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Ontario to spend $7-billion on sweeping climate change plan


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Was that Planet of the Apes theme music that started of your video? That was a very appropriate choice. :)

Question? How did your self described environmental freak guy graph Co2 levels back 600 million years ago?


They can estimate co2 levels by analyzing actual co2 in ice core samples but that only goes back 800,000 years. https://scholarsandrogues.com/2012/01/28/csfe-co2-in-800000-year-old-air/

That is why the co2 level stops at 800,000 years ago in the graph below. The correlation looks VERY STRONG between atmospheric temps and co2 levels. How does your freak-guy explain that?


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To me the issue is the Ontario government forcing hardships on people far is excess of what they have to. The Paris agreement set targets for emission reductions. All Ontario has to do is meet their share of Canada's targets. They chose to make reductions that FAR exceed what they need to. By a LOT.

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Was that Planet of the Apes theme music that started of your video? That was a very appropriate choice. :)

Question? How did your self described environmental freak guy graph Co2 levels back 600 million years ago?


They can estimate co2 levels by analyzing actual co2 in ice core samples but that only goes back 800,000 years. https://scholarsandrogues.com/2012/01/28/csfe-co2-in-800000-year-old-air/

That is why the co2 level stops at 800,000 years ago in the graph below. The correlation looks VERY STRONG between atmospheric temps and co2 levels. How does your freak-guy explain that?



I did not waste 30 minutes watching that presentation. If you have not watched it but have watched Al Gores movie please watch it. A very good counterpoint. He basically says Co2 is good for our environment but has the science to back it up. There is glaring politics and questionable statements in his talk, just like everyone elses.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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The fanatics at Greenpeace don't seem to be onboard, pay particular attention starting at the 11 minute mark


edit: It appears the earth will get a hell of a lot warmer over the next thousands of years and here we are trying to micro manage the next 100 years for our children and grankids. I can't believe man is so vain that he believe he has control over many factors like solar activity, polar shift and even the earth's orbit, going to happen no matter how much money we throw/waste at it, we are coming out of an ice age , it's going to get warmer DUH :wallbash:


I did not waste 30 minutes watching that presentation. Of course there are glaring red flags both scientifically and politically just like the counterpoint movie by Al Gore. Please watch it.

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Just for you I watched the video....sorry couldn't get past 15 minutes because it insulted my intelligence. His past history is interesting and he is a good counterpoint to Gore. Both cherry pick facts and ignore evidence to give a biased viewpoint.


Do we have to watch misinformation? No...because this is not a balancing of science with valid skepticism...it's just plain propaganda...it's garbage.


I do agree on one point, it's not like much higher levels of Co2 will lead to the end of the planet...it won't.


It's more like we are a bunch of lemmings jumping of a predictable and avoidable population cliff. For those who think the earth's population is to high we going to let the earth shed us of our excesses. It won't be pretty. Some of you are probably looking forward to this like all fundamentalists look forward to that judgement day for the heathens. :)

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Yes a lot of garbage science and propaganda on both sides of the discussion, look hard enough and you can find so called facts to back up just about any position you take. The indisputable fact remains that the earth has relatively just finished coming out of an ice age and whether or not there is human activity on the planet it is going to get warmer due to a lot of forces, most of which we have no control over. Local fossilized remains vividly show us that it was a hell of a lot warmer here than it is now and eventually will probably again. I think trying to micromanage the climate for the brief blip that we and our kids and grand kids are on the planet is an exercise in futility.

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I say Dave, where do you get your facts? That Greenpeace dude said we were in an ice age. You tell us we are coming out of an ice age.

I see where you are coming from...if it's been real cold, it's gotta get warmer due, "to a lot of forces"...and we aint got no control over ANY OF IT so all you treehuggers out there don't even THINK there is a problem or that we need to do something about it!!


Then we come out of the land of narrative and we look at a graph like this one below. The "biblical like" story of the deniers just doesn't match up to reality, ....which is science. Hark, look over here, we are not in an ice age!!! But that would be obvious because I can step out my door and there is not a mile of ice above my head.


Dave, can you see how you have been manipulated to spout slogans that make absolutely no sense!!?




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Well Glen, that's about the best you got. "Mock away" then because there isn't anything else to do when your pet "skeptical" theory has been shot to pieces and you folks just can't give up the narrative in the face of facts.


Sad really.... :(

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Well Glen, that's about the best you got. "Mock away" then because there isn't anything else to do when your pet "skeptical" theory has been shot to pieces and you folks just can't give up the narrative in the face of facts.


Sad really.... :(

Actually , Glens optics on time frame and those who look at the past 20 years of temperature warming are not that different considering these trends take place over millennia with mini trends of a few hundred years along the way.

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For our healthy group of Deniers who believe we are coming out of an Ice Age we had our 13th record all time hottest month in a row in May.


Last month I calculated the odds of 12 months in a row at 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 = 1.6777216 to the exponent 19

...add another X 1/40 :)

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For our healthy group of Deniers who believe we are coming out of an Ice Age we had our 13th record all time hottest month in a row in May.




And just exactly why would it not be getting warmer COMING OUT of an ice age, I believe in global warming , that's indisputable, I just don't believe man is a majour contributor to something that has been going on for centuries. Get ready to break even more records in the future, the poles were ice free eons ago and will be again.

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Ah so then the argument isn't that earth has on average been warming noticeably recently (no matter what the cause)?

No one is still is holding onto totally shot down notions such as we are going through "global cooling" or there has been no noticeable recent change?


That would be progress. :)


...and Glen, if your stance is that global warming most likely is man made, will most likely disrupt the world as we know it in harmful ways to society, and that you don't want anything altered that may cost you even a single penny more ...well then at least your honest about it.

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scuro ........ if you look at the graph you posted in post #383 , it is not a smooth sine curve, it is quite jagged, where the climate has gone against the long term trend for fairly long periods of time, we are warming now, what's to say that in another 100 years our grandkids won't be hoping the ice is off the lakes in Haliburton for trout opener like in my youth.

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Good question Dave. Is the recent warming natural variance or man made?







If you see how closely temp and Co2 concentrations track then looking at the graph above and noting that it goes only 2007 you would guess that global temperatures should go up.





...and in fact they have. Since that first graph that goes only to 2007 Co2 levels have risen from from 383 ppm to 400. You could predict that global average temperatures on average will continue to rise.

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