and hwy 2 is closed at Deseronto and their suggesting everyone use hwy 7 but it'll be so congested with all the traffic it'll probably be basically shut down too.


They've also shut down all rail traffic between Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal.


If it was up to me, they'd all be thrown in jail immediately, but unfortunately our wimp government will stand back as always and watch these people disrupt the lives and livelihoods of tens of thousands of people and do absolutely nothing about it.


I parked 5 minutes too long on a sidestreet last month and received a $30 fine......different rules for different folks in this country......so sad.....

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Was an article in our local paper last week that there has been some talk of the natives blocking access on highway 6 and possibly others here into port dover on friday the 13th. Our huge bike rally we have here. They are estimating over one hundred thousand bikers and close to one hundred & fourty thousand people in two weeks time to be coming to our little town......Peacefull?....I sure hope so but i doubt it. Alot of these bikers travel hundreds and some thousands of miles for this big event. Could get very very ugly if it does happen. <_<


Hope you get there okay MP & have a great weekend. ;)


Ok I hope that this really happens. For some reason i dont think the biker community will be as accepting as the july long weekenders will be in eastern ontario.


im sorry i understand the natives may be upset over whatever there issue is this month but this is absolutely a bunch of crap. if it was any other group they would be thrown in jail and maybe the judge would look at the case late next week sometime!


Bull Bull Bull Bull Bull

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I find this to be above ridiculous.


They are talking about it on the news with such a laize fair attitude as if we should both expect and accept this happening.


Anyone else tries this and they are in jail for a long, long time. Disrupting a countries transportation system and causing millions upon millions in lost revenues and productivity levels, let alone the immoral and offensive acts in witch these folks are getting away with.


If a bunch of my buddies who felt wronged by the loss of a property which we had enjoyed previous freedoms on (say an old abondoned piece of crown land) went to said property and set up a barricade to stop the work of the folks building new houses what do you think would happen? Likely the workers would kick our ass, secondly we would be arrested, thirdly we would be shunned by anyone that knew us.


This crap shows that if you act as a bully you will get what you want. Someone above said it right, Terrorism is Terrorism. You want to hold our province/country hostage you should be ready to pay the piper.


Now I have THE RAGE...DANG


Beer, Chicken Wings & Elitism!

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This is sheer stupidity on their part , not only are they pissing the working folks off and holding them up from making a living, or people seeing family and friends for vacation ect.... they are also armed with guns blocking the road and rail. There is no need to act this way at all, and I for one do not support them because of the way they handle most situations. Go and block Parliment Hill and make your point there. STOP THE Bull and get out of the freaking way. The Government does not have the balls to deal with this bunch of A holes.... Do your dam jobs and remove them!!!!

Makes my blood boil that they can get away with this sh$#.


Just my oppinion

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I'm sorry but I give no remorse to these people. They are allowed to fish without a licence, anytime they want. They can hunt as they please. They get all kinds of stuff from the Government for FREE. They leave their nets unattended while they go and smuggle cheap cigarettes to willing buyers, all the while letting the fish rot. Trust me I have seen this many times.They are whiners and sissys. True warriors my ass, if their ancestors were to see them now they would be ashamed. All they do is complain. If you want to get something done about it then why dont they get into government. Hell cant be any worse than the jackasses we have in there now. What they are doing is pissing people off and getting no help for their causes. Why dont we stop to the liquior train and the smoke shops and see how happy they will get then. This is outrageous that they are not getting thrown in Jail. The cops and other law officials are a bunch of idiots. Stand up for gods sake and put a stop to this. They are only happy when they can make illegal money. They dont like to do things by the book. We want our land back. Cry me a river. Its 2007 guys. Get over it. The world is modernized now. Why should I have to pay for something someone did so long ago They have a huge break in life that its not right. They dont pay taxes. Their children go to school for free, they get all kinds of government grants that they dont have to pay back at all for business startup. Hell why didnt I get that when I started my construction company. I had to start it on my own. I'm not complaining at all. I wish i could of gotten help from the government. I would of had more time to go and by illegal booze and cigerattes from the indians that the government gives them money to make and I could of bootlegged them and made large cash. Wouldnt life be grand. Get on with your lives. Stop making excuses and silly demonstrations and maybe stand up, get into gov, start companies or whatever. Stop blaming us for you mental and physical laziness.

Edited by eastfisher
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That's Horse CRAP... What the heck??


The natives are abusing their rights... What would happen if a group of regular canadians did the same thing??


THis Bull needs to end and the Gov't needs to come down on them, and come down hard!!

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I believe I likely contributed to the downfall of this thread...for the benefit of everyone we should probably either lock it up or delete it.


My apologies.




Nothing wrong with voicing our opinions. I'm not racist. Infact my brother in law is a native. He has two adorable little girls and he infact agrees with our opinions. He does not like the way they go about doing things. This is the problem with all of us. We are to afraid to stand up.



I to have had enough critizing for one day.


New topic.


I was wondering if anyone has fished Baptiste lake yet this year for bass and if so how did you do.

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I think most people do not understand the situation fully. The lack of inaction from the Government is the reason why they are resorting to such drastic measures (and I disagree with the way they are doing it, but I think they are done waiting on the government for results).


A little stastic that may help you understand their frustration. At the current rate of government efficiency to resolve the land claim disputes. It would take 183 years to clear the backlog. Now you tell me if you would be ok with someone telling you that the house you bought is up for dispute and you can move in only once they settle the outstanding discrepancies...in 183 years.


I am a native myself, and actually I can't fish or hunt anywhere I please (only allowed to in treaty area and I personally follow MNR regs anyway).


Please know your facts before spouting off about things you don't understand.


It is frustrating, but sometimes drastic measures are required to obtain results. Why the government hasn't done anything (choosing to allow this to happen) is beyond my understanding.



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