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Fraser River Fishing - a Salmon - and something else


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Decided rather last minute that while I was out in Vancouver, it might be nice to do some fishing. The debate was do I go Salt - or Fresh? Since the Salmon were starting to run, it sounded like either choice would be good.


Thanks to some help from others on the board - suggestions/tips, I decided to go with Fresh. I was able to book a trip with STS Guides (http://www.guidebc.com) and overall had a great day. It was just myself, my wife (not fishing) and Vic - the owner of the company. As we started off the other guides commented - we had the smallest group (me) and the biggest boat, which was alright with me :angel: .

We entered the Fraser at the small town of Mission - about an hour drive from Downtown Vancouver (if I had followed the directions provided instead of the GPS :tease: ). The day began by picking up dead salmon in the river (for bait) and then some salmon fishing of our own. I was having a hard time getting the feel, but Vic hooked one up and let me bring it in:




Not sure how others feel though - I don't really consider it a catch, unless I catch it start to finish. But at least it was a fish. We tried for a bit longer, in a few other places, but truthfully my heart was not really into to Salmon fishing. I had chosen fresh water for one reason, and one reason only -> Sturgeon.


Vic asked if I wanted to do half and half (i.e. half a day Salmon, and half a day Sturgeon) but I said no - let's go for Sturgeon. So basically after a little less of an hour out of our 8 hour day - we focused the rest on sturgeon, which is where the dead fish came in.


We went to a location called the "Bed Springs" and thus began my entry into an entirely new kind of fishing. To be honest it was not very exciting, in terms of casting/retrieving. Just a big weight at the end of the line, a simple hook halfway up the long leader, and bait - either fish heads, row (in a cheese cloth - great idea) or other parts of the fish. The bite to was also waaaaayyyyyyyyyyy more subtle then I expected. There were little fish that would hit the bait causing the rod to jump - but honestly it was hard to tell the difference. The only difference was the rod would go steadly straight down/up, rather than bouncing up and down - but it was really hard to tell (for me).


After a couple of false alarms - one where I nearly threw my shoulder out setting a hook for a non-existent fish (brain started to imagine things) - it happened.

Vic was speaking with one of the guides at another boat, so was not really watching me at the moment. I watched the rod tip - and while I was not 100% sure, I thought - that looks different, so grabbed the rod - and set the hook - for this beauty:




What a battle. I have never felt the power that a Sturgeon has. It was all I could do to keep pressure on it. It was also pretty cool to see it broach the surface and jump. But I was able to bring it in - start to finish. As Vic said after - I am no longer a Sturgeon Virgin.


The fish was under 5 feet - so we were allowed to bring it into the boat. The gloves - while let's say they are a good idea, as this fish is sharp.


I caught two others the rest of the day - both were just little guys, but still a lot of fun. The bite was a little strange that day, as Vic missed a couple himself. I know I also missed one, due to staring at the rod a little too long on one - and second guessing myself. I think if I ever do it again, I will have a better idea of what to look for.


One of the other boats was the champ for the day however - with a fish measuring 8 foot 9 inches. That one took I would guess an hour to bring in. Boat basically went back and forth across the channel dragging the fish around until it tired out. Nice part of the story was one of the gentlemen who helped bring it in, is disabled from the waist down - but was out fishing in his wheelchair. So while I was disappointed I didn't get to catch it - I was happy for the other boat.


The other thing that was nice was Vic told me after, that all the other boats, had the guides watching the rods, and setting the hooks. They also had 4 rods out, while we were limited to two due to licensing (as he said, our percentages were lower). While he normally watches the rods, etc. he is also not overly pushy, so was letting me give it a try myself (even though I know I missed at least one).


I have a video of the fish (wife took it). If I can figure it out, will post it.

Edited by Tupelo
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Great report.

I've been trying to talk my wife into going to BC too visit her brother in Richmond for years now; but she knows I have ulterior motives that has nothing to do with visiting him. :Gonefishing:

Thanks for the post; great picture of the sturgeon!



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Fantastic! I fished with STS last month and they were great. Glad you got into some fish :)


I was also blown away at how delicate of a feeder sturgeon really are. Our guide explained to my dad and I when to set the hook - ie. When you see the rod actually bow down - otherwise you just rip the bait away from the fish.


I've fished in BC a few times and after each trip, I dream about going back for more. I don't think I could ever get used to the mountains, turquois coloured rivers or the steelhead the size of your leg.LOL


Can't wait to head back myself!

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Added a Video to the Post:




Highlights - Sturgeon broaches, pretty close to beginning. Me grunting..... (well...not really a highlight). I do several things wrong - but a couple right. Video on the Fraser River, at the Bed Springs.

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