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My Four day trip to Nippissing

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I finally got to go out after about a month of non-fishing, almost getting cabin fever lol. I don't get the oppurtunity to go to Nippising all that often so it was something that I thoroughly enjoyed. It was nice to get out with my buddy from BPS again along with one of his buddies. The weather was spectacular but the fishing was slow. It was slow for every person at camp. But we managed to salvage the week on Saturday (the last day of the trip) catching numerous walleye and a bunch of big pike(sorry no pics of them). Here are a couple pics.




Ain't Nippising beautiful



The elusive Gar Pike making the whole trip worth while.





Mmm finally some walleye.




A pic of me with a beautiful golden 3 pounder live released to be caught another day.


All in all a beautiful trip and it was nice to get out.

Edited by Fishersquige
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Hey FS. I think I seen you guys around the Bay on Saturday when painting my boathouse. I better put up an OFC sign on my boathouse.Went out Friday afternoon for a fishing trip with the guys in my shop (just played a little hookey for fishing). Took a little bit to locate them but when we did we nailed them good. 25 ft of water on the flats feeding for shad larvae.

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It looks like you got some pretty nice fish there and yes it is very beautiful there! Even though the fishing was slow you were so lucky just to get away for everything instead of being stuck in the city! Way to go!!! :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by fishergirl72
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