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it sure was a cold morning.


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Went out with the daughter on another hunt for panfish. Was not expecting -7 this morning. Found lots of bluegill to play with. Some good ones for keeping as well. Nice way to spend the morning.

In the distance one could hear the constant drone of various historical aircraft from the Warplane Heritage Museum. It was easy to make out the Lanc, Herc and Mitchell. Too far off in the distance were a pair of single engine fighters. At least one was American with it's distinctive P&W engine.

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It sounded like we were being invaded today here. It chocked me up a bit. I can tell the sound of the Lanc. but not any others, maybe a Blackhawk chopper, they are distinctive. Can you imagine a few dozen Lancaster's or more of them overhead, I can't. It must have been terrorizing if you were on the wrong side of them.


Frost and fishing for me don't exist any longer unless in a nice warm hut, maybe a heated 35 footer.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Can you imagine a few dozen Lancaster's or more of them overhead, I can't. It must have been terrorizing if you were on the wrong side of them.


I can imagine it. During exercises the paras would come in for a low level jump riding in a trio of Hercs. The ground would shake as they passed overhead.

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I can imagine it. During exercises the paras would come in for a low level jump riding in a trio of Hercs. The ground would shake as they passed overhead.

Wow, that must have been neat to see and feel. When there were real airshows we saw the Blue Angels go overhead, and I mean right above us. Low enough you could see the pilots. It was the day after the T.O. airshow. Being on the lakeshore we see all manner of aircraft fly by. I guess they use the shoreline to navigate.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Wow, that must have been neat to see and feel. When there were real airshows we saw the Blue Angels go overhead, and I mean right above us. Low enough you could see the pilots. It was the day after the T.O. airshow. Being on the lakeshore we see all manner of aircraft fly by. I guess they use the shoreline to navigate.

The aircraft would fly in just above the tree tops to avoid radar and climb to 1000ft just before the jump. Closest I came to doing that was tree top jumping from a Chinook helicopter in the 70's

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