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A smoking question,not fish smoking. UPDATE NOV 05 14


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Stay away from the cheap crap. It,s disgusting. Stick with a premium .


I use Liquid EJUICE. Cowboy tabacco.


My fav flavored one is Pandora,s Box. Custard/caramel. And leaves a nice sent..


We have 4 vape stores here. 2 or good,the other are brutal.

Edited by Brian B
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I never heard about Vapping until I read it here. We just yesterday were talking and I said to the guys, all retired, there's so much we don't learn about anymore because of being out of the loop, kids all grown up, grand kids all bus, And technically with whatever work you did and socially as the age range t work was from teen summer student to folks in their 60's. I'm not hip anymore, 5 years ago I knew who Deadmouse was at 55 years old, now I don't know 1 artist in the running for a music video award, I'm so uncool again.


Until I saw the pic above have never even seen one, nothing like I thought, it's huge. I thought it would look like a tipped cigarillo or something. It looks like a breathalyser. I wouldn't use that in public, if I saw that used I would think it's a remote car starter for someone that has to blow for blood alcohol to unlock an auto's ignition.


Question, if someone hasn't had a cigarette for 6 months but still "vapes" have they quit smoking?


Keep up the good work Brian B and all those trying hard.


Someone asked me how the quitting is going and it's going not too bad. I said once you have smoked you never quit, you just don't smoke.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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if you still vaping nicotine , then you are still hooked on that drug

and only total stopping makes you a non smoker....imho


Ok I,ll buy that,but your not sucking in the rest of the other crap. TAR being the big one. Ansd your also not drawing in hot smoke which I was told by my doc, is one of the worse thing about smokes.


Everyone I have asked whats in it, say the same thing.


e-liquids contain Propylene glycol USP (PG), Vegetable Glycerin USP (VG) , Nicotine (pharmaceutical grade),and concentrated food flavorings which are FDA approved for food applications.

Edited by Brian B
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oh yeah a lot less crap going in ya


I think it's a great way to cut down and to quit


every single person has to find the system that works for them to help them quit


i think that's the key everyone's different. whatever works, i say do it


i had no problem 'quitting' with ecigs but my wife not so much, she still feels the need to cheat a couple of times a day but it's still an improvement from a pack a day habit.


i started at 18mg, went to 12 and now i am at 6. if and when i get to zero it'll be time to evaluate whether or not to stop the ecig too


i also started with the evods but quickly found them 'lacking' for lack of a better word -- dont think i could have stayed the course with those. i quickly moved to rebuildable atomizers and i build all the coils myself.


as for the ecigs themselves, they come in all shapes and sizes. the more they look like traditional cigs, the crappier they are -- both in vape quality and battery life. smaller form factor = smaller battery = need to recharge more often.



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  • 3 weeks later...

So here,s an update on whats been going on and some findings.


it,s been an experience and a trial on my patiences to say the lest. For those that quit cold turkey,I hand my hat off to you. The bonus of this whole quiting this as of right now,I have saved a good chunk of change by not spending 10 bux a day. I spend 20 bux for my vape juice for the week, Maybe a few days more. What I do save now, goes into gas for the new truck and a few hunting and fishing treats for met I,m ok with that. I have been down roads that the Avenger would,nt of, so It,s nice to go down those bumpy side trails/hills,with no worries. Happy happy happy.


The one thing I had an issue with the Ecig is, I found myself drawing on the vape more then I would if it were a real cig. I would sit and play a game of poker and just haul on it. Next thing I know,the battery is dead and need to grab my spare and recharge the one I used up. I would get frustrated.



Is this another habit starting?


I came so close to grabbing a pack of smokes a few times,but remembered my promise. Last night was the same crap. My promise is my promise. The lord knows I,m trying my best.



I needed to really think about this. In my mind,it was like ,why did I quit smoking if Im still hauling on the Ecig?


This morning I left the juice sticks on the counter and left without them. I have found that my morning draw has gone.


I was fishing a stretch today and I was like 50 yards down wind from the nearest angler. Can you believe I could smell that cig he was smoking. (Ok, non smokers could to) it was amazing,cause as one that smoked,never thought of that. It didnt make me want one,but it made me think as to WOW.


Later on a friend stopped by to chat and he was smoking away. Oh this is where the smell and the sight of the cig was a test.


I would never, ever, tell someone that they need to put it out. I hate those REBORN DIPS.


We talked for over an hour about fishing and hunting, drinking coffee and he was drawing on his cigs. I found after about the first 15 minutes,it didnt bother me, didnt even notice really. Well i did ,when his cig was close to my hard top. LOL


So I left home this morning at 5:30 AM, returned at 1PM. I didnt feel the need to grab the vape,but I did.



Security???? Not being active??????????? Mind over matter???????????


Not sure why. But Im working on it. that,s all that matters.


That,s how it,s going for me.


I only posted, for those that are wanting to quit and my findings.


Happy fishing

Well done Brian, it is time for me to try again years of inhaling is taking it`s toll...the cough the wheezing spitting up crap every morning. Takes me a good hour or two to start breathing somewhat normally in the morning figure I have to do it now while I still have some lung capacity left!!

The final push for me to try again was a co-worker that was recently diagnosed with lung cancer and watching what he is going through.

Got the Champix start date is December 1st and the target quit date is December 8th...

I tried Champix before and it worked great I was off cigs for almost 2 years but a piling on of personal crap I was dealing with at the time led to a relapse...no excuses this time!!!

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With the e-cig I 'smoke' a lot less, so I don't worry too much about battery life. When I get strong cravings, like with beer, I'll use it a lot, but most of the day I just take a few hits here and there; I still can't get used to using it in public or while working.


Still smoke a few cigs a day, usually if a buddy comes over or if I'm working on a site , but overall it's a huge improvement for me

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