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Fishing injury


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There was a significant increase in weight training in the early 70's. There were very few gyms and even less individuals who knew what they were talking about. A strength coach for any sport had not yet been invented. If you looked at a common work out from the 70's you would cringe. You learned how to lift by reading Joe Weiders articles in magazines low reps with massive loads. Now that I'm 60 my joints are bone on bone, there are hairline stress fractures in almost every large joint. Was it from lifting heavy? Maybe. Lifting wrong, most likely.


It wasn't only the 70's that we did things wrong. In the 90's 2 of the worlds best golfers swore by weight training, no one in golf had ever trained their bodies with heavy weights. One was David Duval the second is Tiger Woods, neither are playing today on tour. Neither are 40 yet.

Ill comment on this tomorrow. Its far more complicated

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I have just been diagnosed with tennis elbow, the only repetitive motions I do that could cause it are jigging. Man is it ever painful, makes brushing your teeth or holding a coffee mug difficult.


Anyone else ever have a similar fishing injury?


It can actually last for months.


Had it as well two winters back. Using the hand auger for most of the season didn't help at all. Called it auger elbow but there was plenty jigging going on that ice season too. Last year on Slave with the week of lakers there it crept back and by weeks end was purdy sore on hooksets especially. Your best defense after it goes away is to stretch and work-out your arms and build as much strength as you can in the supporting muscles. Golfing is not your friend...


The joys of getting older. lol.

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As mentioned I get it so bad I cant lift a coffee....I have to go to physio 2-3 times a week for massage, acupuncture and current....have to wear a elbow band all the time now....takes forever to heal as mentio ed..might heal quicker if I quit playing hockey 2 times a week but??? It definitely will heal quicker with treatment other than the peas and ice packs

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I'm sure Yellow has been shown the proper tension on arm bans.


To tight is just as bad as not wearing them. At the thickest point of your forearm just needs to be compressed a little bit. Get your therapist or pharmacist to show how to wear them.


Do all the things above but mostly rest.

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Last spring I buggered up the tendons in the wrist and forearm from all the casting and jigging I was doing. Spent a large part of the later spring and summer wearing a support. Even with the support there were a couple of days of jigging on Biscotasi that were brutal.

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